Amal Clooney: Enemy of Democracy

Amal Aremnia headshot

Amal Clooney:  Enemy of Democracy

**NOTE: This is a constant work in progress as more information becomes available about her family and political connections almost daily**

What do we know about Amal Clooney? Yes, the PR dossier claims she is a strong, fierce, independent international “human rights” lawyer who snagged one of the most notorious bachelors of all time.  However, that statement is incredibly misleading depending on language interpretation.  There are a few deductions one can make after connecting the dots between her legal caseload, her family connections and the political figures with whom she aligns.  This  marriage is designed to facilitate a global governing rule of law usually based on Bill Browder’s Magnistky Act enforced by UN “courts”.  This charge is led by mostly the American version of “democrats” from various nations such as George Soros, Vartan Gregorian, Obama, the Clintons and the Blairs via “Islamophobia” & “hate speech”, the “refugee” crisis, and legal cases “led” by Amal Clooney at the ICC that are propagandized by her husband George.  She is not a “poor refugee from Lebanon” who “fights for democracy”.  She is an anti-Israel, anti-west, pro-UN/1% rule from a very wealthy family who makes a fortune from terrorism, war, anti-Semitism and other forms of hate. She is the exact opposite of everything she claims to be publicly.  Amal and her family are not our friends. They are and should be treated as enemies of western democracies.

Amal Ramzi Alamuddin (Alameddine) was born in Beirut, Lebanon in February of 1978. When she was two, they supposedly fled the war torn area and arrived in London, England as “refugees”.  This idea that she is some “poor refugee” from “war torn Lebanon” is a journalistic stretch at best. Was there a civil war? Yes.  Did she come to the UK destitute and work her way up from poverty? All signs point to no. Her family was considered well off in Lebanon: “a government minister and the founder of Lebanon’s airline were among their relatives, and they settled in a comfortable home in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire”. Gerrads Cross, was named the second richest town in England by The Telegraph in 2013,

the year she “met” Clooney.  Consider the high school she attended, Dr. Challoner’s, is a private school where the tuition runs currently as “£4322 for a junior term and £6970 for a senior Term”.  From there she went to St. Hugh’s, an Oxford college, from where she graduated in 2000.  St Hugh’s was sued in 2013 for choosing applicants based on their ability to pay, meaning the school only takes students from wealthy families.  The school did not deny this. It seems Amal has enjoyed the 1% lifestyle afforded to her in the west for most, if not all, of her life.

In 2001, she entered the NYU School of Law where she received the Jack J. Katz Memorial Award for excellence in entertainment law. Eventually, she clerked at the International Court of Justice, which becomes important later where the “Responsibility to Protect” and “Resist the Veto” initiatives promoting eliminating the sovereignty of nations for global rule by the UN are concerned. For one semester while at NYU, she worked as a student law clerk  in the offices of current Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.  Sotomayor appeared before the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, a left-wing group funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute.  In fact, Soros recommended her for SCOTUS.  Accordingly, Sotomayor wrote the foreword for The International Judge whereaccording to an analyst

on the Foreign Policy magazine website, “Sotomayor took what seems to be a positive view toward the construction of international courts and legal institutions.” Her rulings suggest that she “sides with those who believe that foreign case law should at least be considered” especially in cases where rulings can be used to undermine the Constitution most notably those that deal with national sovereignty such as those dealing with “migrants”.  This is probably due to the money George Soros throws at impending immigration rulings to help tilt the result to his liking such as the SCOTUS ruling involving Obama’s illegal executive amnesty:  “Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v Texas,” the memo notes. A “favorable ruling” from the Court would have upheld President Obama’s executive order, a scenario which the organization was preparing for, according to the memo.  No doubt they were expecting a position outcome based on the money spent, the death of Justice Scalia, and the probability that one “moderate” judge would rule in their favor as Roberts did with the unconstitutional Obamacare.

Thus the groundwork would be laid….put Amal on a UN case in US courts, let it work its way to SCOTUS where, once Hillary finished packing the court after her guaranteed win, all pro-UN/anti Constitution cases would fall Amal’s way to set ‘precedent’ for future cases, thus erasing our rule of law, our borders, and our sovereignty. The public would have the outcomes of the cases sanitized for consumption through Hollywood and pop culture items produced by George Clooney and his friends. 

Amal completed her studies in 2002 and passed the New York State Bar the same year. She then worked in corporate law at Sullivan and Cromwell in NYC, specifically on the Enron/Arthur Andersen case. There are many players involved with this case who become very important later during the attempted coup on President Trump.  Special Counsel Robert Mueller was FBI director during the Enron bankruptcy. Current FBI director Christopher Wray and Mueller lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman led the Enron

Task Force while working for former disgraced FBI director James Comey, who was deputy attorney general then.  Sullivan and Cromwell eventually helps with billion dollar sale of George Clooney’s Casamigos tequila in 2017.  Her ties to Spygate, whether professional or personally through her family, are many. 

Amal headed back to the International Court of Justice in 2004. Here she worked under Judge Vladen S. Vereshchetin from Russia, who deals with international “outer space” law based on the 1967 “Outer Space Treaty” which states that no sovereign nation can lay claim to space. It claims to be a “peace treaty” as such; however, it lays out rules for “mineral harvesting” and who can put what weapons in space.  These decisions will be made by the UN.  Think of it as Amal colluded with Russia to undermine American sovereignty in space.  Long before Amal, George Clooney becomes an Omega ambassador. Omega watches are designed for space exploration.  Put them together, and Trump’s “Space Force” eventually becomes problematic.

Also while at the ICJ, Amal worked for Judge Nabil Elaraby from Egypt.  He eventually became the Arab League chief where he urged Arab countries to take a “firm stand’ against Israel’s demand for Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish State.  Elaraby also supported the overthrow of Egypt’s Mubarak in lieu of the Muslim Brotherhood backed Morsi and normalized relations with Iran because, according to him, “Iran is not the enemy.” These are several other themes that run through the cases Amal eventually attaches her name to-defense of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iran deal, and Israeli/Jew hate. 

The following year of 2005, Amal became part of a United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). This tribunal is the first case in which the ICC was used to try a terroristic crime committed against a specific person thus precedent. Not just any person, either, but longtime Alamuddin family friend Rafic Hariri. The tribunal was established to prosecute those responsible for the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister: 

Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri (L) meets 18 October 1996 with US President Bill Clinton at the White House in Washington D.C.. Hariri and Clinton are expected to discuss Middle East peace and the possibility of lifting the US travel ban on Lebanon which blocking trade and investment, vital to the rebuilding of the country. AFP PHOTO JOYCE NALTCHAYAN (Photo credit should read JOYCE NALTCHAYAN/AFP/Getty Images)

“On 13 December 2005, the Government of the Lebanese Republic requested the United Nations to establish a tribunal of an international character to try all those who are alleged responsible for the attack of 14 February 2005 in Beirut that killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 22 others”. Lebanon attempted to push back against this Tribunal. In 2007, the Speaker refused to convene Parliament

to ratify the agreement, so the UN forced its way into the “agreement” via the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1757.  According to the resolution, “the agreement (attached as an annex) would enter into force on June 10, 2007, unless Lebanon informed the United Nations that it complied with the legal requirements for its entry into force before that date. The political stalemate did not resolve itself, and the Agreement therefore came into force on 10 June 2007”. The illusion of choice here:  comply willingly or by force.  The UN forced negation of Lebanese sovereignty setting precedent for future cases. 

The Tribunal’s mandate was initially set for three years, but it was extended by the UN Secretary-General to allow the Tribunal to complete its work. Most recently, in 2015, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon “reaffirmed the commitment of the UN to support the work of the Tribunal to bring those responsible to justice and to ensure that impunity for such major crimes will not be tolerated,” and extended the Tribunal’s mandate until 2018.

Where does it stand now? In order to answer that, a brief background of the politics of this case pre-Trump needs summarizing. Remember the cases Amal takes to the UN-based International Criminal Court (ICC) are never random.  They are always done with cases that are tied to her family as a sort of retribution.  In order to understand how Amal got placed on this committee which is financially supported by Soros, one needs to study her family and their politics.  They are always tied, loosely or not, to her family and the politicians with whom they work to establish precedent for an “international governance” through the UN once national sovereignties are erased through various “social justice” means. Eventually Amal ties all of her cases to Bill Browder’s Magnitsky Act, the same Magnitsky Act used in the attempted coup against President Trump.

Flashback to 2004…Along with Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jamblatt, who attends the Clooney wedding in 2014,  Rafic Hariri stood against what he called Syria’s “occupation” of Lebanon and was a fierce critic of Syrian president Bashar Al Asaad.  Because of this, many Lebanese believed Assad ordered Hariri’s assassination to prevent his election to a third term

preferring to extend the then current term of Lebanese President Emile Lahoud who aligned with Hezbollah and Syria. Jamblatt went so far as to say that Hariri told him of a threat Assad supposedly made: “Lahoud represents me. … If you and (French President Jacques) Chirac want me out of Lebanon, I will destroy Lebanon.” This led to the pro-Hariri caucus to blame Asaad for his murder, inflaming already high political tensions.  As a result, in the months after his murder, massive protests against the Syrian government prompted the Syrian military to finally withdraw. The event has become known as the Cedar Revolution, which has divided Lebanon’s political parties into pro- and anti-Syrian factions that endure to this day.

The assassination resulted in huge anti-Syrian protests by Lebanese citizens in Beirut demanding the resignation of the pro-Syrian government. On February 28, 2005, as over 70,000 people demonstrated in Martyrs Square, Prime Minister Omar Karami and his Cabinet resigned.

The UN eventually came to indict several members of Hezbollah for his murder which, although designated a terrorist organization by many nations including the United States, enjoys a robust position in the Lebanese government. However, Hezbollah’s relationship with Hariri’s son Saad, who was Prime Minister from 2009 until the Arab Spring of 2011, had been labeled as “tenuous” and “simmering” no doubt because of Hezbollah’s close relationship with with Asaad and Iran. There had been an attempt to blame Israel, as there always is, for the assassination, but in the end, the UN indicted several Hezbollah members in absentia which caused the deceased leader’s son grief:   “On Jan. 12, 2011, Hezbollah demanded that Saad Hariri, Rafik’s son and the prime minister of Lebanon at the time, rebuff the tribunal’s efforts. When he refused to hold an emergency cabinet meeting,

Hezbollah’s ministers withdrew from the cabinet and the government collapsed. Lebanon was back on the brink of civil war, and experts were predicting that if indictments were issued, Hezbollah would not hold back.” Several Arab leaders flew into Beirut to calm the situation. It helped, at least for a time. Towing the line against a terrorist organization is not an easy task for anyone.  The threats of retaliation by an internationally recognized terrorist group who are legitimate sector of a governing body that brought forth plans to indict the organization would probably be met with cause for concern of a violent rebuttal….especially when that same organization was found guilty of killing the former prime minister who was the father of the current prime minister.    

To understand how Amal plays into all of this…Syria, Hariri/Lebanon, France/Chirac, Russia and Iran, one must have some background on her incredibly wealthy and politically well connected family that supports, enables and makes big money off terrorism and war.  Let’s start with her “uncle” Ziad Takieddine.  Actually, this term has a broader meaning in

Arabic. Takieddine is in fact Amal’s first cousin once removed and the first cousin of her father. Born in Beruit, son of an ambassador, and a graduate of the American Univeristy in Beruit (which becomes another common theme among many members of Amal’s family), he is a Franco-Lebanese businessman who has been implicated in some of the France’s biggest arms scandals.  All of them can be traced to her cases and/or the attempted coup of President Trump.  According to Mediapart, “Takieddine gained most of his immense wealth from commissions paid to him from French weapons sales, beginning under the government of French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur, in the mid-1990s, and latterly from contracts negotiated by Nicolas Sarkozy’s inner political team, before and after the latter became president.  The thousands of documents to which Mediapart gained access throw a clear light on Takieddine’s relationships with Sarkozy’s team, and the role he played, up until the Arab Spring revolutions in 2011, in France’s rapprochement with the regime of late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi and that of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.”  We must study his dealings in terms of pre/post Trump to follow the political patterns to implement UN globalization. Remember…Libya was Hillary Clinton’s shining foreign policy moment as Obama’s Secretary of State and Syria was one of many intentional foreign policy blunders of Barack Obama.

In July of 1996, when Bill Clinton was President and George Clooney’s movie career was taking off as he enjoyed newfound fame as Dr. Doug Ross on NBC’s ER, French President Jaques Chirac renegotiated an arms deal with Saudi Arabia which was to pay Takieddine 300 millon francs.  The deal, however, was cancelled.  As a result, Takieddine turned to Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri to pay his commission on the frigates, successfully: “These payments, promised in 1994 by the Balladur government but blocked on the instructions of the President of the Republic at the end of 1996, were partially carried out between 1997 and 1998, thanks to the intervention of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri with

Jacques Chirac”.  The Lebanese statesman “saw Chirac and the commitments of France were held”. According to Liberation, “It remains to be seen by which circuit Rafic Hariri was able to recover the money from the commissions. Since the 1980s, Hariri has often been cited among the sponsors of Chirac.” Amal’s “uncle” used the assassinated Hariri to collect his fees when France could not pay.  It is quite coincidental she was put on the tribunal to prosecute those responsible for his murder the following year.

In 2003, the “Saudi Border Guards Development Project”, codenamed “Miksa”, was a contract estimated to be worth 7 billion euros for the supply by French companies of technology and material to ensure the security of Saudi Arabia’s national borders. The contract included the supply of aircraft, helicopters, radars and highly-sophisticated communications systems. In the end, the payments were never made. It was intended that Ziad Takieddine would receive 350 million euros in secret commission payments from the contract. These payments were to be made, under the

authority of Nicolas Sarkozy, then French interior minister, via a company controlled by the interior ministry, called Civipol, joined to a contract between Civipoland and an offshore company based in Gibralter, called Blue Planet Ltd , which is a “sustainability” company that deals with “carbon capturing” with Leonardo DiCaprio as its spokesman.  French President Jacques Chirac derailed the arms deal at the last moment after being informed of an alleged financial set-up it contained for the purpose of funding the political activities of the Sarkozy camp, which rivaled him for control of the conservative UMP party. Did Ziad turn on his one time Hariri affiliated pal to align with Sarkozy? Who knows? Some people will do anything for money. What we do know is that “climate” hysteria is the way the UN plans to confiscate the world’s wealth to be redistributed as they see fit…after they skim their “fair share”. They have been doing it on a smaller scale through Africa for decades. Sarkozy was one of the top French

endorsers of this money laundering scheme. This is why during his re-election campaign he threatened Trump with a “carbon tax” if he followed through with his threat to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.  Trump won; Sarkozy lost.   The US left the accord, paid no “carbon tax” and lowered its carbon footprint. The French elite lost out on gaining forced access to America’s wealth. Remember who and what is involved here in addition to “climate”…protecting borders, arming Saudis, telecommunications…all important during the Trump era.

From Lebanon to Saudi Arabia to Libya…On June 22, 2005, just weeks after Sarkozy’s re-appointment as French interior minister, his Libyan counterpart wrote to congratulate him. In his letter to Sarkozy, Libyan Minister for Public Security, Nasr al-Mabrouk Abdullah, whose official title was Secretary of the Popular Committees and National Security, expressed his “wish to establish a serious cooperation in all the fields of security” and his “will to meet you as quickly as possible, in Paris or Tripoli”. Within months, Takieddine began preparing meetings with the Tripoli regime for the negotiation of commercial contracts. On September 6th 2005, Takieddine sent a “confidential” note to Claude Guéant headed “Visit of the Minister, October 6th 2005” in which he detailed the agenda for Sarkozy’s planned visit to Libya. Apart from political matters to be discussed with the Libyans, on the subjects of terrorism, immigration and the situation in North Africa, progressing with the contracts – systems for border protection, identity cards and passports – was a high priority. Takieddine urged that Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit should be preceded by a preparatory visit by his chief-of-staff Guéant, one which was “of extreme importance”.

On September 22, 2005, Takieddine sent by fax a letter to an official of the Gaddafi regime “confirming the visit, planned for September 30th, of three directors of the French defense electronics and communications systems company Sagem. The object of their visit was to sell to the Libyans a system for making passports and biometric identity cards”, a contract that was to be engaged “under the supervision of the French Minister of the Interior”, Nicolas Sarkozy. On the same day, Takieddine sent a note to Claude Guéant organizing the latter’s imminent visit to Libya in preparation for an official visit by Nicolas Sarkozy. On the agenda were a series of arms contracts, which would in theory normally be managed by the French defense ministry and not by the Ministry of the Interior, then headed by Sarkozy.

The Takieddine led negotiations between Libya and France continued in 2006. In April, Takieddine introduced the French electronics firm i2e, which specialized in electronic warfare technology, to the Gaddafi’s regime. The aim was to sell the Libyans a communications encryption system. The documents prepared for the Libyans by i2e “boasted of the firm’s ability to counter-act the covert US-led global surveillance and communications interception system, Echelon”. In this deal, Takieddine received two commission payments from i2e between 2007 and 2008. One, to the value of 2.4 million euros was paid to the arms dealer’s holding company Como, and the other, to the value of 2.07 million euros, was paid to another of his companies, Tristar, amounting to a total of almost 4.5 million euros. The commissions were paid despite the fact that such payments had become illegal in France as of the year 2000. Remember all of this when regime change in Libya becomes the staple of Obama/Clinton foreign policy, especially Benghazi.

While France sought the favor of the Libyan regime of Colonel Gaddafi, with the aim of winning numerous commercial contracts, Nicolas Sarkozy’s team did all it could, through the mediating services of Takieddine, to give a favorable response to one of Gaddafi’s first demands. This was to put “an end to the judicial consequences of a life imprisonment sentence pronounced by a French court in 1999 against Gaddafi’s brother-in-law and security chief, Abdullah Senussi, for his part in the 1989 bombing of a French UTA airline passenger plane over Niger, in which 170 people lost their lives”. Following the in absentia sentence, an international arrest warrant was issued against Senussi. Lawyer Thierry Herzog, a personal friend of Sarkozy’s and subsequently his legal counsel after the latter became president, was contacted by a Libyan law firm to assess Abdullah Senussi’s chances of appealing his conviction in absentia for the 1989 UTA airliner bombing. The possibility of a visit by Herzog to Tripoli, for which “all travel expenses would be covered” by the Libyan regime, is also mentioned in the letter addressed to him by Senussi’s Libyan lawyer Azza Maghur. The correspondence followed a meeting held just days earlier when Maghur asked Herzog “how the amended rules on in absentia trials (under the French ‘Perben II’ law of 2004) might change the situation for the six Libyans, including Senussi, found guilty and sentenced for the bombing”.  This, however, is not all of the terror with which Senussi & Takieddine are affiliated.

In 2006, “Six foreign health (Bulgarian) workers jailed in Libya for years on charges of deliberately infecting children with the AIDS virus were convicted and sentenced to death”.  Gadhafi, who had been trying to refashion his image in the west, had his government ask Bulgaria to pay compensation to the children’s families.  Sofia rejected the idea as indication of an admission of the nurses’ guilt.  In 2007, the verdicts were overturned. A spokesman for the Libyan children’s families, Idriss Lagha, said that the families had withdrawn their demand for execution after receiving compensation payments, and the six accused “committed, in writing, not to pursue the Libyan state for the eight years they have spent in prison.” Amal’s uncle was at the center of these secret negotiations between the Gaddafi regime and the newly-elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s chief-of-staff, Claude Guéant, who “sought Takieddine’s corrections and validation of two letters prepared by Guéant regarding the return of the nurses to Bulgaria which Takieddine was to pass on to the Libyan dictator’s son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi”.  Takieddine recounted the results of his meeting with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Senussi, husband of Qaddafi’s sister in law and his intelligence chief, as the aim of the talks was to “obtain agreement from the Libyan regime on the plan mapped out by US law firm Patton Boggs for the payment of indemnities to the families of the children allegedly infected with HIV by the Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian medic.”  Patton Boggs eventually enters into a “strategic relationship with Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump‘s personal attorney, in 2017. Squire Patton Boggs paid Cohen a retainer and allowed him to use the firm’s office in exchange for helping the firm to land lobbying clients. The firm terminated its relationship with Cohen in March 2018, and its New York office was raided by the FBI shortly thereafter as part of an investigation of Cohen’s business dealings”. 

On July 24, 2007, President  Sarkozy officially announced that French and European representatives had obtained the extradition of the prisoners, including the Palestinian doctor, who had been granted Bulgarian citizenship a month earlier. They left Libya on a French government plane, with the EU’s external affairs commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the former wife of the French President, Cécilia Sarkozy. The nurses were eventually pardoned by the President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov who in 2002, with Ilia Pavlov, president of MG (Multigroup) Corporation, “visited

the exposition of the transnational companies. Representatives of the biggest firms took part in the international forum “Globalization and Sustainable Development’.” Multigroup was at one time investigated by Christopher Steele of the Trump/Russia dossier.  Before developing the material on Trump, Steele was hired to “investigate former European Commission Vice President Kristalina Georgieva, said. Steele’s work occurred while Georgieva was a candidate for U.N. secretary-general. Steele was specifically tasked with investigating her alleged links to a Bulgarian organized crime group known as Multigroup, a shady business empire run by Iliya Pavlov who was assassinated in Sofia in 2003.  As random as this seems, there is one more item worth mentioning here.  In 2014, Amal officiated the wedding of her cousin Tarek Miknas to Ilya Pavolv’s daughter.

7/14/14 Florence, Italy – George Clooney and his fiancé Amal Alamuddin attend her cousin, Ventzi Pavlova’s wedding at Villa Mangiacane Srl in Italy, where the future Mrs. Clooney served as the bride and groom’s officiant. Amal looked gorgeous in a long purple dress and George looked handsome in a suit. Credit: Steve Ginsburg Maria Buda

Already noted are Amal’s uncle’s ties to Sarkozy, Qaddafi, and Pavlov.  Amal Clooney, the “human rights” attorney, eventually takes her uncle’s pals, Saif Qaddafi and Abdullah Senussi, on as clients.  Senussi and Saif were accused of crimes against humanity not only through plane bombs and infecting children with HIV but also during the Arab Spring uprising that toppled Gaddafi in 2011. The Arab Spring was a cornerstone of Barack Obama’s foreign policy which relied heavily on the Responsibility to Protect. Libya and the overthrowing of Qaddafi (“We came, we saw, he died” cackled Mrs. Clinton) was the crown jewel of “international diplomacy” during Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.  Is there not a conflict of interest when Amal Clooney goes on to marry a big Obama/Clinton supporter and then with them fundraise tens of millions of dollars for Clinton while representing two terrorists on trial for crimes they committed while defending a dictator Clinton and Obama declared needed to be overthrown? Wouldn’t this mean Amal is defending those who fought against our troops/country?  What does that say about Obama and Clinton’s loyalties?  Additionally, not only was Senussi accused of complicity in the Abu Salim prison massacre of more than 1,200 inmates by Gadhafi’s regime in 1996 and another airplane bombing in 1989, but he was also accused of complicity in the 1998 bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Later on, Scotland presents a “humanitarian” award to Amal Clooney, even though she defended a man accused of being an accomplice to the Lockerbie bombing, via the corrupt Postcode Lottery, which appeared to direct it’s “donations” to the Clooney Foundation for “Justice” and

away from the Clinton Foundation to apparently avoid a “conflict of interest” when she won her rigged election. By the way, the FBI director who oversaw the Lockerbie bombing? Robert Mueller of the Trump/Russia Special Council. He also prosecuted the Enron case, the same one on which Amal worked when she graduated law school and went to work for Sullivan and Cromwell. Whole lot of coincidences here.

In addition to the scandals already mentioned, Takieddine was, according to Etienne Rouillon of Vice News, “an alleged middleman in the Karachi affair, a series of kickbacks connected to submarine contracts between France and Pakistan. The contracts allegedly financed the 1995 presidential campaign of former Prime Minister Édouard Balladur. Sarkozy was budget minister and Balladur’s spokesman at the time of the Karachi affair, and was investigated for his role in the affair.  Who else was involved in the Karachi Affair? Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who comes to be the central focus of Mueller’s witch hunt in the attempted coup against President Trump.

Elsie Arfi, an advocate of Takieddine’s, described him as “a businessman leaving behind numerous traces of unofficial dealings between France and Libya…What we discovered is that the man we thought was tied to one era and one scandal — the Balladur era and the Karachi scandal — became more and more professional as time went on,” Arfi said. “From the mid ’90s to the Sarkozy presidential election, he became the common thread [through all the scandals] that exposed the dark side of Sarkozyism…Mr. Takieddine was supposed to receive 350 million euros in secret commission fees,” Arfi told VICE News. “But Chirac stopped the deal from going ahead, prompting the need for a new business El Dorado… which turned out to be Libya”.  Telling considering the current state of Libya in the midst of civil war where slaves are sold in the open market.  Then there is eventually Benghazi. According to Mediapart, members of the Chirac administration — including Sarkozy’s team — helped Takieddine “win contracts with the Libyan regime,” then under the control of Qaddafi. In addition, Takieddine had an alleged role in a reported transfer of 50 million euros from former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s regime to French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign. 

However, in March of 2011, as Sarkozy was spearheading an international campaign to impose a no-fly zone over uprising-hit Libya, backed by President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as facilitated by the UN’s R2P, Gaddafi’s eldest son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi told Euronews TV that his father had indeed financed Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign. “He’s disappointed us,” said Amal Clooney’s eventual client Saif al-Islam Gaddafi before declaring, “Give us back our money.”

Flash forward to 2016 where there is now verification that the “document in which Libyan leader (Qaddafi) pledges to donate £42million to bring former French President (Sarkozy) to power is genuine meaning claims that the 61-year-old former president of France was in the pay of the former Libyan dictator, and then turned against him during the Arab Spring revolution of 2011”. Amal’s uncle, Ziad Takeddine, was the go-between France and Libya negotiating these deals.  This revelation has huge significance, especially in Britain, because “it was the RAF who assisted the French airforce in bombing Gaddafi’s dictatorship into oblivion…. Prime Minister David Cameron has always claimed the UK went to war against Gaddafi for purely humanitarian reasons”.  Turns out they did not as this development suggests Mr. Sarkozy may have wanted Gaddafi killed in 2011 because he feared evidence of their ‘financial arrangement’ being made public.  Remember the Clooneys support the “Responsibility to Protect” Act which allowed the UN to overthrow Qaddafi as the “humanitarian” crisis Cameron and Sarkozy claimed it was. Surely they knew nothing of this war for political gain agreement in which her uncle was a major player? 

This has, of course, resulted in disaster for the country, Benghazi and the rise of ISIS.  In addition, the recently released final report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi reveals that not only did Obama and Hillary support taking out Gaddafi, they sent no one to help our guys when a pre-planned Al Qaeda attack on our embassy resulted in the death of four Americans in Benghazi.  Know who did attempt to help them? Gaddafi loyalists. Yes, those loyal to the guy the Obama admin deposed still managed to find a sense of humanity to help Americans under attack by terrorists.  Amal’s uncle brokered the arms deal that lead to it, meaning he is partially responsible for not only aiding the rise of ISIS but making money off it. The politicians Amal and George publicly supported and for whom they fundraised tens of millions of dollars enabled it all.  The Clooneys and their handlers/political partners are warmongers for financial and political gain as ‘humanitarians”.

Another area where Takieddine and France worked that comes to represent a lot for Amal after she marries? Syria.  In January 2008, Takieddine also took on the role of unofficial spokesman for Sarkozy in Syria. In a report on his meeting held with Syrian officials during a visit to Damascus on January 1, 2008, Takieddine wrote that “the object of his visit could be ‘summed up’ as intending ‘to signify to Syrian officials the bitterness of President Sarkozy regarding the failure of successive initiatives begun by France. This bitterness is as strong as the hopes and confidence the President had had in Syria’s credibility’.”  His report made clear that Takieddine spoke in Sarkozy’s name: “President Sarkozy would like there to be no ambiguity. He absolutely wants a President of the Republic of Lebanon to be elected. He would like to elect [sic] a consensual President chosen by all the Lebanese. He also hopes that this President of the Republic could be a man of stature and a man without animosity towards Syria, who would be approved by the Syrians and their allies.” He then commented: “This is the position of France”. Lebanon = Hariri. France = Sarkozy. Hariri + Sarkozy = Ziad Takieddine = Amal Clooney (Special Tribunal for Lebanon + Saif Gaddafi + Senussi).  All of these roads lead to Syria and Asaad. It has nothing to do with his “human rights” record and everything to do with the oil/minerals in his country.

In a report dated February 12, 2008, entitled “The Substance”, Takieddine presented the French presidency with a plan to give Syria an image of respectability. He wrote: “The latest statements have created a situation which leads to believe that there is an ambiguity about France’s position, notably through the repeated interventions of the [French] Minister of Foreign Affairs [Bernard Kouchner-co-founder of “Doctors Without Borders, big supporter of regime change in Syria, eventually named to Clooney’s Aurora Prize selection committee] which could be subject to interpretations that put in doubt the moves made with Syria”. Among the “plans of action” relayed by Takieddine were an “agreement with France, on a proposition by France, for the supply of civil nuclear energy/AREVA” and a Franco-Syrian agreement to “have Hamas enter into the negotiations with Israel”.  Hamas is also a terrorist group that works primarily against Israel.  Regardless, Amal’s uncle has vested interests in Syrian minerals/resources. This is what they do…regime change/war to harvest natural resources and then push the resulting “refugees” on the west.

In a non-dated report which followed the election of Michel Suleiman as president of Lebanon in May 2008, Takieddine detailed Syria’s diplomatic aims. “Syria would like France, after a long absence, to enter the region through the front door,” he wrote. “The confidence of President Assad is total”, Takieddine continued, “given the quality, the dynamism and the will of President Sarkozy to assume this role for France. He will find in Syria an effective partner playing its role as a very important actor in the region.” As with Libya, France was pro Assad before he was against him.  On May 30, 2008, Takieddine prepared a “confidential” report entitled “Telephone conversation”, which summarized a phone discussion between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Syrian counterpart, President Bashar al-Assad. Clearly, Takieddine was either personally present during the conversation or was closely informed of what was discussed. Takieddine noted: “The French President underlined the will of France to set up projects in various economic areas”, notably those of “aviation” and “oil” especially through Total Energy, a major financial recipient of Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal.

As the attempted coup against President Trump unfolds, one common theme among all those involved in his take down is Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal of which Total Energy is a major player.  Total S.A. is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company that has its head office in the Tour Total in La Défense district in Courbevoie, west of Paris. Most recently, Total, along with China’s state-run China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), signed a deal with Iran for almost $5 billion.  This also gave the Obama administration an ally to help force the Trump admin to stay in the deal.  Total’s deal “will likely give France and China negotiating power to pressure the Trump administration to leave the Iran nuclear deal intact.” By August of 2018, President Trump had withdrawn the US from the deal and reinstated crippling sanctions. As such, Total abandoned the deal.  Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who authored the majority of the deal, has been criticized for meeting with Iranian officials to discuss “waiting Trump out” in order to reinstate the deal.  This deal provides billions in oil money to Obama’s pals, Amal’s family, China and Russia.  Communists. The Mullahs.  Our enemies.  This is with whom the Clooney’s align.  George must have been aware of Amal’s family’s association with these types as their dealings with Total go back years before the Iran Nuclear Deal, though, in Syria as noted. 

The Clooneys come to have a vested “humanitarian” interest in Syria and its “refugees” later.  However, those “interests” developed long before they were together.  Regime change in Syria is a cornerstone of the Clooney marriage. It protects her family’s financial interests as Amal’s uncle Ziad was a mediator between France and Asaad’s regime on resource deals with Total.  On September 12, 2008, just eight days after a trip by President Nicolas Sarkozy to Syria, Ziad Takieddine received a proposition from Hany M. Sala’am, chairman and CEO of Lebanon-based company Gulf Regal Corporation proposing that “joint activities with Total, whether done by either of us directly, or through companies that we individually own or control, shall be divided equally on a 50/50 basis between us.” On November 24, 2008, Total CEO Christophe de Margerie wrote to Hani M. Salaam, beginning with a hand-written “Dear Hani”, to propose a wide partnership in activities with Syria. A copy of the letter, written in English, was sent to Ziad Takieddine by a Total official on November 26, 2008. It should be noted here that Hani Salaam’s father Muhammad Salaam in partnership with his paternal uncle Saeb Salaam founded Middle Eastern Airlines in 1948. The company’s first chairman? Amal’s grandfather’s first cousin, “The Flying Sheik”, Najib Alamuddin.

On June 15, 2008, President Sarkozy’s chief-of-staff Claude Guéant travelled to Damascus to meet with President Bashar al-Assad. The day after, Takieddine held talks with Syrian foreign affairs minister Walid al-Moallem. In a note addressed to Guéant, dated June 16th, the arms dealer wrote: “Your visit and the meetings held in Damsacus, yesterday, have been very productive and constructive. They constitute an essential step in the Franco-Syrian rapprochement.” It continued: “My interlocutor particularly wanted to inform me of their determination to develop bilateral relations between France and Syria, and this in every domain.” Takieddine also mentioned the Syrian dictator’s praise for Guéant. “My interlocutor particularly wanted to confirm the excellent impression that Monsieur Claude Guéant continues to give to President Assad, as well as to himself.

Claude Gueant, secretary general of French Pres Sarkozy’s office, meets with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem (R) in Damascus on June 15, 2008.

They consider him as an exceptional man and it is he who will assure relations at a very top level.”  On July 7, 2008, one week before President Bashar al-Assad’s ceremonious official visit to Paris, Takieddine travelled to Damascus to meet with the Syrian dictator in person. The message he transmitted was, according to his own notes, to make clear that the invitation to Assad was “on France’s part an attempt to bring Syria back to the Western and democratic ‘cradle’”. He underlined that, in return, “the Syrian head of state needs a relationship of personal confidence with the French President”. Takieddine noted that the Syrian dictator told him that “in the same way that the French President is concerned about the perception that French public opinion will have of the Syrian President’s visit to France, Arab opinion also watches with much attention what will result from the visit”. Amal’s uncle was a major player in normalizing western relations with “human rights violator” Asaad. Asaad who Amal eventually claims to want to take to the Hague for “war crimes”…enabled by her uncle?

Immediately after an official visit to France by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in July 2008, Takieddine travelled to Damascus the following month to prepare the ground for a visit to Syria by French President Nicolas Sarkozy in September 2008. On his return to Paris, Takieddine wrote a confidential report, dated August 18th, on his meeting with Assad. “President Bachar al-Assad and Monsieur Wallid al-Moallem particularly wanted to transmit a message of thanks and friendship to President Nicolas Sarkozy, and also to Monsieur Claude Guéant, for the welcome and also the atmosphere of confidence in the manner in which the subjects had been approached, which allowed this visit the sparkle that particularly touched President Assad,” wrote Takieddine. “President Assad believes that a new page in relations between Syria and France has now been opened,” Takieddine continued. “He believes that this involves strong actions from both sides.” It’s important to understand Amal’s Uncle’s role as intermediary between Libya and Syria through France as well as being one of the biggest arms dealers to the Middle East because it completely contradicts her supposed “human rights” agenda in Syria and with ISIS later which she will eventually attempt to take to court…in France.

It’s not just Asaad, Syria, Lebanon and Libya where Amal’s family was involved in events that tie to today’s anti-Trump “resistance”.   They also tie to Spygate.  Take the Karachi Affair. In the mid 1990’s, Pakistan was looking to upgrade its submarine fleet.  In the end, France’s state-owned manufacturer won the contract, and Lebanese arms dealer Abdul Rahman Al Assir, one time brother in law of Adnan Khashoggi who was the uncle of Jamal Kahashoggi and Princess Diana pal Dodi Fayed, was added as an intermediary at the last minute.

An ensuing scandal that is still unfolding, some 20 years later, “would entangle both Al Assir and Manafort. It entailed alleged kickbacks into the 1995 presidential campaign of Édouard Balladur, apparently arranged by the French defense minister. Al Assir seems to have been a key conduit of the kickbacks.” Years later, in 2002, a car bomb went off in Karachi, killing 11 French naval engineers in transit to the shipyard where the submarines were being assembled, along with three Pakistanis. One theory holds that the bombing was orchestrated by Pakistani officials who were disgruntled that the bribes promised to them as part of the deal had never arrived. Also involved was Ziad Takieddine, who has since been charged with corruption on commissions he allegedly received from the Kararchi Affair

Flash forward to 2019.  Amal Clooney thinks she took Trump to task at the UN as a “murderer of journalists” after the death of Jamal Khashoggi, whose uncle not only worked with Amal’s uncle but who wrote a weekly column for Al Hayet in London for which Amal’s mother, Baria Alamuddin, is the foreign editor.  Pro open borders/anti gun George Clooney is running defense for Princess Diana’s daughter in law, Hollywood actress Meghan Markle. Paul Manafort is currently in solitary confinement at Rikers Island for process crimes affiliated with the Ukraine in an attempted coup against President Trump.  Know who else is at the heart of the corruption in the Ukraine with Paul Manafort? Amal Clooney who was brought in to “represent” Yulia Tymonshenko.  There are just way too many coincidences between Amal, her family, and the attempted takedown of the sitting US President. 

In addition to family retribution, Washington planned on using the STL against the opposition in Lebanon and also against Assad in Syria for regime change(via the “Responsibility to Protect”) or voluntary subordination(via “Restrain the Veto”)  by the Syrian regime.”).  Although it will beis presented as “humanitarian” to protect the “human rights” of the innocent civilians, that is notnever the case. If it were, these same people would use their public platforms to call out ISIS andradical Islam nd those responsible for the murder of thousands of other Lebanese over time. Instead Baria, Alamuddin, Amal’s mother who worked for many years for the Qatar based, Hamas funded Al Jazeera network, was on Frost Over the World in June of 2007 , “,“to offer her opinion on the (Lebanon) tribunal and whether it will offer closure for the Lebanese, and possibly vindication for Syria, or whether a decision taken by an outside force rather than an internal consensus could just result in more problems for Lebanon.” No mention that her legal eagle daughter was part of that tribunal for which she advocated her own version of the “responsibility to protect” via “outside force”.


What Amal did from 2005-2010 is almost a mystery. No professional or personal information of great significance appears to be had; however, we can trace events leading to her current push as a pop culture icon to cover her politics during this time. 2008 was an important year personally where Clooney was concerned.  In August, talks began to have Clooney star in Up in the Air.  Daniel Dubiecki was a producer of this movie.  He is married to Lara

Alameddine.  Yes she is related to Amal. No one knows when Clooney actually met Amal. The PR love story narrative says October of 2013.  He knew of her family long before that, though.  Amal’s other cousin, Raya Meddine (she shortened the name professionally and also sometimes goes by Alamuddin) joined “The Young and the Restless” in this year, too.  There were at least two members of  Amal’s family in Hollywood this year—Obama’s election year—and one of their husbands worked closely with Clooney. Not only that, Rana was at their wedding. There were candid shots

of friends/family on her Twitter feed that have since been removed. Might be a stretch, but this was also about the time that George met Huma Abedin.  Stan Rosenfeld confirmed they met but denied they dated. Either way, she found herself in a whirlwind engagement and marriage to a politically connected individual in pedophile Anthony Weiner.  This couple’s story would come to eerily resemble the Clooneys later.  Who knows…maybe George was her first pick?


Professionally during this time period, in 2006, Julian Assange, who she will later represent, established WikiLeaks, George Soros started the press for regime change in Turkey, Jared Cohen, a future co-worker, published One Hundred Days of Silence: America and the Rwanda Genocide, and the Muslim Public Affairs announced Syrianna would receive its 15th Annual Media Award for its positive portrayal of Muslims. In addition, her Uncle Ziad arranged for Libyan President Gaddafi to visit France as Ziad was “in charge of arrangements” where French President Nicolas Sarkozy received $42 million from Gaddafi for his 2007 re-election.  All of this plays out with her later when she goes from playing at lawyering for her chamber, to the globalists and the UN using her and Clooney for publicity purposes to push for public pressure for cases to fall their way.

In 2010, Alamuddin emerged in London to work as a barrister for Doughty Street Chambers.  By this time she did not have any wins under her belt nor led any cases; however, she “assisted” on many of them.  At some point, she worked at the Soros sponsored International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, another area he helped to balkanize with Amal’s indirect

help:  “(Soros) spent up to $100 million on activists campaigning against the president of Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic. After NATO’s ‘victory’, Soros gave money to the United Nations’ new International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and paid for training for its judges and prosecutor. He also paid two American law faculties to help the prosecutor find evidence against Serbia’s suspected war criminals — and Milosevic.” Unfortunately, long after Milosevic died, in March of 2016, this same Tribunal exonerated him:

“Milosevic, the tribunal ruled in late March, wanted to prevent the breakup of Yugoslavia, and while he initially supported Bosnian Serb leaders to that end, there is no evidence he was part of a ‘joint criminal enterprise’ to victimize Muslims and Croats.

Based on the evidence before the Chamber regarding the diverging interests that emerged between the Bosnian Serb and Serbian leaderships during the conflict and in particular Milosevic’s repeated criticism and disapproval of the policies and decisions made by … the Bosnian Serb leadership, the Chamber is not satisfied that there was sufficient evidence presented in this case to find that Slobodan Milosevic agreed with the common plan” to forcibly remove Muslims and Croats from territory claimed by Bosnian Serbs.

Indeed, Milosevic ‘openly criticized Bosnian Serb leaders … (for) committing ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘ethnic cleansing.’ ‘ No doubt, Milosevic would have appreciated those words. Only he wasn’t around to hear them. After losing power in 2001, a new pro-Western Serbian government turned him over to the ICTY. Then Canadian Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour, acting as tribunal prosecutor at the time, indicted him as a war criminal. He spent five years locked up, only to die of heart failure in 2006 in the midst of his trial.”

As long as the regime Soros wants overthrown comes to fruition, it matters not who is unfairly blamed or if democracy suffers. The Clooneys prove over time to be right in line with this anti-democracy thinking.  Perhaps that is why many of the other cases on which she “assisted” during this time were tied to either her family, Soros/the globalists, or both and found her defending human rights violators, not the “human rights” of the actual poor and downtrodden, as a cover for regime change.

One such human rights violator was Saif-al-Islam Gaddafi who “was negotiating with the United States in order to conclude a comprehensive agreement making any further payments for American victims of terror attacks that have been blamed on Libya – such as the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing, the 1988 Lockerbie bombing and the 1989 UTA Flight 772 bombing – conditional upon U.S. payment of compensation for the 40 Libyans killed and 220 injured in the 1986 United States bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi”. On 14 August 2008, the U.S.-Libya Comprehensive Claims Settlement Agreement was signed in Tripoli.  However, in a BBC TV interview,  Gaddafi said that “Libya had admitted responsibility (but not “guilt”) for the Lockerbie bombing. He further admitted that Libya was

being “hypocritical” and was “playing on words”, but Libya had no other choice on the matter. According to Gaddafi, a letter admitting “responsibility” was the only way to end the economic sanctions imposed on Libya. When asked about the $10m (£5.3m) compensation that Libya was paying to each victim’s family, he again repeated that Libya was doing so because it had no other choice. He went on to describe the families of the Lockerbie victims as “trading with the blood of their sons and daughters” and being very “greedy”. “They were asking for more money and more money and more money”.  Speaking of greedy, this guy is the son of a wealthy dictator, but the British taxpayer is footing his defense bill for his attorney, John Jones, the male equivalent of Amal Clooney at Dougherty Street Chambers.  In fact, he worked on many of the same cases to which her name was attached including Saif Qaddafi, Julian Assange and Mustafa Badreddine, accused of killing Lebanon’s prime minister Rafik Hariri in 2005.  However, in September of 2015 Jones “withdrew from representing the defendant”.  Six months later, in April 2016 John Jones “committed suicide”, in May, Badreddine, a key Assad ally and enemy of the U.S. and Israel, was killed in an explosion in Damascus, and two months after that, in July 2016, Saif Qaddafi, Lockerbie bomber terrorist and

intentional killer of many innocent women and children, was not only spared the death penalty; he was released after a plea from Amal Clooney. And then Assange starting releasing leaks about Hillary.  More on that later…. All of this coincidental, surely….


Then there is Gaddafi’s partner, Abdullah Senussi.  According to The Guardian newspaper, “Senussi had a reputation for brutality since the 1970s. During the 1980s he was head of internal security in Libya, at a time when many opponents of Gaddafi were killed.” There is no doubt that he was part of Gaddafi’s regime, and accused of human rights violations and terror. The 62-year-old’s past history includes a suspected involvement in the Abu Selim prison massacre. And in the Telegraph, “Most notorious for Libyans is the allegation that he gave the order for the massacre of 1,200 political inmates in Abu Salim prison in 1996. His notoriety has spread to

Europe. For Britain, he will long be remembered for his involvement in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing in which 270 people were killed. The French will remember him for his role in masterminding the bombing of a French airliner over Niger in 1989 in which 170 people were killed. That led to a 1999 case in which he was convicted in absentia in France. He has been unable to travel abroad freely since then. His council says this conviction is a violation of his human rights and has asked for a trial in the Hague.” Amal Clooney is currently representing this terrorist with ties to her uncle, claiming his “human rights” are being violated.  The “human rights” of those who terrorized, including the 270 innocent lives lost, including children, in the Lockerbie bombing? The west deserved it.


Who else is Amal affiliated with professionally pre-Clooney whose “humanitarian” actions are questionable at best?  King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain where the ruling family’s hold on the judicial process has “increasingly taken a turn for the worse, with no end in sight for the prosecution of high-profile government critics, a curtailing of the right to any meaningful form of protest or assembly and an escalating human rights abuse record, which includes rampant, unabated torture”, according to Human Rights Watch. These “human rights” concerns halted a pay for play arms deal between the Crown Prince of Bahrain and Hillary Clinton’s State

Clinton Bahrain

Department in 2011 which started after a meeting in 2009 when Clinton’s State Department ‘significantly increased arms export authorizations to the country’s autocratic government, even as that nation moved to crush pro-democracy protests,’ the International Business Times reports.  Throughout her tenure as secretary, Clinton’s State Department gave the green light to sell $630 million worth of arms to Bahrain’s military — a huge increase from $219 million worth of weapons the United States sold to the country between 2006-2008.  The increase coincided with the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011…”  Funny. 2011 is when the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry was established. Know who was on that? Amal Alamuddin.  This commission was basically a front to pretend that the human rights abuses of the Baharain were being investigated  to make Obama and Hillary look like they cared and to cover up their arms dealing which countered their public stance of peace.  After one year, ““Bahrain deservedly got a lot of credit for appointing an independent body to assess the government’s violations, but a year later, authorities have still not carried out the key recommendations,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “In fact, in many ways Bahrain’s human rights situation has only deteriorated since the king accepted the commission’s findings and recommendations.”  2018. Nothing has changed.

One such recently released individual who suffered two years of solitary confinement in dire conditions in Bahrain and faces routine prison mistreatment for his verbal crimes is human rights activist Nabeel Rajab.

He appeared on the RT-sponsored Julian Assange interview show in 2012 to share how he had been “kept naked in his cell with a dead animal for company.  He hoped for some changes to occur, but instead believes the absolute opposite has occurred during his imprisonment.” Yes this is the same Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, who was represented by Amal Clooney.  It is quite coincidental that many of the “pay to play” activities of the Clinton Foundation, for whom George shilled, tie to Amal’s “career”.

Enter George

“Defender of terrorists, human rights violators, and people who hate the west” obviously could not be used to sell Amal to the masses, so in August of 2013, she appeared on the pop culture scene as Britain’s “hottest woman barrister”. Based on what criteria is a mystery due to a lack of any professional accomplishments and what anyone knew of her at the time; however, it pushed her into the mainstream, and the terms “hottest barrister” and “human rights attorney” became her two PR tags.  The Clooney PR story stated that just after this announcement, George met Amal and pursued her with a vengeance.  It is worth noting that the PR story has changed numerous times.


However, the PR timeline of the“greatest love story of all time” do not match what appears to be reality. In 2014, the line was “George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin met – reportedly through a mutual friend – at a charity fundraiser.”  The initial story about when she first met his parents was “Amal was introduced to them at the White House screening of The Monuments Men in February (2014). “They were blown away by her,” says a friend.”  By 2017, the story had completely changed.  Nick Clooney said they first met her in 2013 at a ” “dinner gathering with mutual friends in 2013″ at George’s Lake Como mansion.  Nick said, “Nina [Clooney’s mother] and I were actually the ones who answered the door when Amal came in. She introduced herself to us and we talked. She was obviously very charming, gorgeous and so clearly accomplished, but by the time we had supper that night, it was clear there was a kindness to her and an inclusiveness.”  By the time George appeared on David Letterman’s Netflix showMy Next Guest Needs No Introduction in 2018, his friend called to ask if he could bring Amal over and then, for some reason, his agent called him to talk about it. 

It has been noted that Clooney knew of her family long before this time. Initially it was reported that the two had dinner in May of 2013 in London, but those reports have disappeared off the internet.  It can, however, be proven that they were in London at the same time.  Clooney, who was in England filming The Monuments Men dined at Loulou’s in London on May 26th with “friends” including former flame Monika Jakisic, who, it seems, was used as a red herring to distract from the Amal/George pairing.  That same week, Amal organized the launch for Google’s Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen’s (both Soros co-horts on the Council for Foreign Relations) book The New Digital Age at the same Loulou’s in London two nights later on May

28th.  September, however, was given as the “official” date to the public when they supposedly met at some “humanitarian” function.  Keep in mind how this rhetoric rings similar to the Weiner/Abedin courting story as in “she “did the unthinkable,” an insider says, and “walked away from the group George was with….  he asked her out on a date, she declined once again. “He was absolutely shocked,” the insider says. The Daily Mail‘s sources say she ultimately turned down two dates. But Clooney eventually convinced her to go out with him”. Much like the Weiner/Abedin “love

story”, the “handsome” playboy “met his match”.  Like Weiner, Clooney supposedly pursued her and, like Huma, Amal supposedly turned him down.  Both couples were married in a relatively short time after their engagements by prominent progressive politicians. Both brides wore Oscar De La Renta lace gowns. All have the same political ideologies and puppet masters.  All coincidence….By April of 2018, the entire story changed in Amal’s Vogue cover interview. At this time, they met in Italy, at his mansion in Lake Como, his parents answered the door, they giggled together over dinner, then he emailed her in his best Einstein voice (his dog), and they went on their first date in England….why has it changed? Maybe we will never know….

Ethically Mined Diamond

In April of 2014, the engagement announcement as well as pictures of Amal flaunting the almost $1 million “ethically mined diamond” hit the press.  Great “humanitarians” they are, this would seem appropriate, but it was odd how much of a huge part the “ethically mined” angle of the ring took regarding the PR thereafter.  There could be a reason for that as Clooney’s abuse of the term “humanitarian” continued this year when Project Enough (housed under Soros’s “Center for American ‘Progress’”) released a report on war lordism and the mines of the Congo. The report indicated that due to the economic pressure of a provision of the US Dodd-Frank Financial

Reform Act, passed by President Obama with a Congressional Democrat Supermajority putting the collapse of the housing market in the U.S. solely on their shoulders, not President Bush’s, control over the mines had passed out of the hands of the warlords and local militias.  This occurred via a provision that required any company using “conflict materials’ to register with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and publish their supply chain to shame them into using materials from which warlords and militias would not benefit thus loosening their control over the locals in the area.”  A theoretically noble request, this ‘humanitarian” cause, as with many of the others with which Clooney is affiliated, actually hurts the poor local more than helps while the rich get richer.

The villagers in the Congo call this provision “Obama’s Law” which set off a chain of events that has propelled millions of miners and their families deeper into poverty.  As Congo began to comply with the law, its government starting shutting down the mining industry. Then, a process was launched to certify the country’s minerals as conflict-free. But the process unfolded extremely slowly, marred by a “lack of political will, corruption and bureaucratic and logistical delays”. That led foreign companies to avoid buying the minerals, which has driven down prices.


Many miners are forced to find other ways to survive, including joining armed groups. Meanwhile, the militias remain potent threats.  ‘The intention of the law was good, but in practice, it was not well thought-out,’ said Eric Kajemba, director of the Observatory for Governance and Peace, a regional nonprofit group. ‘This is a country where the government is absent in many areas, plagued by years of war and bad governance, where the economic tissue has been destroyed. The American lawmakers didn’t appear to take this into consideration’.” Sounds an awful lot like Clooney’s involvement in the Sudan, both of which he attempted to address in an op-ed in June of that year, failing miserably when he pushed to “fair share”

Clooney Elite

more taxpayer wealth to “Africa” via the UN when he stated the, “US government must give the Treasury Department the resources it needs to follow the money enabling mass atrocities and enforce sanctions against complicit actors” but later he admitted “Over the last decade, US taxpayers have contributed billions of dollars to Sudan for humanitarian Band-Aids and for peacekeepers in a land where there is no peace”. Billions? And nothing has changed there? So where did all that money go? And he wants more for the Sudan and Congo? Why not use his money? Because the point is crafting legislation to redistribute the wealth of the 99% to the 1%, and, if that fails, forcing it, not anything remotely related to “human rights” or being “humanitarian”.


The initial intent of this Congo mining expedition involved creating legislation to undermine US sovereignty by weakening the first amendment.  So far, it has not worked.  On August 18, 2015, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reaffirmed that “both Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act and its implementing Conflict Minerals Rule issued by the SEC violate the First Amendment to the extent that they require issuers to state on their website and to report to the SEC that their products have “not been found to be ‘DRC conflict free’.” The court gave two reasons for this decision:

“First, even assuming that the government’s interest in alleviating the humanitarian crisis in the DRC is sufficient under the AMIdecision, the effectiveness of the government’s chosen means to achieve that end is speculative and conjectural, falling far short of that required under the First Amendment to compel speech. No congressional hearings were held on the likely impact of Section 1502 prior to its passing, and post-enactment hearings offered mixed evidence of the Rule’s effectiveness. Second, for Zauderer to apply, the compelled disclosures must be of “purely factual and uncontroversial information” about the product or service being offered. The required disclosures failed this requirement.”

“Compel speech?”  As we will see, the Clooneys claim to support “free” speech when, in reality, they support censored “controlled” speech. This is a very early indicator of their push to control speech via legislation on an international scale.  Perhaps this is why by November, the greatest human rights attorney even “figured out” that a 7 karat, $1 million ring might be a bit “too flashy” to wear at least in court, so she was requesting George get her a less ostentatious one.  The supposed “ethically mined” portion of her diamond which was supposed to help with George’s “humanitarian” image while undermining our first amendment had been struck down in court. No sense in calling attention to the “ethically mined diamond” if it could not help influence the politics it was set out to influence.  Of course, she still heads out in $25K outfits and with the ring on as she is papped out with movie stars and not working, so maybe she missed the memo regarding the PR narrative shift?


It should also come as no surprise that Clooney’s interest in the Ukraine became public at this time for two reasons. First off, Amal supposedly represented former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Secondly, guess who funded the Ukrainian protests? The Obama administration and George Soros.  He told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, “I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now”.  These “events” involve the balkanization of the Ukraine, much like Libya and the Sudan.  The information about George Soros’ involvement in Ukrainian politics was “openly voiced by Yulia Tymoshenko in 2008. Tymoshenko, then the country’s prime minister, said


that she was attempting to minimize the effect of the global financial crisis by following George Soros’ advice.” George Soros is currently one of the top financial backers and overall supporter of the rebels in the Ukraine fighting against Putin for “democracy”…title of top communist.  Then there is the oil as the “Ukraine has vast supplies of oil and natural gas.  Energen, a natural gas utility, could be a prime developer of Ukraine’s fossil fuel reserves.  Soros owns nearly two million shares of that company.”  In addition, Tymoshenko has crony ties to the Clintons.  Viktor Pinchuk, steel magnate, 54, ranked by Forbes Magazine among the richest men in the world, teamed up with Yulia Tymoshenko, a protégée of the feared Dnipropetrovsk governor Pavlo Lazarenko. In the mid-1990s, Pinchuk and Tymoshenko founded Commonwealth, a firm that imported much-needed natural gas from the energy-rich Central Asian states to Ukraine. But the alliance was short-lived: Tymoshenko soon ditched Pinchuk and set up an energy trading firm of her own.”  Later on, in 2004, she became prime minister to Viktor Yushcenko.  As his fortune grew, Pinchuk  bonded with the Clintons, by supporting the Clinton Global Initiative.  In 2007, Pinchuk made his first donation to the CGI in the amount of $5 million dollars. Many more followed, thus giving him access to Washington.


In 2013, Maria Danilova of Tablet mag called Pinchuk a “bridge to the west” so it should shock no one that in December of 2013 “Mr. Democracy” Clooney recorded a video message to protect his best interests claiming to support the Ukraine’s protestors, condemning violent crackdowns on protestors, as well as the ongoing detention of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, client to his…whatever Amal was at the time. Just before the engagement announcement, George was seen wearing a T-shirt supporting her in January of 2014 during The Monuments Men press junket. Normally a pic of Amal and her client would be found here but in this instance, there does not seem to be any online.  If it was all PR smoke and mirrors, it worked.   In February of 2014, she was released.

On a purely coincidental note, it might be worth noting that in December of 2013, as well, Dan Dubiecki and Lara Alameddine’s Allegiance Theater saw Hollywood heavyweight and longtime Clooney cohort Harvey Weinstein throw some work their way with “Veronica’s Room”. Coincidence, surely.

In February of 2014, the entertainment media fawned all over the “smart and successful human rights attorney” and asked, “Has he met his match?”

George Amal White House Monuments Men

when Clooney took Amal to the White House, although she was not registered a guest, for a private screening of The Monument’s Men.  Behind the scenes, as Obama gave members of the Muslim Brotherhood positions

of power in the White House, the Clooney/Alamuddin partnership facilitated the Muslim invasion of the west. CAP published a follow-up to Fear, Inc. in that same month titled Fear, Inc. 2.0: The Islamophobia Network’s Efforts to Manufacture Hate in America, which contends that “American Muslims in the United States have been targeted, profiled, or seen as suspect because of their faith” by a malevolent, well-funded “Islamophobia Network” whose views are “not indicative of mainstream American views.”  Notably, CAP has a high regard for such Islamist organizations as the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations, which Fear, Inc. describes as a “civil rights group” but countries such as the United Arab Emirates now list as a terrorist organization. CAP elaborated:

“Islamophobia in the United States takes many shapes and forms. It takes the form of a general climate of fear and anger toward American Muslims, as seen in the ‘civilization jihad’ narrative, the religious right’s rhetoric, and the biased media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing. It comes out in cynical political efforts to capitalize on this climate of fear, as seen in state-level anti-Sharia bills introduced across the country and in far-right politicians’ grandstanding. And perhaps most dangerously, it manifests itself in institutional policies that view American Muslims as a threat, as seen in the FBI training manuals that profile Islam as a religion of violence.”

See what was happening? As our immigration laws were not enforced to allow for the “humanitarian” resettlement of “illegal” “refugees” and as “amnesty”, although ruled illegal by two federal judges, had been pushed by the Obama administration as “humanitarian”, our border eroded as attacks on our soil by radical Muslim extremists increased.  The same can be said throughout every country in Europe. While normal, rational thinking Americans and Europeans understand that not all Muslims are terrorists, it cannot be said that all these attacks were not done by radicalized Muslims.  Irrelevant, though, as the globalists jumped on these attacks to push that ALL Americans–well, gun owning and Christian Bible belt “bitter clingers”—conservatives–are Islamophobic. That is how narrative crafting works while shaming citizens into censoring their speech to avoid being labeled “intolerant”. Clooney, the Obama administration, and pop culture did its part to help push this.  The evil “right” and/or “conservatives” in every country hate the rest of the world when in reality all they are attempting to do is what their elected leaders swore to do-protect the innocent citizens of their sovereign nations from the evil that is being purposefully spread by UN operatives throughout the world for control. Hard to do when many of their leaders are a part of said UN operatives.

The coup for the Soros/Clooney/Alamuddin/Alameddine merger occurred in September of 2014 when anti-Israeli, anti-west, defender of dictators and terrorists Amal Alamuddin/Alameddine supposedly became Clooney’s bride. Her Uncle Ziad, arms dealer to Libya, could not get released from jail in France to attend and watch as Clooney found (or had been assigned) his Huma.  With this marriage, Clooney brought Muslims and the use of Islamophobia as a weapon against Christian nations mainstream.  Just look at some of those invited to celebrate.   One was Walid Jumblatt , Progressive

Walid Jamblatt

Socialist party leader and leader of the Druze community in Lebanon of which the Alamuddins belong, who is no friend of the U.S. or Israel’s and uses his hate to push the west as “Islamophobic”. He says, “The U.S. always needs an enemy.  It comes and goes. Today it is Islam. According to this plan or ideology of the born-again Christians who formed an alliance with Zionism (Israel), Islam is the monster”. Another one invited who made it was Machnouk. Think a Lebanese Al Gore. No background in science of any kind but he sure will impose rules and regulations under the guise of “green” something or other make “green” for his global elite friends and himself.  Finally MP Marwan Hamade was invited, as well. Both Jumblatt and Hamade testified on behalf of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) Trial Chamber regarding the assassination of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. By the way… who is a lawyer for the STL? Amal Clooney.

Post Clooney Career

Did Amal expect to start suddenly winning cases with her new name immediately? All signs point to “yes”; however, it did not work out that way. Instead, she suffered several very public defeats.  Ibrahim Halawa, son of Hussein Halawa, the leading Muslim Brotherhood cleric in Ireland,

became caught up in the violent Egyptian military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood in Aug 2013 after taking part in protests.  He and his siblings were detained by the Egyptian military, and there were pleas in Ireland for their release.  Amal now has her name attached to this case. The reasons why should be obvious. The press releases will read as a campaign for “human rights” and “free speech” but the pattern is established. She supports and defends terrorists and terrorist organizations, most notably the Muslim Brotherhood, and then uses her position in pop culture to use public pressure to shame governments into “releasing” these radicals while expecting the public to accept radical Islam as the “norm”. In September of 2015, however, the Oireachtas Foreign Affairs Committee “voted not to invite lawyers for imprisoned Irish teenager Ibrahim Halawa to a public hearing.  The surprise vote came after a report co-written by the law practice of Amal Clooney was critical of the Government’s efforts to secure his release from custody in Egypt.  The high profile human rights lawyer is the wife of Hollywood actor George Clooney. Her practice, Doughty Street Chambers, is one of three sets of lawyers representing the Dublin teen and had requested an audience in front of the committee.” Notice the term to describe her is not “winning” nor “accomplished” but “high profile”.

Notice she was denied a “public hearing”. Since using the press to apply public pressure is her one and only job, not “winning” at least by legitimate legal means, this appeared a slap in the face to greatest human rights attorney ever born.  If these public meetings cannot be procured, her role is nada. That could prove problematic to George, especially, who seems to have entered into this arrangement to be a part of some “Super UN Powercouple”. As a follow up, an August 7th report from Cairo claimed Egypt’s House rejected the Irish Parliament’s demand to release Halawa.

The hits kept coming. On December 9th 2015, reports surfaced that Greece decided not to pursue the return of the Parthenon Marbles. One of the first cases Amal took (and, yes, she can pick and choose which cases she takes) using her “high profile name” after the wedding involved “advising” Greece on the return of the so-called Elgin Marbles from Britain. This case, many believed, was expected to veer in her favor in order to legitimately establish her as an “accomplished” human rights attorney, thus providing precedent for her later cases, although what “human rights” marbles have was never established. Instead, she showed up for staged photo ops with politicians and had the entertainment media swoon over her outfits.

Eventually, she supposedly wrote up a 150 page report but was “dropped by the Greek government from their role in advising on the return of the so-called Elgin Marbles to Athens”.  Regardless, her job was to bring the press, which she did, and therefore she was paid: “It should be noted that the total cost of the legal advice came to 200,000 English pounds, an amount that was paid by a Greek living in London who preferred to remain anonymous.  The fact that Amal Clooney was part of the legal team that came to Athens, gave the issue great publicity and drew international sympathy for the Greek argument.Publicity and international sympathy? Mission accomplished.  “Human rights” is just a term used for political gain. However the losses did not look good.


Amal lost another big case at this time, as well.  On October 15th, 2015, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rendered its verdict regarding a case involving whether a man who publicly denied the Armenian Genocide occurred should be charged with a crime.  In taking on this case, Miss “Je Suis Charlie” agreed to prosecute his free speech and lost.  The greatest human rights attorney to ever walk the planet was DENIED:  “By this verdict it upheld a judgment of the Second Section of the ECtHR on the Perinçek v. Switzerland case. The Second Section decided that the Swiss government violated Perinçek’s right of expression when it punished him on the grounds that he had violated the Swiss Penal Code by denying the Armenian genocide….In this verdict, the Grand Chamber pointed out that ‘unlike the international criminal courts, it had no

competence to make legally binding pronouncements on whether the massacres and mass deportations suffered by the Armenian people could be characterized as genocide.”  See…“free speech” is not “speech with which a group of people agree”. That, however, is how the Clooneys are working to help define it.  If she truly wanted to support “free speech” for all, she and her husband should have used this platform to stand for his right to say such words and then correct him accordingly.  They would never as it is never about “human rights” with them. It is always about how much they make financially and politically from every cause/case they take up. This loss was a blow to Amal as the unfavorable outcome would have a huge impact on their “100 Lives” initiative, a supposed platform to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of this atrocity, even though neither one of them showed up in Armenia for the 100 year commemoration in April of 2014. However, the Kardashians did.  Oh, she and her boss Geoffrey Robertson tried to spin it.  However, it proves to be a thorn in her side later.

Kardashians Armenia

These were three huge cases for “Mrs. Clooney’s” career.  Two were flat out losses, one where she argued AGAINST free speech. All three denied her the opportunity to gloat publicly on the international stage in hopes of swaying the rules of law in sovereign nations as well as the court of public opinion in the future in favor of an international system of government.  By the end of 2015, media outlets began asking about her “accomplished” attorney title:  “The professionalism of the lawyer has been discussed these days for its withdrawal in the case of the Athenian Acropolis. The British of Lebanese origin has left the case, but not of its own accord if the Greek


government has preferred to follow the negotiations through diplomatic channels banishing (final) criminal proceedings.  The firm for which he works Amal Clooney has received 250,000 euros for taking care of it.” She has proven herself a horrible lawyer whose “high public profile” allows her to choose the cases to which she attaches her name.  Somehow among all of these losses, Amal got a RAISE. because of her married name.  Starpulse reports, “Ever since Amal, 37, emerged as the silver fox’s steady romance, her rates have risen. Today, if you want to chat with Mrs. Clooney about a legal matter at Doughty Street Chambers in London, it will set you back £500 an hour or $742.00 an hour.” This woman is touted as a modern day feminist?  See, girls? Want a raise regardless of any actual professional skills? Marry a rich guy and then strut around in haute couture.  Amal Clooney. Setting women back decades.

The pattern has emerged that as “real life” proves her a fraud, Hollywood steps in to help rebrand her fictional profile. Within days, the entertainment media tried to spin these losses as something positive, too, and then quickly shifted to portraying her as a “fashion icon”, a role she so desperately wants. Alas, Jackie-O, Princess Di, and even Carolyn Bessette she is not, nor will she ever be for a variety of reasons, mostly her politics, although the repeated flashing of her undergarments helps not, either.

The ideologies she practices and the politics she pushes are the antithesis of everything for which those three women stood, and it comes forth in the way she carries herself.  Princess Di and Jackie wore designer gowns and had lavish homes; however, Diana hugged AIDS patients and visited the sick and poor in African nations. Jackie-O worked a lifetime actively supporting children and the poor. Smug, arrogant, and condescending, Amal Clooney sends out PR statements about her “human rights humanitarianism” while desperately trying to fit into the world of the fashion elite with her expensive haute couture. On December 16th, some positive spin control was attempted through the “100 Lives” initiative which, remember, is supposed to deal with the Armenian genocide and their descendants, when the “Amal Clooney Scholarship” was announced. A woman with no professional accomplishments to her name except losses who is known only for her marriage names a scholarship after herself for some positive PR. The “accomplished international human rights lawyer” partnered up with 100 LIVES to “offer one young woman each year the chance to enroll in a two-year international baccalaureate programme”.  This is a Vartan Gregorian, co-founder of “100 Lives” funded initiative. These are extremely wealthy people who have pockets deep enough to merit a four year scholarship.  Then there is the way in which the winner, Pamela Tebchrany, 16, from Dhour Choueir, northeast of Beirut, found out.  She received the news while at school in Armenia.  “A friend sent me an article Vogue in which I mentioned. That’s how I heard the news!”, said the girl to L’Orient-Le Jour.  It was more important that Vogue knew about it before the girl who actually won the scholarship?  Okay. This scholarship is so important , and Amal cares so much for women and “the children” that Amal did not even show up to present it.

Haute couture, pap walks, internationally infamous, no wins or leads as a supposed “accomplished” human rights attorney…perhaps that is why on December 13the she was portrayed as the “dressing up doll” in a Telegraph’s pantomime of The Nutcracker. With lines such as, “Don’t worry, I’m a grown up, globe-trotting, sophisticated doll. I do good while dressed in haute couture and I’m here to defend your human right to wear Givenchy” and “(twirling happily) I am going to do good in this place, fight for justice, defend the oppressed, right all wrongs. I’m also going to perform a stylish fouetté. But first I must get a new, warmer outfit”, the proverbial shoe seem to fit.The world sees her for what she is as “Amal Clooney: Wife From Hell Embarrasses George With ‘Celebrity’ Diss” :

“The lawyer in the $3,400 suits doesn’t want you confusing her with mere actresses! ‘I don’t really see myself in the same way because I’m still doing the same job that I used to do before,’ said Amal, whose wardrobe includes $2,000 outfits by designer Stella McCartney, and a $3,440 Chanel suit.  Human-rights attorney Amal also shamed George by sporting expensive gowns designed by Hitler-loving designer John Galliano!  ‘You know, I think there is a certain responsibility that comes with that. I think I’m exercising it in an appropriate manner by continuing to do this kind of work.’ If so, someone might have told her not to wear a bunch of new stuff from Dolce and Gabbana, including a hideous mumsy-style custom made jacket and a blinding green mini dress that goes for just $1595 at Saks.”

She brings it on herself.  One can head to Amal Clooney Style, which is supposedly run by her people, to see how the great “humanitarian” ventures to work in thousands of dollars of haute couture, $800 heels, and diamonds for her pap walks which she never wears twice. There is also a separate list of Mrs. Clooney’s $25,000 Dreamcoats.  But the Clooneys are for the “little guy” and rail against the “1%”.

When Amal is out, always dressed to the nines in the most expensive designer wear George’s money can buy, we never see this woman with friends of her own. Ever. They are either co-workers, her family, or friends of George’s.  When she is out with any of these people, her photos are taken from the right side of her face or head-on only, she is to be the center of attention, and never, under ANY circumstance, is she to be photographed directly next to Cindy Crawford.  Take, for instance, the Casamigos launch party in Ibiza:

Then the sophisticated flash in Notting Hill with the Damons & Gerbers. Alas no pictures of her next to Lucy or Cindy.  This is as close as we get:

In early December, Amal was out not with her famous hubby but her mommy when she attended Charlotte Tilbury’s holiday party in London wrapped in tin foil and real fur:

By the end of 2015, the Clooneys had been exposed. They are not humanitarians, and they do not strive to protect the human rights of the downtrodden. They strive to enable the 1% while making themselves rich, the anti-thesis of everything George claimed not to be most of his professional life. As such, their careers and reputations are in the toilet. We have already discussed Amal’s losses in the fall of 2015.  These must have proven a blow to George as the expectation might have existed for her publicly manipulated hopeful victories to act as coattails on which he could

ride for his two movies scheduled for release in the spring.  The Monuments Men was a big disappointment, as evidenced in George’s emails to Sony’s Amy Pascal in the Sony email hack, Tomorrowland was one of the biggest bombs of all time, and Our Brand is Crisis was one of Clooney’s biggest personal flops.  He needed a hit with either Hail, Caesar or Money Monster (which he did not get) almost as much as Amal needed a win.  Her losses leading up to the holiday season would prove hard to spin.  They were big and very public.  As such, they disappeared for the holidays.  The last time they were seen together in 2015 was on November 8th. As rumors of

Amal Nov 8  Pissed in Car.jpg

marriage woes and Amal’s diva-like antics swirled, it became apparent that a PR rebrand for Clooney was needed for 2016.  The “humanitarian” and “pro-democracy” angles seemed to be the platforms chosen as he more than likely was to be used as a pop culture face for Hillary’s push towards the White House. Too bad Amal blew it before he had a chance with cases that saw her pervert justice, mock democracy, and undermine the laws of sovereign nations in order to get criminals out of prison in an attempt to secure that elusive “victory”.  Seems to run in direct opposition to what George wants to accomplish at least publicly.

Mohammed Fahmy


When the newfound media exposure and pop culture status that her three day wedding circus brought did not amount to immediate “victories” on the cases on which she began to “assist” after her “marriage” because the facts of these cases combined with her poor lawyering skills did not merit it, the shift veered to other ways to “win”.  Keep in mind that most of these cases also keep with the points for regime change for the globalists’ benefit via any of the three platforms discussed.  One regime change touched on was in Egypt which came on the heels of Obama’s great “Arab Spring” decree.  As noted, this change facilitated the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, which the people of Egypt eventually overthrew because they are a terrorist organization with ties to Hamas, confirmed by Article 2 of the Charter of Hamas, which reads:

“The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.”

This is important as we analyze the cases Amal takes on supporting terrorists after her marriage as the Brotherhood plays an important role in many of them.

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Al Jazeera journalist Mohammed Fahmy was arrested on December 29, 2013 for conspiring against the Egyptian government with the Muslim Brotherhood. On June 23, 2014 Fahmy was sentenced to jail for 7 years for conspiracy of working with terrorist groups, among them the Muslim Brotherhood. Again, Amal’s chambers had the case but her name was not attached to it because she was not yet married. She was still establishing her “brand”.  On November 24, 2014-two months after the wedding-Amal began “assisting” on the case. On Jan 1, 2015 he was granted new case, and on February 2, Fahmy gave up his Egyptian citizenship paving the way to return to Canada, where he held dual citizenship in hopes of “benefiting from the same decree through which Greste was released”. On a side note, someone else who holds dual citizenship with Canada? Lara Alameddine.

During a seeming lull in his case, it is important to note that in May of 2015,  “The Iranian media was among the first to get the message when it said that the Gulf countries’ arms deals with France [think possibly Uncle Ziad] were meant to reward Paris for its role in the nuclear talks with [ “death to America” “death to Israel”] Iran and mark a new chapter in the relations between France and the GCC….Writing for the London-based newspaper Al Hayat [of which Amal’s mother Baria is the foreign editor], Mohammad Barhouma said that president Hollande’s attendance at the Riyadh summit was a meaningful move and can be seen as a prelude to the GCC leaders’ meeting with President Obama later this month in Camp David…Writing for Al Hayat, Randa Takieddine [related to Amal] said that Mr Hollande’s presence in Riyadh and the French arms deal with Qatar must not be regarded as a challenge to or rivalry with the US…France has a special importance to Gulf countries because its policy has usually been congruent with their interests in the region. President Hollande’s stance on Iran and Syria has brought him closer to the Gulf, as he has been openly critical of Iran’s role in Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, and taken a hard line in the nuclear talks.” Here it seems someone with the same ties in the same line of work as Amal’s uncle was able to secure Iranian arms deals with France in return for their “support”.  More arms dealing as such where Egypt is concerned follows.


Going forward, to August 29, 2015, Fahmy was sentenced to three years in prison for spreading false news; Amal then brought the international press to shame Egypt into pardoning him. George took it to the Toronto Film Festival where he was promoting the box office bomb “Our Brand is Crisis”.  It worked. Fahmy was “pardoned” on September 23 because, as President El Sisi revealed, “the heavy sentences had a ‘very negative’ impact on Egypt’s reputation and that he wished they had never been put on trial.”  The Clooney clownshow will do that. However, there has been no such media fanfare as one might expect.  Could the reasoning involve that on the EXACT SAME DAY  the Egyptian journalist for which Amal prostituted her academic credentials to introduce the pop culture world to her brand of “human rights” was released, September 23, “Two French warships originally built for Russia, but not delivered because of the crisis in Ukraine, will be sold


to Egypt instead, the French government announced Wednesday…. A spokesman for the French government, Stéphane Le Foll, refused to elaborate on the price Egypt had agreed to pay. Mr. Hollande said only that France would “ensure the delivery of these ships without losing anything, while helping protect Egypt.” According to the short announcement, Holland “met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi Wednesday and negotiated the ‘principle and terms of the purchase…. The two ships had originally been built for the Russian navy, but their sale was canceled in September 2014 because of Russia’s involvement in the war in Ukraine and mounting pressure from NATO for France to call off the sale’. ” Based on the information we know about their positions as puppets for Ukraine financier Soros and about Amal’s uncle as an arms dealer to the Middle East through France combined with albeit circumstantial evidence to support the assertion that that Amal has used his connections to get her on cases that are economically viable to her family, it bears noting that September of 2014 was the wedding.  Amal was put on the case in November.  Egypt was then awarded the contracts the day they handed Amal her first public “victory”.  It is not rocket science.  Two billion dollars is a big quid pro quo payoff.

Sticking with the “Islamophobia” script, two days after the pardon, the cries started:  “the Canadian government had little to do with Fahmy’s release.  Although ‘sheepish whimpers’—as lawyer Amal Clooney characterized the government’s response—were made to secure his freedom, the government’s lack of action was evident from the start showcasing the flawed precedence of ideology over humanity.  The suggestion is simple:  citizenship by itself does not guarantee equal treatment and is instead judged on a hierarchy that naturally favors descendants of white Europeans who settled in Canada before multiculturalism took root. It is a dangerous precedent that justifies discrimination with the backing of government legislation. Whether the government would have been more vocal if the victim in question was an ‘old stock Canadian’ who worked for a conservative media outlet rather than a Mohamed Fahmy who headed the Egyptian Al Jazeera bureau is a


question that unfortunately merits honest analysis.”  See? If he would have been a conservative, white, old, man, the government would have rushed to help him, it seems.  Forget whether he was guilty or not. “Pardoned” does not absolve guilt. Forget his possible ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which he seems to confirm at least his support for them on his Twitter account. Nope. Islamophobia. Oh…and the Egyptian citizenship he revoked to help further his release? On December 30th, 2015, Fahmy “sent an official request to Egypt’s foreign ministry asking that his Egyptian nationality be restored”. He wanted to be a Canadian only to help clear his name. She asked to meet with Canadian foreign minister John Baird to move the process along, but he said no. No Clooney clownshow for Canada.  Eventually he was “pardoned” by Egypt via the public pressure brought by the Amal Clooney clownshow, as formerly admitted by the Egyptian government, , as his citizenship was reinstated in June of 2016.

The underlying cause for concern in this case, as if those reasons were not enough, is it shows us the first time we see in action the deplorable actions of a desperate lawyer in need of victory for her handlers. At one point, Amal claimed that Egypt threatened to arrest her. She told The Guardian, “When I went to launch the report, first of all they stopped us from doing it in Cairo.  They said: ‘Does the report criticize the army, the judiciary, or the government?’ We said: ‘Well, yes.’ They said: ‘Well then, you’re risking arrest.’” However, Egypt denied this happened and demanded proof from Clooney the government issued that warning. “She should say exactly who said that,” said Interior Ministry Spokesman Abdel Latif.  “Why not specify from the start who told her that? We have nothing against her”.  Police General Hany Abdelatif told The Guardian that Egypt never listed her for arrest. Eventually she retracted her statement. Amal Clooney lied to the international press about a phony threat of arrest by a national government to garner public sympathy for her cause.  She has turned into a security risk.

But, hey, it got Fahmy a book deal and in it he will get to trash the west via the spin:  Louise Dennys, executive publisher at Penguin Random House Canada, who acquired world rights to the book, said, “Combined with his authoritative understanding of the region and worldwide consequences of the increasing violence, it provides a rare window onto the players and their personal and global ambitions, Western governments included,” she added. It would surprise who, exactly, if George optioned it for a movie and gave it “creative license”?

Nasheed and the Maldives

Amal Jared Nasheed

Perhaps no other case symbolizes the marriage between the elites, the Clooneys, and their quest for control regardless of the facts then that of Mohamed Nasheed and the Maldives. It covers regime change, “climate” and involves the Muslim Brotherhood.  Yes, Nasheed is Brotherhood backed.  He was “the 2008 presidential candidate of the Maldivian Democratic Party and as such sought and received the endorsement of four other opposition parties, including the Saudi- and United Arab Emirates-financed Salafist Adhaalath (Justice) Party. Adhaalath is an ideological partner of the Muslim Brotherhoods of Egypt and Syria.”  The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the new Maldivian government parallels what occurred in Egypt, where Obama and Hillary had put the Muslim Brotherhood in power with billions of US taxpayer dollars after the vaulted

Amal Nasheed 2.jpg

Arab Spring. The same Muslim Brotherhood with whom the Egyptian journalist Amal supposedly represented were supposedly affiliated. The same Muslim Brotherhood with whom “close friend of Affleck” Huma Weiner, Hillary’s close aide, is affiliated, whose mother is a leader of the Muslim Sisterhood counterpart. The same Muslim Brotherhood which is rising in our own country, infiltrating our government at almost every level. The same Muslim Brotherhood whose Sharia, which runs in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution and partakes in extreme human rights violations especially against gays and women, is now the basis for law in Dearborn, Michigan but was thrown out in Garland, TX, and has had preemptive measures passed against it in many other cities as the cries of “Islamophobia” follow.  This is, again, with whom the Clooneys have aligned themselves for personal gain—radical Muslim extremists who intend to invade not assimilate.

island president

In preparation for the first direct presidential election for the Maldives presidency in 2008, outside “democracy manipulators” descended on the Maldives, a country popular with the globalists because of its geographical location for use in the “climate change” scheme.  Nasheed was immediately embraced by the world’s glitterati community of NGOs and celebrities, including carbon tax-and-trade advocates and the crowd who gathered at the Sundance Film Festival to view a sycophantic documentary about Nasheed called The Island President.  Keep in mind that Sundance is owned by Soros via the Soros Documentary Fund which, in 2002, “was fully integrated into the Sundance Institute with a $4.6 million grant from the Open Society Foundations and renamed The Sundance Documentary Film Program… In 2009, the Open Society awarded Sundance with an additional $5 million grant to continue its documentary filmmaking efforts, singing its praises as

it ‘raised awareness’ for the ‘climate change’ agenda”. Nasheed promoted this film at the 2011 Toronto Film Festival where it won Best Documentary and where, coincidentally, George Clooney was at the same time promoting The Ides of March.

Nasheed also pushed the correct “climate denier” talking points to brainwash the masses into thinking that only those horrible conservatives could read and understand science.  Anyone not on board or involved with the wealth redistribution scheme known as “climate change” is a ‘conservative climate denier” just as anyone who promotes citizens over illegals and sovereignty over UN rule is a “xenophobic” or “Islamophobic”. Last year  Nasheed said, “There is nothing Conservative about advocating for the destruction of the climate, and thus all we hold dear. This is not a credible Conservative standpoint: it is reckless and extreme…. A denialist, Conservative movement has no solutions to offer these countries and therefore risks irrelevancy.” Advocating for the destruction of the climate? Who does that? No one. We all have to live here.  “Denialist?” No one denies the climate changes. It has been changing for literally billions of years. It never stops changing. It is the “use the climate change agenda to destroy capitalism while forcefully redistributing global ‘wealth’ to the elites” mantra with which to take issue.  The whole point of the “climate change” scam is to establish a new form of global economics that eliminates free market capitalism admitted by Christiana Figueres,

who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change.  She said, “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history.  This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the, at least, 150 years, since the industrial revolution”. The “green “in “green energy” has always been about the cash not the environment. It is why we must be guilted into accepting it. John Kerry admitted this when he said, “Public Shaming is ‘Most Powerful Weapon in Many Ways’ to Enforce World Climate Agreement”.  The Clooneys have mastered the art of public shaming to get what they want since their arguments are usually never valid. See Amal’s actual professional dossier or the DNC leaks which support the “climate change” scheme as they show George Soros paid Al Gore $30 million dollars to promote “global warming”.  See prior mentions of the Soros aligned Participant Media which produced Gore’s factually incorrect “An Inconvenient Truth” as well as Clooney’s “masterpieces”.  CONTROL. THE. NARRATIVE.

Gore Climate

With that kind of money to go around, George Clooney long ago jumped on this bandwagon.  After the Haiti earthquake of 2013, he came out in ad hominem attack mode with this gem: “Well it’s just a stupid argument,” Clooney told reporters. “If you have 99 percent of doctors who tell you ‘you are sick’ and 1 percent that says ‘you’re fine’, you probably want to hang out with, check it up with the 99. You know what I mean? The idea that we ignore that we are in some way involved in climate change is ridiculous. What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?” The Academy Award winner added that while there is no way to know if global warming was responsible for the typhoon, denying the existence of climate change is “ridiculous.” Good puppet using the public shaming technique when facts cannot be argued to influence policy and outcomes.  Amal uses this method of operation to get Nasheed released, mocking democracy, the rules of law of a sovereign nation, and the press along the way.

On April 7th 2015, it was announced that Amal would be part of Nasheed’s legal team in his “ongoing arbitrary detention” or the public shaming for his release because the facts of the case prove that he has no case.   First, Amal Clooney’s claim that Nasheed was unlawfully imprisoned is a lie. The supposedly “lover of democracy” basically arrested a chief judge after he passed a ruling Nasheed did not like. According to “A Wrong Kind of Green”, “Just as other Soros / NED-installed regimes began to violate the constitutions of their respective nations, including Georgia and Ukraine, Nasheed was no different. On December 10, 2010, the Maldivian Supreme Court ruled that Nasheed’s cabinet ministers could not serve without the approval of parliament. Nasheed responded by declaring the Maldivian courts were controlled by supporters of ex-president Gayoom and on January 16, 2012, Nasheed ordered the military to arrest Abdulla Mohammed, the Chief Justice of the Criminal Court.” The Soros/NED global glitterati, including the Soros-funded “Democracy Now” program hosted by Amy Goodman and partly-funded by Soros, featured Nasheed close adviser and communications assistant British national Paul Roberts on an interview in which Nasheed’s successor was described as a thug and who was trying to re-assume power. Of course, the Soros propaganda program made no mention of Nasheed’s repeated violations of the Maldivian constitution. Neither would his eventual “lawyer”.

According to Hassan Saeed, who served as a special adviser under both Nasheed and President Mohammed Waheed:

7 February 2012, confronted with serious unrest over his illegal arrest of the chief judge, Nasheed resigned on his own volition and then, belatedly realizing what he had done, tried to claim it was a coup in order to court international sympathy and media coverage….An exhaustive report by the Commonwealth last month found there was no coup, and that in fact Nasheed resigned voluntarily. The inquiry took six months to compile and interviewed nearly 300 witnesses who gave more than 200 hours of statements. Nasheed’s accusation of a coup was reported around the world, but when the evidence didn’t stack up, large sections of the media chose to ignore an inconvenient truth. Crucially, at the time the report was published, its conclusions were also accepted by Nasheed.  In a recent speech to the Royal Commonwealth Society he claims that there was a ‘cover-up’. If so, the cover-up includes a professor of constitutional law from Canada, a senior judge with 25 years of experience from New Zealand, and a retired Supreme Court judge from Singapore, all of whom were on the inquiry panel…. The facts are that on 7 February 2012, confronted with serious unrest over his illegal arrest of the chief judge, Nasheed resigned on his own volition and then, belatedly realizing what he had done, tried to claim it was a coup in order to court international sympathy and media coverage.”

Later, Nasheed could not believe the trouncing his political party, the Maldavian Democratic Party (MDP) took in the Parliamentary polls the following election cycle in March of 2014.  He blamed low voter turnout.  Then in the fall, during the presidential elections, “The first round (of voting) saw Nasheed drub his opponents but left him short of an outright majority, which meant a run-off was necessary…A new first round produced a similar result, but Nasheed finally lost in the run-off to Abdullah Yameen, a half-brother of former dictator Gayoom. Nasheed surprised many by accepting defeat.”  Again he was dismayed that the international community did not support him not only during the coup but during the presidential loss. When the “international sympathy and media coverage” was not attained via his spin over the truth, he sought out or was appointed by his handlers a “lawyer” to “help” him who was just as fame hungry and also handled by the same people.  Until her arrival, he was then said to be “biding his time”. Follow the timeline-the fall of 2014 not only saw Nasheed lose this election, it also saw the “world’s most famous bachelor” get married to the “greatest human rights attorney of all time” in a three day extravaganza which was used to solidify her carefully PR crafted non-existent resume and embellished biography. Perhaps he was ‘biding his time’ to make himself the international superstar he always dreamed on the heels of the Clooney name.  All signs point to yes. Why? Soros and JMP Verdant Communications.

JMP Communications is a public relations firm that “works with individuals and governments to enhance and protect their international reputations through effective and strategic engagement with the media.” One of their top clients for many years is Mohamed Nasheed. Founder Julia Pacetti, CEO and President, is “an expert media strategist, specializing in maximizing impact for current affairs and entertainment campaigns.  She has deep expertise in executing media and public affairs strategies for projects that lie at the intersection of politics and entertainment…..Julia is the international media advisor to former President Mohamed Nasheed.” She was also the person who ferried Nasheed’s wife Laila when she visited Washington DC in April of 2015. Before founding JMP Verdant, Julia worked

in publicity for Miramax Films/Harvey Weinstein, the guy who was executive producer of “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind” and has given Lara Alameddine, Amal’s cousin, her first big budget director title with Money Maker starring George Clooney for release later this year.

The other member of JMP Verdant is Paul Roberts, Chief Political and Communication Strategist.  He is listed as “a communications expert, specializing in strategy, framing and messaging. He has a particular interest in energy, environment and foreign policy issues, and extensive experience working in Asia-Pacific. He has provided advice to, and executed communications campaigns for, a range of prominent individuals and organizations, from Heads of Government to film stars; NGOs to multilateral organizations. As a reward for the role he played in bringing Nasheed to power as founder and managing editor of Minivan News from 2004-2008, Paul was chief communications advisor to Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed for over three years (2008-2012), responsible for strategic communications and international media relations. He is the

Nasheed Roberts

gentleman listed earlier as the one who referred to Nasheed’s successor as a thug in an interview with George Soros’s “Democracy Now”.  Paul helped create an exceptional international public profile for President Nasheed, and helped the President to win numerous international awards and recognition, such as: UN “Champions of Earth,”Time “Hero of Environment,” Newsweek “World’s Top 10 Leaders” and Foreign Policy “100 Thinkers of 2010”. Paul also orchestrated world-famous media events, including the Maldives underwater cabinet meeting, and spearheaded the country’s prominent international climate change advocacy. Paul acted as President Nasheed’s international spokesperson during and after the February 7, 2012 coup d’état, alerting the international community to the true nature of the transfer of power. As a reward for all of his hard work, Paul now calls himself President Nasheed’s “Chief Communications Advisor.”

Then there is Jared Genser, one of Amal’s closest co-workers. He is always right at her side.  If there is a photo op to be had, he is in it.

According to Hussain Faisal, author of “Questioning the legitimacy of ‘Genser Justice’”, “He is in fact more of an activist and a lobbyist with a Harvard law degree than he is a legitimate lawyer. The methods employed by his own private brand of justice do not involve any courts. He has transformed the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary detention into an instrument of his success. He uses their verdict as a tool to put political pressure on the countries. In the case of the Maldives، he has called for


economic sanctions، which would affect every house hold in the country. In effect، he is using friends in high places to wage economic warfare on the country”.  Replace “Harvard” with “Columbia”, keep in mind Amal’s albeit short history of “political pressure” to get her desired outcomes, and yes, they seem destined for each other.  Faisal goes on to say, “It is clear that People like Jared Genser، Amal Clooney، and Paul Roberts do not care what they do to free their client…. it stands to reason that their client is not innocent as they proclaim. He might not be the definition of a terrorist، subjective at best، under international law. However، he did violate the

individual rights of a person. If Nasheed is let out of prison and pardoned، it would mean that he was innocent all along. It would also set a precedent whereby a sitting president can take the law into his own hands and use the military to detain anyone that irks him. This would also mean that extra judicial، arbitrary detention is a legitimate political tool”. Unfortunately we have seen this judicial activism in the U.S. regarding a variety of topics the past few years. “Democracy” is dying if it is not already dead.  The Clooneys and their ilk have killed it. We are now ruled by a judicial activism based on the desires of the 1% who run their show.

Speaking of public relations, remember Amal’s mother, Baria Alamuddin, with Alison Bell runs Globell Communications.  According to their website, “Globell Communications has been leading the international communications training market for over 15 years and has collaborated with a number of the world’s leading PR Companies and their clients….Globell Communications’ desire is to improve international communications and ensure all communication is effective in today’s fast-paced global environment.”  Take the former international media adviser to Nasheed + the chief communications advisor to Nasheed and add in an “internationally renowned human rights lawyer” who received the Jack J. Katz Memorial Award for excellence in entertainment law while at New York University School of Law and whose mother co-owns a PR firm that specialized in “ensur(ing) all communication is effective in today’s fast-paced global environment” and voila! Is it too far-fetched to think that this was her goal all along?  Did she plan to become the kind of “human rights” lawyer who picks clients according to their potential to be publicly exploited? Not really.  “Feminist” Amal could not change her last name to Clooney fast enough so she could start.

Immediately after the wedding, Amal started attaching her married name or getting her married name attached to cases her firm had long before she was Mrs. Clooney that could benefit from international shaming via the press. First up? The Elgin Marbles.  Then the Armenian Genocide “free speech” case, the eventual outcomes of which have both been discussed. She lost both very publicly which exposed not only her laughable lawyer skills but her inability to press shame a victory for the globalists. Nasheed, did not seem to care about her inability to lawyer as for him, like Amal, it is all about the public stage, not the actual law.  Nasheed let the February 22nd appeals deadline for his arrest pass simply because “he refused to enter the courtroom for the first hearing of his appeal case in protest because the hearing was not open to the public…Nasheed’s legal team had requested that the court hold an open and public hearing. However, only members of Nasheed’s legal team and family were allowed inside the courtroom, said Maldivian broadcasting company news. The news site, quoting sources, said Nasheed refused to enter the courtroom after the court turned down his request for an open hearing.”  What is the point of filing an appeal if there is no public stage on which to call attention to oneself?  He was going to take care of that.

Amal Maldives 3

While in Egypt pretending to care about “freedom of the press” with Mohammed Fahmy, Amal Clooney announced on international television that she would be in the Maldives to make sure all of the available media knew where to find her.   As Amal continued her “human rights” quest for the Maldives President, even though the deadline for his chance to appeal had passed, it came to light that not only was she not involved in any of the legal process with this case as she had no jurisdiction over it, but she sat with the “common folk” in the courtroom, not with the “real” lawyers, further cementing her role as a glorified PR rep. One aspect of “democracy”

the DNC leaks helped prove no longer exists is that of an impartial media. Press talking points from May 5th state Hillary is their candidate.  CNN is, indeed, the “Clinton News Network as the DNC fed CNN the questions they wanted to be asked in interviews.  POLITICO’s Ken Vogel emailed his stories to the DNC before publishing them. The DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories and discussing their relationship with NBC, MSNBC, CNN & how to get better treatment.  In fact, Chuck Todd is mentioned by name in a few of the emails, at one point taking direct orders from the DNC as to what “must stop”. At one point, Amal’s former client, Julian Assange, called Todd out for his “sloppy journalism”. It is no surprise, then, that when Amal had this false narrative to push, she did it with Todd on “Meet the Press”.  He asked her whether she represented Mr. Nasheed in court to which she replied that she visited him in jail and “attended” a hearing for his alleged appeal to extend his appeal, which was denied, but stopped short of confirming his in-court representation. He asked her whether she represented Mr. Nasheed in court to which she replied that she visited him in jail and “attended” a hearing for his alleged appeal to extend his appeal, which was denied, but stopped short of confirming his in-court representation. The whole event became another “Clooney clownshow”.  She did, however, show up in outfits that cost more than most families on the island make in a year for pap walks for the prearranged high profile media blitz for maximum exposure to apply public pressure for his release while lending an international platform for his “cause”.  At least that was

Amal Maldives collage

the consensus of Ahmed Adheeb, the Vice President of the Maldives, who offered, “In the spirit of this approach of pressuring the government and courts through the media, he has chosen not to formerly appeal his conviction, even when he had the opportunity to do so. Indeed, his legal team led by Mrs. Clooney left the Maldives the day before the High Court announced the time for appeal had run its course, leaving in no doubt that their visit was purely for the purposes of publicity.”  And possibly to have publicly shamed the tiny island nation into releasing him for the Paris Climate talks. If that was the case, it proved another epic Amal professional fail as the request for an extension was denied. Indeed, the headlines lamented, “The Paris Summit is Missing One of the Great World Leaders on Climate . This article stated, “Amnesty International and the great human rights lawyer Amal Clooney are doing their best – but they’re up against thugs, pure and simple.” Great human rights lawyer. Paul Roberts. Thugs.  The talking point struggle is real.

Amal on Crack

Since Nasheed’s appeal deadline came and went, on what grounds did Amal think she would be able to secure her first “human rights” victory before the rebranding of her husband as a “humanitarian” and “movie star” was to start in late January?  Illness.  This, it seems, is Amal’s method of operation since she cannot win based on facts and/or her lawyering skills.  Yulio Tymoshenko, Ukraine’s former prime minister, began treatment in Berlin’s Charite hospital for three slipped discs in March of 2014, just before the engagement announcement but after George was seen wearing a T-shirt supporting her in January of 2014 during “The Monuments Men” press junket.  Fahmy tried getting out with a hepatitis C diagnosis as well as treatment for a supposedly badly injured shoulder. Again, this was in March of 2014. Senussi supposedly had liver issues. Assange? He has been trying this “get out of jail due to illness” mantra for a while. First it was his heart and lungs in August of 2014 just before the wedding. Then it was his shoulder in 2015 as Amal was wrapping up her PR junket in the Maldives but before her losing streak.  Poor Julian. Gloria Arroyo claimed to have a bone mineral disorder which required treatment abroad. The hospital arrest under which she currently resides supposedly is not cutting it. Arroyo’s lawyers said they contacted Amal about taking the case in early 2015, to which she agreed. Obviously the idea that public pressure might work to free a guilty tyrant there seems possible.  Again, she can pick and choose her cases.  They are not “assigned” to her at least by a firm. She took Arroyo, she took Nasheed, she declined the UN hit piece on Israel, and she “accepted” the case that of jailed journalist Khadija Ismayilova. In any event, Nasheed supposedly has horrible, crippling back issues that cannot be treated anywhere in the world but the U.K. which is where, coincidentally, Amal lives and to where his wife and daughters moved recently. The medical leave was eventually granted. Thus began the next phase of the Clooney clownshow.

Amal Princes Trust

On December 18th, 2015, George and Amal Clooney attended The Prince’s Trust with the likes of Pierce Brosnan. It went largely unreported, but those who did know of their attendance wondered why.  Could it be because later in the month,  an overwhelming majority of the European Union parliament endorsed a resolution urging member states to “to introduce restrictive measures in the form of targeted sanctions to freeze the assets abroad of certain members of the Maldivian government and their leading supporters in the Maldivian business community, and to impose travel bans on them.” Conjecture, sure, but look what occurs a month later when the next phase of the PR frenzy began on January 12.  Amal showed up for pics in Washington D.C with her democracy mocker co-hort Jared Genser as he dropped off a list “provided to the U.S. government for sanctions targets (which) is clear and detailed, based on independent reporting of NGOs and media.”  Media. This entire case is based on “Wag the Dog” media promoted smoke and mirrors.  Our “press” is just as culpable.  On January 13, it was announced that “NBC Lands Amal Clooney Interview”.     Touted

as her first sit down American interview, she was given a nationally televised public platform to spew her propaganda.  On January 14, her “In-Depth Interview” with Cynthia McFadden aired. The next day she was on the “Today” show.  “The government has refused to allow him out to get that surgery abroad, which is where it would be appropriate for it to be dispensed. And even locally, he hasn’t been able to get to a hospital to get that done. So it’s a really concerning situation”, Amal told NBC News.  She also told them “democracy is dead” in the Maldives and that political repression, abuse of women, and Islamic jihadism are on the rise. This woman is beyond shameless.  Release her client or ISIS will attack? Actually it is quite the opposite. Ask Obama. He has said that a primary reason why people join ISIS is because they are poor and disenfranchised.  Her requested sanctions has the potential to send the Maldives economy into a tailspin which would, by Obama’s theory, cause Islamic jihadism to rise. The liberals cannot keep their lies in order. Coincidentally, this was the same day “Freedom Now”, a US NGO, requested a travel ban and economic sanctions against the Maldives, a country which relies heavily on tourism for financial survival , would hurt the poor, women, and children of the tiny island nation the most as tourism is a huge source of their livelihood. What about their “human rights”?

Nasheed was given clearance to leave the Maldives for 30 days to supposedly get his back treated in the U.K., even though Maldives Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon said the treatment required by Nasheed was minor, and that it could have easily been undertaken in the Maldives, but “It seems members of the opposition are intent in politicizing this situation”.  This proved quite a true statement. The sudden change of heart by the Maldivian government came amid “a flurry of high-level diplomatic activity involving neighboring India, Sri Lanka, and former colonial power Britain….None of the countries has commented publicly on what was discussed during the visits, but diplomatic sources told AFP that backroom maneuvering had contributed to the decision to allow Nasheed to travel”.  Background maneuvering? Who would have guessed? It just so happened Amal brought the press to Sri Lanka to “fight for Nasheed” at exactly the same time in another lovely ensemble.

Futhermore, “Hugo Swire, Britain’s Minister of State in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, arrived in the Maldivian capital on Saturday….By the time the ministerial duo returned to Colombo, President Yameen’s decision to release Nasheed at 12 noon last Saturday (January 16) had reached them.   An over-enthusiastic Swire, who was privy to this, had then tweeted thanking the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister for ensuring ‘stability in the region.’ The tweet was to cause concerns at the highest levels of the Maldivian Government. It was cutting across what they were to announce via twitter on Saturday evening. A Male Foreign Ministry tweet said the Government had granted permission to Nasheed to travel ‘to UK to undergo surgery at his request.’ As a Male Foreign Ministry source, who spoke on grounds of anonymity, confessed, ‘What has stability in the region got to do with Nasheed undergoing surgery’?” She threatens ISIS attacks if he is not released, Swire threatens “stability in the region”….how would any of that change if he had medical attention for his back? They are threats to play on the public’s emotions, and sick ones at that, but ones that play into the Gensler/Clooney playbook of mocking democracy for their desired outcomes.

The foreign ministry further said that it has now granted the concession “on the condition” that Mr. Nasheed return to the Maldives after the surgery to serve the remainder of his sentence.  It was not clear how that demand would be enforced since “Mr. Nasheed’s wife Laila and their two daughters have been living in London since the ex-president was hauled back to the prison island in July after being briefly released on house arrest.” Asked whether she expected Nasheed to return, the Maldives foreign minister was noncommittal. “It’s difficult to predict,” said Maumoon, who is the daughter of the politician who ruled the Maldives for

30 years until Nasheed was elected in 2008. “We have to see how events unfold.  He is a convicted criminal and he is serving a sentence for terrorism,” Maumoon added. “He is not being released. This is a specific clearance for a particular period of time.” She said that Nasheed is expected to fly back in 30 days if he does not have surgery, and 45 days if he has an operation. He can request an extension for medical reasons, she says.  If he refuses, the Maldives can request his extradition, but the British Secretary of State would have to sign off on it. British Prime Minister David Cameron

Nasheed Cameron  2.jpg

recently described Nasheed to the Guardian as his “new best friend.” Mamoun said the biggest reason for Nasheed to return to a country that has branded him a terrorist for having a judge arrested while he was president is to try to get the conviction overturned by the courts and re-enter politics. The next election is in 2018. Make no mistake that has been the point all along…not “medical treatment” but to have time to lobby for international governments to apply pressure to the tiny island nations to him clear him so he can run again, even though the people have made it clear they do not want him. Amal Clooney cannot win on her own merit and facts of a case, so she bullies to get her way.  Well…the money and powers that be behind her do. Her new last name can guarantee “Entertainment Tonight” will cover it, using manipulated language to for public sympathy from the low info voters.


The next day, January 17,  Amal was on “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd  to discuss the topic in her 12-minute segment while wearing “a £1,111 Dolce & Gabbana dress, £105 Givenchy earrings and a pair of £690 black suede Prada boots, totaling nearly £2,000” while being billed “as media-savvy as her husband and knows how to use it to bring attention to global issues of which most Americans know nothing.” That is correct.  Bring attention. That is her job.  Then, since we are stupid, it is Amal’s job to spin through Hollywood how we are supposed to view the globalist agenda. We know George has been doing this for a long time.  On January 21 a press release was sent out announcing January 25th as the date Amal and Nasheed would hold a press conference in London just so the media would not miss it. That same day, Nasheed arrived in London.  His lawyer awaited, arms

outstretched, the paps obviously called to catch the “accomplished human rights attorney” greet her supposedly ailing client who was in dire need of medical attention. Just kidding! Nasheed all but skipped out of the airport.  It is also worth noting that on the way out of the airport, the cameramen who takes a spill here while filming Amal is  Jake Whitman, a NBC News producer, photojournalist and editor (the same NBC of Meet the Press, The Today Show, Cynthia McFadden & Nightline News, NBC World News with Lester Holt that aired Amal’s PR blitz). We know now that NBC is in the tank for the Clinton campaign.  This guy was paid to fly to London to specifically follow one of Hillary’s biggest donors. Amal knows him by name.  Yes, the Goebbelizaion of our media is long past the point of return.

At the January 25th press conference, throughout the discussion, Amal reiterated the need for targeted sanctions on Maldives regime leaders even though Nasheed was released for the medical treatment he supposedly so desperately needed. She said: “The case for sanctions is urgent. Even if President Nasheed is here with us, he has not been pardoned.  We must continue not just for President Nasheed but for all the people of the Maldives, who are victims of human rights abuse,” she added. They are?


Where? Who are these “victims of human rights abuses” in the Maldives? Why would she not represent them since they are the actual downtrodden folks?  Pardoned? He was released for “urgent medical care”? The bigger issue here, though, is the continuing threat of economic sanctions to get her way.  This guy arrested a judge he did not like and was put in prison for it. If democracy is dead, Amal Clooney helped kill it while proving again that they do not support “free” speech but “controlled” speech.  She is throwing not just democracy but the rule of law and the sovereignty of a nation. Remember she is a big supporter of open borders, the Responsibility to Protect, and Restrain the Veto. She has no use for a nation’s sovereignty or its laws.  Neither does her husband.


How far will she go to win? If her economic terrorism does not work, there is always a travel boycott.  “We haven’t come out and called for an all-out tourist boycott yet, but at the same time I don’t think we would exclude it. Tourists have the power of the purse,” she said recently. The Maldives, an island nation with virtually no natural resources, depends heavily on its world-famous upmarket tourism for much its revenue. The industry also employs a sizeable majority of its workforce. For someone who claims to care about “human rights” and whose husband is some supposed “humanitarian”, leaving the poor of a country to fend for themselves for their own personal gain seems quite the antithesis of that.  Ahmed Adheeb, the Vice President of the Maldives, said, “Now, in an attempt to punish both the democratically elected Government and people of the Maldives for merely enforcing their own laws Nasheed’s legal team are threatening to lobby for international sanctions. These would hurt not only those in the

ISIS Maldives

administration but, more painfully, the citizens of the Maldives who depend on the tourism industry for their livelihoods. They would have a whole nation suffer for the purposes of publicity and because the legal arguments in favor of Nasheed are untenable.”  In addition, the radical Islam jihad with which Amal claims to be concerned would happen as a result of her sanctions, not in lieu of his release.  In a research paper, Iromi Dharmawardhane, a Senior Analyst with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said “Jihadist activity and a radicalized community have been visibly growing in the past decade in the Maldives. Boycotting the tourism

industry of Maldives will contribute to further radicalization of the country’s population, he warned.  The paper, published in the RSIS Commentary which identifies itself as a platform to provide timely and policy-relevant commentary and analysis of topical issues and contemporary developments, said the Maldives is a fertile ground for jihadist recruitment. The growth of jihadism in the Maldives is a serious security concern, particularly for India and other South Asian countries, it said. According to the expert, in order to counter Islamic fundamentalism, the Maldives needs help, not isolation. A boycott of its tourism industry would inflict great suffering on the already poor country, as tourism is its main industry and source of income, he added.

As such, the Government of the Maldives rightfully criticized Nasheed for “exploiting” the terms of a 30-day medical release to embark on a “lobbying and media campaign abroad”. Nasheed has been “biding his time” for his chance in the spotlight for some time. Now was the time to grab it. Hours before the press conference, the foreign ministry said in a statement that since Nasheed’s arrival in London, “his party, aides and advisors had organized multiple meetings and media engagements with the sole aim of politicizing his trip. Nasheed’s ability to undergo this busy itinerary undermines the notion that his medical condition was grave enough to warrant treatment abroad”. The government also noted its

Nasheed Gov Meeting

“profound disappointment” that a “member of its London high commission was denied entry to Nasheed’s forthcoming press conference, despite a request many days in advance. This is in stark contrast to the unimpeded access given to the press conferences of Amal Clooney and Nasheed’s US advisers during their last visit to the Maldives”, it said. “This is not medical leave, but media leave,” foreign minister Dhunya Maumoon was quoted as saying in the statement. “Mr. Nasheed’s PR advisers’ vetting of attendees at his press conference reveals, as many in the Maldives witnessed during his tenure as president, that he does not practice what he preaches when it comes to freedom of speech.” Neither do the Clooneys. Regardless, “The opportunity for Mr. Nasheed to clear his name remains in the Maldives, not in the TV studios of London or Los Angeles. The Supreme Court appeal in Mr Nasheed’s conviction will continue while he meets politicians and the media in London. We look forward to his return and wish him speedy recovery from his medical treatment.” His 30 days expired towards the end of February. By all accounts he was still in the U.K. and had not had surgery. That’s Amal…making a mockery of democracy more every day.

Amal Clooney’s handlers now have all her major “career” events spun accordingly to coincide with any Hollywood event her husband has scheduled. Nasheed’s release followed by the January 25th press conference came just before the February 5th release of George’s Hail Caesar, a comedy produced by the Cohen brothers who, in August of 2014, a month before the wedding, signed a pro-Israel statement criticizing Hamas with 190 other members of the Hollywood community.  It must have been awkward when Amal visited the set, if she ever did.  In any event, the movie tanked. It has the distinction of being the least commercially viable Cohen movie to date.  Scarlett Johannsen was nowhere to be round on the red carpet. It was the Amal show, including putting the appropriate public spin and pressure on the Maldives via the media.  Thus far it hadn’t worked.  By all accounts he was still in the U.K., had not had surgery, and the Maldives had not caved.


Then, on April 6th the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives-dominated parliament “approved today amendments to the 2009 Privileges and Protection for Former Presidents Act to withdraw state benefits for ex-presidents convicted and sentenced to jail for a criminal offence committed during his presidency.”  Then, on April 8th, the Maldives government refused to extend Nasheed’s medical leave and ordered him to return to serve the remainder of his 13 year sentence.  A Maldives Correctional Service spokesman told pro-government website Avas that Nasheed’s request for medical leave extension was incomplete.  “Since the documents are incomplete and because we have doubts over their authenticity, we have asked Nasheed to return yesterday [Wednesday],” Hassan Ali said. Besides, Nasheed now wants his name cleared as the end game so he can run again in 2018.  What is a fame hungry girl with a large media platform but still with a horrible professional track record to do? Turn to Jared Gensler and their cronies in Congress to bully the tiny island nation into capitulation, thus mocking democracy and the sovereign laws of their nation.

There stood Jared and Amal on April 9th in Washington D.C. with Soros buddies Patrick Leahy and  John McCain after the United States senate unanimously adopted Thursday “a bipartisan resolution calling on the Maldivian government to redress the ‘injustice’ of former President Mohamed Nasheed’s imprisonment and release other political prisoners” because, as discussed with regards to all things “climate”, “The Maldives is “strategically important due to its location, which straddles major trade routes in the Indian Ocean.”  The resolution – which expresses the sense of the senate and is not enforceable – was submitted in November by a coalition of 13 senators from both the Republican and Democratic parties after a UN rights panel declared Nasheed’s terrorism conviction illegal and politically motivated.  No doubt if checked, one would find these 13 senators

all had associations with the same handlers. Regardless, once again the Maldives stood firm saying, “The government has the utmost respect for the integrity of the US Senate and the dignity of the US government, but it is clear that the senate has considered this matter without being aware of the full facts of this case.” Oh they are aware of the facts. Hence the public pressure and lobbying continued with lawmakers moving up the ranks to Secretary of State John Kerry with a letter dated April 12th which stated: “We would urge the administration to consider all of the options at its disposal, which might be effective in influencing the government’s behavior,” McCain said.  Yes, we know.  On April 24th, home minister Umar Naseer said a decision would be made regarding ex-president Mohamed Nasheed’s medical release within this week, after reviewing Medical Board’s decision on the matter. They did not cave and demanded his return. As a result,

“conservative” Prime Minister David Cameron, who now calls Nasheed his “new best friend”, and the UK government granted Nasheed “asylum”.  Amal Clooney, junior barrister, winner of no cases in court, leader of no cases until she got married with a public platform to bully these tiny nations, supposed “human rights” defender, used a Goebelized press to “apply pressure” to get Nasheed “released”, mocking the outcomes of a democratic process that did not meet her handlers needs.  Her handlers got their guy, and she got pap walks in designer duds.  Win-win.  Soros’s “Democracy Now!” was quick to push the talking points.  Keep in mind as this story unfolds that the point has always been to force the Soros and Muslim Brotherhood backed Nasheed back into power. Further proof Amal allowed herself to be used to mock democracy and the rule of law of a sovereign nation?  Here is a link to video of Nasheed chair racing on June 6, 2016 in England.  The video “Showed the animated 49-year-old yelling to go faster as he hurtled by on a swivel chair – before being knocked out of the race as another opponent smashed into him… Footage, which emerged on

social media, show Nasheed being pushed forward at quite a speed.
The laughing politician appears caught up in the excitement as he clings to the seat of the chair with both hands”.  Sure.  “Back” problems so bad that he needed surgery clear across the globe.

The “100 Lives” Initiative

Aurora prize

As Nasheed’s case floated off the entertainment pages before unmasking the truth could commence, the Clooneys shifted to their involvement with Vartan Gregorian’s “100 Lives” initiative.  The Clooneys took on their first joint task with what they consider one of the biggest genocide atrocities of the modern era-the Armenian Genocide that occurred between 1915 and 1923. Yes. The Clooneys want to fight genocide from 100 years ago because there seems to not be any happening in their backyards right now.  As with everything related to the Clooneys, the Armenian Genocide will prove a “humanitarian” and “human rights” cover to push the “islamophobia” mantra as way to “control speech” while pushing “open borders” via the “migrant crisis”.

Golden Globes 2

On January 11, 2015, The Clooneys made their first red carpet appearance as husband and wife in Los Angeles at the Golden Globes. Almost immediately thereafter, Amal appeared on a case to prosecute the free speech victory of a man named Perineck.  This gentleman denied the Armenian Genocide occurred.  Ridiculous as the statement may be, true free speech involves speech in which not everyone agrees.  In Switzerland where Perineck, made his proclamation, it is illegal to deny the Armenian genocide, so he was charged with a speech violation. In a victory for free speech, he won.  According to Reuters:

“A Swiss court had fined the leader of the leftist Turkish Workers’ Party, Dogu Perincek, for having branded talk of an Armenian genocide ‘an international lie’ during a 2007 lecture tour in Switzerland”.  However, “the European Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday in a case involving Switzerland…denying that mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915 were genocide is not a criminal offence…The court, which upholds the 47-nation European Convention on Human Rights, said a Swiss law against genocide denial violated the principle of freedom of expression.”

Now why would a great “free speech” advocate take a case prosecuting freedom of expression? First, consider that most of Amal Clooney’s cases are family and/or terrorist related as this is who they are. As expected, familial ties are attached to this Armenian case, as well.  Harut Sassounian of The California Courier writes:

Since my last column, several readers have pointed out the little-known family link between Mrs. Clooney (Amal Ramzi Alamuddin) and ‘Papa’ Jakob Kuenzler, a Swiss missionary known as “the father of Armenian orphans.” Kuenzler and his wife had diligently aided the Armenian community in Ourfa for 25 years until the Genocide. Then in the 1920’s, the Kuenzlers began working for Near East Relief, evacuating thousands of Armenian orphans from Turkey to Ghazir, Lebanon, where Armenian girls wove the famous ‘White House rug’ which was donated to U.S. President Calvin Coolidge in 1925. The Kuenzlers’ daughter Ida married Najib Alamuddin, the cousin of Amal’s grandfather, Khalil Alamuddin.”

In addition, one could argue that the Clooney alignment with this “100 Lives” initiative dealing specifically with the Armenian genocide might have accounted for this judgement.  However, as a “world famous Muslim ‘human rights’ attorney”, one might also argue that she could have used her huge public platform to defend free speech as it was intended, whether she agreed with it or not, while calling out the radical Islamists partaking in the modern day genocide of the slaughter of Christians worldwide the same as happened in Armenia many years ago.  No…none of that fits their narrative. The Clooneys advocate for “controlled speech” and use “Islamophobia” to push these speech restrictions in addition to using the modern day slaughter of Christians worldwide not to call out those facilitating the atrocities but to push for “open borders” of sovereign of nations.  They are using the exact platforms they claim to support to undermine the rights of citizens.

Islamic Jhiad on Free Speech

Ultimately, the high court ruled against Amal regarding her position on the Armenian Genocide case. She lost. Again. Perhaps that is why, after almost two years of promoting this event as their first joint “humanitarian issues” as husband and wife Amal failed to show.  Perhaps it “did what it was supposed to do” in attempting to show her as a Muslim who cared about “her people” slaughtering Christians.  Regardless, with this loss, she failed not only their “humanitarian” cover but also failed to present to the winner the scholarship she supposedly established or, at least, to which she had her name attached. As previously mentioned Pamela Tebchrany, 16, from Dhour Choueir, northeast of Beirut, became the first recipient of Amal’s “scholarship”.  She found out from a friend who read about it in Vogue magazine.

No light is being made of the atrocities any of the Armenian people suffered. However, they are not the focus here; the Clooneys are and how they seem to be using the event to justify pushing the globalists’ agenda of destroying the west, more specifically the U.S. and Israel.   Take this “Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity”, Clooney’s new pet project, defined as “a new global award that will be given annually to people who put themselves at risk to enable others to survive and thrive. Recipients will be recognized for the exceptional impact their actions have made to preserving human life or advancing humanitarian causes, despite the challenges that they have overcome.”  As with anything “human rights” related, language is important and usually completely subjective In order to find out what it means, we first must recognize who two of the co-founders are:  Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan, yes the same two of the John Podesta/Hillary Clinton Russian Joule/Skolkovo deal.  Then one must check into the backgrounds of the other three non-Clooney members of the “selection committee” on the initiative’s homepage.

Ellie Weisel

First, there is Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor who witnessed atrocities most of us will hopefully never know; however, he is a liberal democrat. True to Clooney form, on November 6th, 2009 Weisel “blasted the tea party ‘anti-Semitism’ and Holocaust comparisons: ‘This kind of political hatred is indecent and disgusting’.” Who knows to what he was referring as the Tea Party deals with financial issues only. One can only assume, being a liberal academic, he believed the false narrative about the Tea Party crafted by the likes of Clooney to keep in step with the democrat party platform. However, as a Holocaust survivor and activist who sat next to Senator Ted Cruz at a

Elie Weisel Ted Cruz

meeting the day before being the guest of honor at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congressional speech regarding the negative implications of the Iran nuclear deal, one would hope his eyes have been opened to the fact that conservatives are, indeed, his friends and democrats, including Clooney who thinks Iran, which announced it would use said nuclear weapons on Israel and the U.S. and whose people shouted “Death to America! Death to Israel!” in the streets as one of the world’s largest sponsors of terrorism should have equal representation on the global stage, are not.  Regardless, Wiesel is going to be at this event next year, the first recipient of the award, and is a major player.


Then there is Hina Jilani, listed as “Former UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders”.  In 2009, Jilani partook in the UN fact finding mission on the Gaza conflict. Sound familiar? It should. It was the 2009 equivalent of the 2014 Israeli witch hunt position Amal turned down.  Israel rejected the seemingly blatant prejudicial outcomes while Hamas embraced them. This “human rights activist” hates Israel. So does Amal. So does Vartan Gregorian, who is listed as “Co-founder, 100 Lives:  President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York”. Mr. Gregorian was the first non-native American citizen to become President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.  As such, while Mr. Carnegie’s primary aim was to benefit the people of the United States, Mr. Gregorian opened up the wealth flow straight to the hotbed of cronyism in the form of “humanitarianism” to, yes, Africa.  Currently  “this area of Corporation grant making focuses on selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa.” Mr. Gregorian is a top Muslim globalist who works in tandem with Soros to achieve global governance via “climate change” and the “islamofication” of the west through the Common Core curriculum in public schools.

Vartan Gregorian

Mr. Gregorian serves on a few boards to help streamline this Muslim influx of America.  As with George and Amal, the idea is to smooth over the radical image of those they support—not moderate Muslims but the ones who work actively against the west like the terrorists she defends and supports.  Please note, then, that Gregorian is not an assimilated Muslim.  According to a book review by the Middle East Forum, his book Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith “establishes the Islamist goal of world domination.”  A chapter of the book, “Islamism: Liberation Politics,” quotes Ayatollah Khomeini: “Islam does not conquer. Islam wants all countries to become Muslim, of themselves.” Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, is quoted stating it “is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”  Gregorian himself recommends for Muslims a system he calls “theo-democracy,” which he defines as “a divine democratic government” that, according to the book review, “would have a limited popular sovereignty under the suzerainty of Allah.” If Amal is being used to assimilate radical Islam through the masses via pop culture, Mr. Gregorian is doing it via the supposed “islamophobia” brought about by 9/11 and our public education system.


We hear the term Islamophobia used in conjunction with slander. The word was coined sometime ago and has been used frequently since 9/11; however, there have been no significant retaliations against Muslims in the United States since, but the media and Islamic groups acted as if there were. It gave them the perfect opportunity to set up the “refugee” scenario.  As such, Mr. Gregorian is very involved in shaping the image of Muslims since the September 11th attacks.  WND reported  Gregorian is closely tied to the Muslim leaders behind the controversial Islamic cultural center to be built near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks. Gregorian also serves on the board of the Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. The museum is reportedly working with the American Society for Muslim Advancement, whose leaders are behind the mosque, to ensure the future museum will represent the voices of American Muslims.  The Cordoba Initiative, which is behind the proposed mosque to be built about two blocks from the area referred to as Ground Zero, has, with Gregorian at its helm, the Carnegie Corporation at the top of the list of society supporters on the Islamic group’s website.


As for public education, his influence financially and philosophically go much deeper. Mr. Obama’s mentor, domestic Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers received $49.2 million in startup capital for an education-reform project from Vartan Gregorian, a board member of the Qatar Foundation, which, as reported in 2012, has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and was started by the former Emir of Qatar and founder of Al Jazeera news network, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani. Qatar has gained access to America’s K-12 students through other education programs as well. For example, Qatar Foundation International’s “flagship” Arabic Language and Culture program is offered in several US schools and districts. In addition, Gregorian is an integral part of “Connect All Schools”, through which Qatar invested $5 million to teach not just Arabic in American public schools but to clean up radical Islam’s image.  For example, at Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, DC, students connected with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Syria for a lesson that examined “how the media in the U.S. stereotypes Muslims in a negative light.” Note the “image cleanup” involves American changing their tune, not Islam doing anything about its radicalism. In an effort to alert these schools to the fact that Qatar is a “pernicious sponsor of Islamic terror,” Col. Allen West, Frank Gaffney, Jr. of the Center for Security Policy, and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, recently joined with several others to start the Qatar Awareness Campaign.  According to the group: “Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.”  In addition to the Connect All Schools initiative, Qatar has gained access to America’s K-12 students to push their message. This guy who represents a major sponsor of world terror sponsors several major initiatives of Clooneys.  Telling.


In addition, former National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman Jim Leach  seemed to use the NEA to “propagandize for the Obama administration’s wishful thinking about Islam”. Leach saw Obama’s much-vaunted Cairo speech as the blueprint for what the NEH should be doing, as he made clear in this fawning address to the Carnegie Corporation, and numerous Endowment initiatives followed, including the Bridging Cultures initiative, and the Muslim Journeys  Bookshelf. Scott Johnson of Powerline notes, “Consider the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf that Leach foisted on the Endowment, with the support of a $1.2 million grant from the Carnegie Corporation. Carnegie is an organization run by Vartan Gregorian, under whose leadership Carnegie has become deeply invested in Islam-related initiatives”.  Leach thus converted the NEH into a vehicle of propaganda because, upon further review,  an NEH source familiar with the project has explained that the grant was awarded by Carnegie to the NEH with the unwritten (but completely understood) provision that there were to be “no books or voices critical of Islam and the dangerous Islamist tendencies within Islam.” When asked about the exclusion, NEH political flack Eva Caldera stated those books were already “widely available.”


This banning of books fits well with how Clooney’s left supports “free speech” which is it is fine as long as it is speech of which they approve. It is no surprise that Mr. Gregorian was one of the first university Presidents to expel a student for using “hate speech” when expressing his right to “free” speech.  A drunken student yelled some nasty names at some other kids. The school deemed them “unsafe” and, as such, the school felt the need to “balance free speech against freedom of fear”. No, that is not how the first amendment was designed to work. It was not designed to protect ears from offensive language. However, as we know from studying the globalist agenda, anything that works to get the first amendment of our Constitution to fall takes precedent. Mr. Gregorian was upset by news reports that suggested the student had been expelled because he violated university regulations governing speech. Gregorian said the rules proscribed behavior, not words, therefore it was fine. He was quite judicial with his language when he stated, “”The day that Brown denies any student freedom of speech is the day that I give up my presidency of the university.”  He did not give up his presidency when he should have, then, because he did deny a student’s right to free speech as protected by the first amendment.  That is very subjective language and subjective interpretation of that language used to kick that kid out of school. This was in 1991. Look at where we are now.  We now live in an era of “safe zones” from “hate speech” on higher education campuses. Gregorian helped censor reading content through the power of the purse where his education grants are concerned, and he also did so when President of Brown University. “Free speech” means “the speech which he authorizes” in true globalist fashion and now it looks like democrats in the U.S. are serious in using it to curtail our first amendment rights.  House Resolution 569 was introduced on December 17, 2015  with “its self-described purpose is ‘condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States’.” Democrats have been trying to ban what they deem hate speech and now plan to exploit Muslims to achieve their goals as an excuse to put laws that damage or destroy the First Amendment, is right in line with the Clooney method of operation.  Where are the “Je Suis Clooneys” regarding this?  Railing against supposedly “xenophobic” Trump…by design.


George Clooney’s denouncing of the first amendment while pretending to care about “freedom of expression” is nowhere more blatantly apparent then with the Sony Hack scandal. After the release of the first batch of emails, which showed Clooney as an incredibly insecure individual who worries a great deal about his public persona, he seized on the opportunity to try to re-establish himself as some sort of “leader” and bastion of “free speech”.  Again, his actions spoke louder than his words.  Clooney’s BFF Obama quickly blamed North Korea for the attack, leading him to renew his push for net neutrality which will, in essence, give the federal government control over the internet. Clooney has said nothing regarding Obama’s Wag the Dog proxy war with North Korea to do this. Instead, Clooney claimed to have drafted a petition to release The Interview that he supposedly circulated to the studio heads to have them sign as a show of solidarity for the first amendment; however, no one signed it. Turns out, there probably was not one. Many of the studio heads said they never saw it, but if they did, they say they would have signed it.  Clooney claims they are full of it, but when asked to name names, he declined.  His “petition” was used to save face with the American people that he cares about their values while remaining silent on Obama’s net neutrality push as his silence lends him credibility with the global elites.  Clooney is fine with selling us out to communist North Korea if it means solidifying his global elite status.  He will sell us out to anything to make that happen, including Muslim extremism.


The last point regarding Gregorian’s Islamofication “contribution” to education involves Pearson Education which designs “education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners”.  This company has the biggest contracts with the Gates Foundation to provide textbooks for the Common Core curriculum and its contents.  Since the Common Core curriculum was designed by 12 politicians and special interests, not local school boards, parents, educators, and education specialists, Pearson is the perfect fit for this crony contract to push Islam, and it does as a pillar of the Common Core Social Studies Standards. In addition, Pearson is listed on the London and New York Stock Exchange with the Libyan Investment Authority as its largest financial contributor, holding 26 million shares.  According to the Financial Times, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Seif al-Islam and more than five Gaddafi family members own shares. The Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR), Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim Brotherhood are invested in Pearson Education through the Libyan Investment Authority. Oh…that son of Gaddafi?  Amal is his lawyer. Yes…he has a vested interest in the future of America’s children.


It has also emerged that Vartan Gregorian served on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that originally founded the “Responsibility to Protect” act.  With Gregorian on the advisory board & Soros a primary financial backer, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the Responsibility to Protect, or Responsibility to Act, as cited by Obama, as a “set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of ‘war crimes’” ‘genocide’. ‘crimes against humanity’ or ‘ethnic cleansing’.” The problem is the completely subjective nature of these terms could prove even more problematic.  As WND reported, “The term ‘war crimes’ has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.”  Yes, the “Responsibility to Protect” means that this global governing body can declare the sovereignty of a nation null and invade where they see fit if what they can deem what they see happening as “genocide” or “crimes against humanity”, including Israel and the U.S. Why not? Language. They are fabulous with it…and are using it every way they can to undermine US and Israeli sovereignty.  In fact, there is talk of the UN interfering in the democrat enabled water crisis in Flint, MI.  These are the people with whom Amal Clooney associates.


Another area that ties to the destruction of national sovereignties where Soros and Gregorian are concerned? Illegal immigration, amnesty, “Syrian refugees”, the “migrant crisis”-whatever term works-…just understand that as the borders are erased, these two are flooding the areas with

Muslims as “refugees”.  As Soros admitted he is behind the “migrant crisis” after being called out by the President of Hungary and the Czech Republic, so, too, is Gregorian, a pro-open borders advocate. In fact, the article ” Rich Immigrants are Behind $18 Million to Force Passage of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens this Year” establishes Soros and Vartan as the two primary backers of amnesty.  We already know of Soros and his plan, but this one goes farther to establish that, “Another foundation committing millions to the pro-amnesty effort is the Carnegie Corporation which has made rewards for illegal immigration one of its top projects. Carnegie openly touts its decision to be a central organizing leader to pull foundations together in a consortium to ensure amnesty and increased future immigration. The open-borders leadership was begun at Carnegie under its new president, Vartan Gregorian.” This is not conjecture. It is happening in real time all around the world. It is probably why the two greatest “humanitarians” of all time have said nothing about “genocide” of Christians worldwide by radical Muslim extremists globally.  First, the Clooneys and their handlers are on the side of the extremists and secondly, those paying the Clooneys’ bills are helping to relocate these “refugees” globally to collapse borders.  The Clooneys have, however, ramped up the security around their English estate including a fence and closed circuit television and had special “paparazzi” laws made for them in Italy.


Why the push, then, by the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas Clooneys to help force Islamic Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 million Christians? First, reparations.  There would be a call for a redistribution of Turkey’s modern day wealth to another nation based on events from 100 years ago. If this precedent is set, one might argue it bodes well for Obama’s call for reparations for slavery in the U.S. meaning today’s generation of children will be responsible for paying off some ridiculously imposed financial debt, with a price imposed by a bunch of politicians, due to some dark stain on history hundreds of years ago. It is a ludicrous notion, but wealth distribution from the world to the global elites is a key component of their control.  In addition, if the genocide is recognized by Turkey then so must Israel recognize it. According to Steven Michael Jacobs in his book Modern Genocide:  The Definitive Resource and Document Collection, “There is a deeper problem. Part of the conflict that Israel finds itself in results from the Israeli abuses of Palestinian human rights from 1948 on. Rather than addressing its own violations as a means of promoting peace within occupied areas and with neighboring countries, Israel continues to pursue the same polices. This leaves it in the position of having to make cynical foreign policy deals, such as the alliance with Turkey to harm Armenians.”  The argument here is that if Turkey is forced to recognize the genocide, the logic is so, then, too must Israel  This might then force Israel to admit to whatever “war crimes” violations they supposedly committed against Palestinians in the eyes of the UN all of these years which leaves them even more vulnerable to a U.N. “intervention” via the “Responsibility to Protect” or “Restrain the Veto”.  Who turned down a position on a panel to investigate these supposed “war crimes” i.e. “human rights violations” against Israel? Amal. Who was on a panel that did in 2009? Hina Jilani of Mr. Clooney’s “100 Lives Initiative”. Israel better watch themselves or the “Responsibility to Protect” might be used against them.


Another reason? Turkey is a NATO ally.  Turkey is also supposedly “helping” in the “fight” against ISIS, even though Turkey is a hotbed for terrorism.  Overall, Obama, who promised when he hit the campaign trail for re-election…remember that $15 million fundraiser at George’s house?…changed his mind when it came time to remember the atrocity on its 100th year anniversary. Mr. Obama “has not only failed to recognize the Armenian Genocide, but has actively blocked congressional legislation (H.Res.252, 111th Congress) to commemorate this atrocity and, through his Solicitor General, officially opposed efforts in the U.S. courts … to allow American citizens to pursue Genocide-era property claims”.  Maybe this would explain why the greatest “human rights humans against genocide who have ever lived” and even had this “100 Lives” foundation set up as a remembrance of this event skipped the festivities? Not a peep out of either one of them. Now the Kardashians? They were on hand in Armenia to pay their respects.  Telling.

Before we get to the breakdown of the “100 Lives” foundation “mission” statement, let’s understand what has happened so far with regards to education where George Clooney is concerned…it has been usurped to undermine American exceptionalism, especially with regards to freedom of speech, while pushing Islam in the Common Core curriculum. As a noted Hillary Clinton supporter, it’s worth noting that the DNC leaks revealed the Clinton “pay to play” schemes where “former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from an entity dubbed GEMS Education, and that he was also named its ‘honorary chairman’ from 2011 to 2014. Based in Dubai, GEMS is the world’s leading Sharia Law education center with a

network of more than 100 schools across the Asia, Africa and the Middle East.  The company also seems to have contributed millions of dollars more to the Clinton Foundation itself. Daily Caller reports that Bill and Hillary’s joint tax returns “corroborate the former president’s role with GEMS.”  Counter-terrorism analyst and former intelligence officer Stephen Coughlin said of the Clinton’s relationship with GEMS, “Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda?” Indeed. Then again, Bill was “honorary chairman” of an international Sharia Law education center during the same time the Islamofication of public education via the Common Core curriculum in the United States was starting under Clooney co-horts Hillary, Obama and Vartan Gregorian.  Seems like a “global indoctrination” via “the children”, no?  These are the same types of questions asked when Clooney suddenly decided to get married because he met “the (Muslim) one”.  2014, the year Bill Clinton ended his “honorary chair” position, is the year of the great Clooney wedding.

That said, watch the metamorphosis of the “100 Lives” initiative from one that focuses on the Armenian Genocide to using it as a cover for their globalist agendas.  On March 11th, 2015, Armenian Weekly stated:

“On March 10, the ‘100 LIVES’ initiative, which aims to celebrate survivors of the Armenian Genocide and support efforts to keep the legacy of gratitude alive, was launched in New York.  The initiative is led by a group of Diasporan Armenians including President of Carnegie Corporation Vartan Gregorian and entrepreneurs Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan.  The project aims to uncover and recount stories about survivors and their saviors, which will be collected through academic research, personal accounts, and story submissions by the public to the website.”

This article says nothing about education or refugees.  It reads as if it will benefit either the descendants of those who perished or their memories somehow.  Fine.  It does not turn out that way. As for the “group of Armenians”, we have already seen for what they stand and their ties to Clooney some as far back as 2011.  Makes sense, then ,that by 2016, the “100 Lives” had morphed into the “how to use a manufactured-by-the-UN ‘humanitarian’ crisis in Syria to destroy sovereign nations around the world for UN control”.


Consider the panels that were held at the “Aurora Dialogues Roundup”.  First? “The Global State of the Humanitarian Issue”.  Former United Nations special representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders and Aurora Prize Selection Committee Member Hina Jilani believes that despite the skepticism that exists toward the United Nations today, its authority and mandate must be reinforced. “Countries that are members of the UN sometimes try to compete with the UN and weaken it, and I think that is a mistake. We need a central authority that has sense and that no particular country dominates”.  Right.  Second panel?  “Saving the World’s Refugees, Syria and Beyond”  Moderating the panel was Gillian Sorensen, board member of the International Rescue Committee and senior advisor at the United Nations Foundation. As an American, Sorensen noted that all Americans “were refugees at one point.” NO. We were NOT all “refugees at one point”. I have NEVER been a refugee. Nor were my parents. Nor were my grandparents I am a CITIZEN of a SOVEREIGN nation but a descendant of immigrants.  I am not nor have I ever been a “refugee”.  This is completely false and misleading rhetoric.


Panel 3 is quite surprising as, to liberals, gender is a social construct but nevertheless is was titled,The Role of Women in the International Humanitarian CommunityOther than to complain about “equality” instead of working to fix the problem as they think it exists without the help of “legislating” it as the globalists see fit, there was not really a whole lot to see.  The last panel, “Shining a Light on the Crisis”, is the most notable one as it deals with, in lines with the DNC leaks revelations, the role the media plays “in covering humanitarian crises and shaping the public’s opinion about them.  The discussion was moderated by Ted Koppel, a prominent U.S. journalist and a senior contributor the CBS Sunday Morning News. Much of the discussion centered on the evolving media landscape and the role that social media plays in the way humanitarian crises around the world get reported. In a world where traditional media’s authority is waning, it is becoming more difficult to aggregate the various points of view and create an objective, verifiable reality. According to Koppel, journalists used to be

the “gatekeepers” through which all information had to pass, but unfiltered information spreading through social media without anyone verifying the facts poses real danger.”  Translated this means that the “real” news can get through to the people directly without the big conglomerate media spin as dictated by entities such as the DNC. If it were not for the internet and this sort of “journalism”, people would be completely sold on George and Amal Clooney as a UN Supercouple and the Crony Clinton Killing Machine would never have come to light. The “100 Lives” initiative has morphed from a charity to commemorate the Armenian Genocide into a UN propaganda machine.


Future (Soros) Cases

So on what will she claim to be “working” since her caseload has gone to about zip except for cherry picked cases since she changed her name? Why, another cherry picked case, of course, and on one that she can again claim to be pro “freedom of expression”. On January 16, Amal “offered her services” to Khadija Ismayilova, a “journalist” from Azerbaijan.  Clooney


said she would serve as co-counsel on the ECHR case with the Media Legal Defence Initiative, a British charitable organization with ties to Soros’s Open Society Initiative. This, however, was news to Khadijia’s legal team:  “Throwing a twist in the tale, the government-aligned Trend news agency, however, cited Ismayilova’s two Azerbaijani lawyers, Fakhraddin Mehdiyev and Fariz Namazli, as saying they know nothing about Clooney’s involvement in the case. They could not be reached for confirmation of the report.”  In addition, Amal’s request to take the case came under immediate scrutiny.  Those who question her involvement in this case focused on the Armenia case she lost against a Turkish politician in the same European Court of Human Rights. The feeling exists that Amal is on an anti-Turkic binge. Turkey and Azerbaijan share Turkic ties and, as close allies, both oppose Armenia on Karabakh,  “Anti-Turkic activities indeed helped Amal, a Lebanese by origin with close roots to large Armenian community in her motherland, to get distinguished in her lawyer career,” opined journalist Gunal Camal in her piece for AzerNews. The reporter maintained that the said “anti-Turkic” spree is Clooney’s “bid to catch up [with] with her husband [Hollywood star George Clooney]’s fame” and, no doubt, his “100 Lives” initiative.  However, there is also, in addition to her anti-free speech case, the “100 Lives” initiative commemorating the Armenian genocide and the ties to Amal’s family?  All coincidence, surely.  In addition, several members of the international press claimed, “Clooney Targets Turkic States in her Path to Fame”:

Mrs. Clooney, whose international profile was raised when she married American actor George Clooney in Italy, seems trying hard to prove all that she also can be a celebrity and likely with the advice of Armenian lobbyists targeted the Turkic states in her “path of fame”. Amal Clooney took on the controversial case in early 2015 and was part of a team representing Armenia against Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek, chairman of the Turkish Workers’ Party, convicted by Switzerland for denying the so-called Armenian genocide.

In October last year, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled it is not a crime to deny mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turkey in 1915 was a ”genocide”. Thus, Mrs. Clooney in her first attempt failed to rival her Oscar winner husband, but this scandalous case, to be true, enormously raised her popularity. So, deeply committed to anti-Turkic ideals Amal Clooney now has taken to Azerbaijan, first to prove her loyalty to Armenian lobbyists and second, to undersign another big case without caring who wins. Mrs. Clooney, strongly keeping her shattered background as human rights fighter, has decided to indulge into fighting for human rights even not knowing exactly who she is defending. In her televised interview for VOA she did not name even her client, just calling her “courageous women”. Khadija Ismayilova, or the ‘courageous women’ as Amal Clooney named, in fact was enough courageous to make money by illegal means while working for Radio Liberty.
Khadija, working at the media structure financed by the U.S. Congress, was able to make illegal money by inking commercial deals and covered her spivvery with the so-called fight against corruption.”


They are right. Facts are anathema to Amal. Her job is to bring the press to apply public pressure to have the outcome work in the favor of her handlers, and she knows it.   Amal told the BBC that she believes international pressure could help free Khadija, who has been serving a seven-and-a-half-year sentence since late 2015 for alleged abuse of power, tax evasion, illegal business activity and embezzlement.  “We know that diplomatic pressure can work on the [Azerbaijani] government because what we had happened in the last month,” Clooney said, referring to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s pardon of internationally recognized political prisoners ahead of a visit to Washington in late March where she met with two other George Soros buddies, Patrick Lahey and John McCain (who helped with Nasheed) as well as Mark Kirk. She pursued the same rhetoric

about “democracy” and “humanitarian” and “human rights” that even though it was glaringly obvious that this case, as with the Armenian speech case and the “100 Lives” initiative, was handpicked for her due to her current public profile to get those on her handlers side to apply “political pressure” against the Turks. As she had shown in the past, if this pressure did not work, she could lie about Khadija’s medical condition to procure her release. It happened in Egypt with Fahmy. It happened with Nasheed. With Nasheed, she reminded the press from Egypt she would be in the Maldives. The press willingly followed. She announced her participation to the press during her “Meet the Press” segment in February, met with the aforementioned Senators in March, and in May, “backed by Amal Clooney”,


she was “freed”.  According to her lawyer, Fariz Namazli (because, as stated, Amal was NOT her attorney. Two were already on the case when Amal asked to have her name attached to it), “The supreme court had dropped charges of embezzlement and abuse of power charges but kept the charges of tax evasion and illegal business activity.  Under the terms of probation, Ismayilova is required to reside in Baku, the capital, and is forbidden from traveling abroad for five years without official permission.”  Yeah. We will see how that goes. She might just need “medical treatment” after all…to seek asylum elsewhere…maybe England?  Regardless, a dangerous precedent has been set. This woman with no legal standing whatsoever marries a Hollywood actor, parades around in haute couture to get the entertainment media to fawn over her and create a narrative that she cares about “human rights” and then manipulates that narrative to get criminals that are of political significance to her handlers “released” from prison mocking the very democracy and “human rights” they claim to support.

Later, in her NBC interview with Cynthia McFadden, Amal stated that, “I think it’s wonderful celebrities would choose to spend their time or energy or, you know, the spotlight that they have to raise awareness about these causes,” says Amal, before insisting, “I don’t really see myself in the same way because I’m still doing the same job that I used to do before”…which was what, exactly?  She continues, “If there’s more attention paid for whatever reason to that, then I think that’s good.  You know, I think there is a certain responsibility that comes with that. I think I’m exercising it in an appropriate manner by continuing to do this kind of work.” What kind of work? Getting convicted prisoners and terrorists released from prison backdoor deals with politicians at the Clooney mega mansion in England? Perhaps this is why Greece has decided to revisit the Parthenon Marbles case? Maybe NOW the “public pressure” will work? Still has not worked for Assange. They will keep working at it, though.  Clooney, “Asked if he and Amal, a noted lawyer and human rights activist, throw similar star-studded bashes in their homes in LA, England and Italy, George answered, ‘No, not so much. It’s not with a lot of famous people. It ends up being with a lot of politicians…So, two nights ago at our house in England, we had President Nasheed over to say, ‘Hello.’ It’s less about stars and more about some of the people whom she and I are working with in other parts of our lives.”  Yes. We know. Soros/Gregorian people such as Nasheed who met with the Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma accompanied by his wife Laila Ali and his opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) chairperson Ali Waheed in England after his staged pap arrival followed by a press conference with Amal.  Details of the meeting were, however, not disclosed. Perhaps because his lawyer was not there. One would assume that his lawyer should be present for such a meeting, especially one who thinks of herself more as a career professional then a WAG-type, but, alas, she had “wife duties” in Hollywood appearing as Betty Boop on the red carpet for her husband’s next flop, Hail Caesar.  She was just “doing the same job that I used to do before”.


That said, before  Hail Cesar was released and flopped, George had some image cleaning up to do what with his wife stomping on democracy lying to get criminals out of jail after a string of high profile losses. We know he supports her politics. His politics, however, do not bode well for his acting career.  Therefore, during this time, he kept a relatively low profile.  They had not been seen together publicly since November 8th. She was seen at the party in London with her mother in December but no George, not even for holidays in Cabo with the Gerbers.  George was going to have to eventually come out of hiding and deal with the monster he helped create while trying to rebuild his career.  How does one best garner public sympathy? PR 101 says puppies and babies. George recently flat our denied any babies were on the way but puppies? Those he could manipulate for some positive PR.  How can a person tell when something like adopting a puppy is a PR move? There is a PR release with talking points released to all major media outlets.  In October, before they went “underground”, they supposedly adopted a basset hound mix named Millie. The photo of the happy “family” hit every entertainment news outlet it could find.  George


went M.I.A until January when it was decided that another puppy adoption was in order. Initial reports said his assistant Angel made the arrangements to have the dog delivered to his parents in Kentucky. George is now saying


in interviews he did it. Poor George. The more lies one tells, the harder it is to keep them straight.  Either way, another noted PR stunt as the dog was adopted on Christmas Eve but pictures of the dog and the sob story did not appear all over the entertainment pages until the day before George was scheduled to be in Amsterdam to shill for the “Not On Our Watch” project.  Clooney’s done nothing with this organization publicly for over two years, even with the rise of ISIS, but now with his career in the toilet and his political aspirations on hold as Amal’s lack of legal skills and her political background come to light, guess he felt re-establishing his “humanitarian” brand was the best way to win back the favor of his ticket buying audience.

Since Amal’s legal career is publicly manipulated at best since she has no legitimate wins as a team and has never led one, and the role she so seemingly wishes to attain as the new Jackie-O of the fashion world has fallen flat, she seems to be repackaging herself as some sort of public speaker.  This started in the spring of 2015 when she “guest lectured” at Columbia University. About what we have no idea as the supporter of “free speech” and “transparent governments” had those attending her lecture submit to some sort of non-disclosure agreement. “We are under strict orders not to discuss her or anything about her class,” said a student who declined to give her name. A representative from the law school politely asked a reporter to leave.  The same occurred in the spring of 2016. In the spring of 2016 she took her “lecturing” skills from the classroom to the public, still with restrictions.


Next, Amal keynoted the 13th Annual WINGS Luncheon on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 in Dallas, TX.  The woman who defends terrorists and violators of human rights, especially those of women and homosexuals, was touted by an organization that does actual work with victims of sex trafficking as a “a perfect voice to advocate against a crime that is happening in our own backyard”.  Really? Because she has said nothing about the horrors of 1,400 White Children in Rotherdam raped by Muslim men from 1997 to 2013 in her “backyard” in England.  She also has said nothing about sex slaves in Muslim and Communist countries such as Cuba and China .  One would think as the ninth ranked most “influential Arab under 40”, she would use her very public platform to condemn the “human rights” violations of radical Muslim extremists groups and Sharia Law and its horrible treatment

of women and gays. This group also claims “Her recent work as of 2015 has been in the field of advocating for the protection of women against physical and sexual violence in combat zones”. Really? Where? With Qaddafi’s kid? The King of Bahrain? The Elgin Marbles? The Muslim Brotherhood leader’s kid in Ireland? The Egyptian journalist? Although she claimed to support the “human rights” of those being trafficked for sex, according to writer Joanne Wolf, Amal raised other people’s money for this charity but supposedly donated no money of her own.  Wolf stated, “Ironically, Amal could have contributed a million dollars herself, simply by forgoing a few phone-calls to Saks Fifth Avenue, but then there would be no publicity so scrap that idea.”  The local papers did try to help push her “star power” claiming it pushed the luncheon to a $1 million tally; however, that fell short of the $1.1 million that Kevin Costner, a real movie star, brought in the prior year. She

attended a “human rights” conference for a photo op. Period. The charade must be kept up in order for the “public pressure” in her politically motivated cases to work.  Either “New Friends New Life” is on the globalist payroll or they really have no clue and should be given one because having her on their roster destroys their credibility.

Amal had another chance to “fix” her public relations disasters with a couple of speaking engagements in the Gulf region.  Instead, she used it as a platform to undermine sovereignty, democracy, and free speech with her false narratives. Here she blamed the “…three Rs responsible for the crackdown on freedom of speech in today’s world — royalty, rulers and religion. The state needs to understand that stifling criticism can have serious repercussions.”  Which case in the Gulf, land of human rights oppression, did she bring up to defend his? Nasheed. She claimed to have “won” Nasheed’s case in defense of “free speech”.  However, she was not his legal counsel, his time to appeal had long expired, and he is only out due to falsification of a medical condition. He was not found “not guilty”. She mocks democracy at every turn. She also stated, “Line should not be drawn between freedom of speech and secession but between freedom of speech and inciting violence. There can be debates about changing governments and changing territories as long as they don’t call for violence.” Funny. Neither she nor her husband spoke out against the George Soros funded Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements that have destroyed private property, shut down businesses, and killed cops.  And, yes, the DNC Leaks and Soros leaks prove he was a big player behind the scenes.  As for “freedom of speech”, Amal had a tight grip on what parts of this speech the public got to hear. Of a 28 minute speech, only six minutes were released. Surely this has everything to do with the recent hack revelation that Soros’s Open Society Foundation have actively trained socialist MEPs in Europe to combat “populist” parties and shut down free speech?


From India, she moved onto the United Arab Emirates to speak before a large contingent of Gulf state leaders. This would have been the perfect opportunity to call out not the human rights violations of these nations, especially the “migrants” of which the Clooneys have grown so fond. The UAE is being investigated for its treatment of migrant workers building a multibillion dollar cultural hub.  According to the Guardian, “Contractors failed to pay wages for months at a time, did not renew work permits and residence visas, and refused to pay the end-of-service benefits to which workers were entitled, leaving them destitute”.  Did Amal address these human rights violations when she had the chance? Nope. Nor did she mention of the Orwellian surveillance laws in place in the Gulf or the war crimes Gulf States may be committing in Yemen.  Nor did she call out the mistreatment of gays and women under Sharia Law.  Instead, she beseeched them to meet criticism of their ruling systems “with dialogue, not prison terms”, and that “protests be met with ‘crowd control’, not bullets’.  She even went so far as to say “tweets should be met with tweets, not prison terms”.  It should shock no one, then, that the Soros leaks reveal that he is one of the biggest pushes behind “criminal justice reform” in the U.S. not for “fairness” or “equality” but votes.

The Clooneys are not concerned with the human rights violations in these mostly Sharia run countries because their goal is to silence dissenters of open borders through cries of “islamophobia” and “xenophobia” especially where the “migrant crisis” is concerned specifically in the United States.  On Monday, December 28th, 2015, the Clooneys’ employer, George Soros , publically called on voters to “resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz” in an op-ed for The Guardian entitled “The Terrorists and Demagogues Want Us to be Scared. We Mustn’t Give In”. From there, as

expected, he goes on to condemn the non-existent “Islamophobia” of the likes of Cruz and Trump and says we must “reaffirm our commitment to the principles of an open society”.  George and Amal then used their public platforms not to condemn terrorism or the genocide of Christians by Muslim extremists worldwide but to use it to label the “right wing extremists”, who, at this rate, are anyone in the world who do not agree with their globalists politics, and their “xenophobia” the real problem in order to push the “open borders” “open society” agenda.

Clooney “Democracy” Takes a Hit 


2016 was to be the relaunch of the Clooneys as “humanitarians” in their push to derail the worldwide collapse of their 1% politics. The opposite happened. See, Clooney famouslystated in 2013 after Obama’s re-election about Obamacare, “People keep talking about how this has to be a great negotiation, but there isn’t any negotiating a law. We negotiate on all these other topics, but this was put into law, and [Obama] was reelected on it. It was reaffirmed, it was passed through the Supreme Court — it’s a law. You don’t like it? Win an election. That’s how it works. That’s how the country works. But you don’t get to shut down the government because of it. That’s not how it works.”  There is no negotiating a law? Oh, my. Maybe not in tyrannical globalist 1% politics but there surely is in a constitutional republic. Then again, the 1% are not affected by Obamacare in any capacity as they have the time and money to get the care they deem best whenever and wherever they want, even if it means creating a huge carbon footprint as he did just before his wedding in September of 2014 when he took a private jet to Germany to see a private physician about back problems.  So his snarky advice was to win an election? People took it.  Win an election the opposition did—many of them. The politics that Clooney has shoved down our throats (but from which he himself is exempt) were resoundingly defeated in the midterm elections of 2014 in the United States. Not only was there a historic “sweep” with democrats losing local and state races across the country, but the GOP also elected women, minorities, and much younger candidates in, as The Huffington Post said, “a legislative body that has historically been dominated by older, white men”. The primary reasons for this “sweep” involved opposition to Obamacare, the Islamic State insurgency, the border crisis—basically the economy which has rapidly declined under Obama and national security which is non-existent in a “global citizen” world.  The icing on the proverbial cake that tempered Clooney’s hubris was when in November of 2014 his homestate of Kentucky “lost four of the five statewide constitutional offices they held coming into the election, including the governor’s office for just the second time since 1971”.  That governor, Matt Bevin, is a Tea Party candidate—the same Tea Party that sat in solidarity with Elie Weisel during Netanyahu’s speech against a nuclear Iran.  Clooney’s politics have been rejected soundly nationally and not just by “gun clinging Bible thumpers” but by American citizens who see what is happening to our country. It is no longer Democrat versus Republican. It is citizens versus globalists. By now, we know on which side the Clooneys reside.

The trouncing of their politics is not just domestic, though. It is worldwide, especially regarding the Soros orchestrated “migrant crisis”.  In Austria, the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) has stepped in against the tide of “refugees”.  Denmark’s Danish People’s Party (DF) has been so successful that it now has the balance of power and has threatened to topple the government if it attempts to soften its stance on immigration. The Finns Party (PS) in Finland is essentially left-wing with its economic policies but is allied to a hardline stance on immigration.  In France, the Front National (FN) party stunned Europe with its rise to power which came about due to its concerns about high immigration and home grown extremism. Germany. Greece. Hungary (already noted as their Prime Minister called out Soros for orchestrating this “migrant crisis”).  Clooney’s favorite spot on the planet, Italy, has seen the far right Northern League party make real strides against the socialist government due to the “migrant crisis” with a landslide 50% of the vote in regions of Veneto and Lombardy.  It also got 20% of the electorate in Tuscany, the left-wing heartland of the Democratic Party.  The Netherlands. Sweden is on the verge of collapse. Switzerland. Keep in mind Europe has watched these “refugees” erase their borders for many years now, long before they started erasing the U.S. border.  They know that the majority of those coming are not “women and children” but young, healthy men and only about half are from Syria. Most claim they are not fleeing because of war but for the “benefits” the west has to offer, which is why they land in welfare states.

There is a reason why none of the rich Arab nations in the Middle East such as Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain are taking these “war refugees”.  They have denied them entry mostly due to fears of terrorism. Clooney’s


buddies do not want them and as Clooney’s beloved migrants arrive in his cherished Lake Como, it seems neither he, Amal, nor the other 1% residents want them:

 “The new pictures of migrants taking over Como’s main train station come a week after residents expressed concerns over the growing numbers of migrants camping as they wait to slip over the nearby border into Switzerland.

Swiss authorities have placed an effective shut down on their border to asylum seekers, meaning women, men and children have been forced to camp out in the glitzy Italian town.”

Before June, migrants were able to board a train in Como to cross the border into Switzerland where they would claim refuge or carry on to Germany.

However, as Swiss politicians fear an influx of migrants similar to Germany last year, they have cracked down on border entries.”

Nowhere is George seen telling Lake Como residents that they’re not “doing enough”.  In fact, “The Swiss Government announced plans yesterday to increase the speed of processing asylum seekers after two-thirds of the Swiss electorate voted for the plan in a recent referendum.”  It pays to be rich and know the problems they create can go away with a couple of greased palms.  Clooney does have special “privacy” laws written for himself and the Mrs. in Italy, and they have a gate and CCTV installed around their British mansion, so their biggest risk is probably a decrease in property values.  The rest of the world, however, is supposed to drop their borders, share their wealth, and allow the Muslim invasion to occur as a “humanitarian” effort or risk being called a “xenophobe”.

June of 2016 proved the biggest hit in the Clooney/Soros globalization push.  First off, Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty was before the Supreme Court and, with Justice Scalia dead and the likes of UN backed justices like Sotomayor and Kagan on the bench, the possibility for a “win” seemed better than ever, even though per the Constitution, it should have been a 8-0 decision.  The decision came to a 4-4 split, thus effectively ending Obama’s amnesty for 11 million illegals as well as his halting of deportations and non-enforcement of our immigration laws.  This came as a shock to the Soros crew as the Soros leaks revealed that they had banked on a victory.  Soros had, after all, applied pressure to “secure a desired outcome in a U.S. Supreme Court case on illegal immigration enforcement” while Obama had the language “expanded” to include mass influx from Central America.  Have no fear, the Department of “Justice” is “reviewing” the decision. Why? SCOTUS is the “law”, right? Obamacare? Gay Marriage? Only when it suits the agenda.  A Clooney/Soros “Democratic” SCOTUS victory would have completely eliminated our borders while automatically legalizing ELEVEN MILLION UNVETTED illegals, key for November, and paved the way for the North American Union, much like the European Union which had its own death knell this week.

In a historical referendum, and to the dismay and amazement of the globalists who have run rampant over the laws of sovereign nations the last 20 years or so, the people of Britain voted to leave the EU. This “democracy in action”, much like, say, the South Sudan vote in 2012, could conceivably cause the collapsed of the vaunted European Union. This has caused globalists like George Soros to have public meltdowns of epic proportions.  The EU was the model “superstate” for the few “superstates” the globalists have worked on fusing together for most of the last 40 years.  Makes ruling easier as a few large bodies instead of many small ones.  As of now, nine other countries have called for similar types of referendums, forcing the elites of the EU to publicly reveal their long held plan of eliminating sovereign nations to create one superstate. The “open borders society” these globalists have pursued “politically” for decades took a huge hit twice in the same day last week, and not a word from Mr. Democracy.

It does seem that the PR spin was ready for the UN Supercouple to take the reigns with the expected victories in both cases, though, as an obviously staged pap event occurred in Italy the night before these two decisions, presenting the Clooneys as all “loved up and on vacation” at a “romantic dinner”…with about 30 other people.

However, it was not reported publicly until after both votes and with little fanfare. Was there a whole story written about the “success of Obama’s amnesty at SCOTUS” combined with the “People of Britain having spoken in support of open borders” to portray the Clooneys as some sort of advocates for “humanitarian globalism” planned to coincide with their smiling faces of celebration as the pics were held off until the day AFTER the referendums? Instead, this story went into seemingly limited release, focused heavily on her outfit (of course) and mentioned the papal visit again.  One would think that “Mr. Democracy” would be staging press conferences chastising those evil 1% globalists calling for a Brexit do-over as a champion of the “little guy”.  Of course not. This is a guy who said the people of California got Prop 8 wrong…twice…and then celebrated when five unelected justices overturned the votes of tens of millions of people to fit the Soros gay agenda. He did the same when SCOTUS rewrote Obamacare from the bench (which is illegal) forcing us all into that. Besides, the leader of the “re-vote” brigade is none other than Mr. Khan, who appeared with Amal’s buddy Prime Minister David Cameron at a “Vote Leave” rally, and Mr. Soros. George would never think of selling out his top sugar daddy. In the meantime, the 1% puppets in the media, as orchestrated, threw cries of “xenophobia” and “racist” at those who voted to leave….

The Clooneys are not concerned with the human rights violations in these mostly Sharia run countries because their goal is to import it to the Western world.  There are 88 Sharia courts in Amal’s base country of England, and it has started to infiltrate the U.S.  They accomplish this by silencing dissenters of open borders with cries of “islamophobia”, “racism” and “xenophobia”. This is why , on Monday, December 28th, 2015, the Clooneys’ employer, George Soros , publically called on voters to “resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz” in an op-ed for The Guardian entitled “The Terrorists and Demagogues Want Us to be Scared. We Mustn’t Give In”. From there, as expected, he went on to condemn the non-existent “Islamophobia” of the likes of Cruz and Trump and says we must “reaffirm our commitment to the principles of an open society”.  George and Amal then used their public platforms not to condemn terrorism or the genocide of Christians by Muslim extremists worldwide but to use it to label the “right wing extremists”, who, at this rate, are anyone in the world who do not agree with their globalists politics, and their “xenophobia” the real problem in order to push the “open borders” “open society” agenda.

In between the Hail Caesar flop and the Cannes premiere of the Lara Alameddine co-produced Money Monster, George took the cue from his handler to whine about Trump’s supposed “xenophobia” in interviews, claiming that is not who “we” are before getting on board with the #imwithher Hillary Clinton campaign. Keep in mind that the current state of the Middle East, including the “refugee crisis” which exploded in just the past few years, was set up under Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State.


Keep in mind that the current Libyan debacle is the cornerstone of Hillary’s foreign policy. Remember she blamed a YouTube video for the Benghazi attack and let an innocent film director sit in prison to take the fall. Talk about a free speech violation.  And, of course, there is the War on Women that is Bill Clinton.  This is who the Clooneys support. They helped Clinton raise over $15 million dollars for her campaign via two fundraisers, one in San Francisco hosted by an Iranian Muslim open border supporter billionaire businessman (and rumored beau of Amal’s) Shervin Pishevar, and one at their house in Los Angeles where they charged $343K/couple.  Immediately public backlash commenced over the amounts being thrown around by these 1%ers who pretend to be for the “little guy” while vilifying “big money in politics”.

George said he would not have to host such events if Citizens United was overturned by the Supreme Court. No, Clooney is not woefully misinformed. Neither is Mrs. Clinton. They know Citizens United was one case, not a law; however, he and Hillary stump for votes on this issue because if they get their way and eventually this ruling is “overturned”, it erodes more of the first amendment which we have already seen the Clooneys try to undermine from “ethically mined diamonds” in the Congo to “Islamophobia” in the west to the gay agenda in the U.S. forcing religious institutions to violate their beliefs under the guise of “tolerance” and “equality”. The Clooneys hate our first amendment.

As such, Amal, too, turned her attention to Donald Trump, purposefully misquoting him while having the audacity to claim she understood “American values”.  Amal Clooney would recognize an American value if it bit her.


Rick Wells of Constitution Rising states:

“She said, ‘If you actually look at what [Trump] specifically says in that now infamous speech about Muslims, he kept saying, ‘They only want jihad; they don’t believe in our way of life; they don’t respect our system…And when he says ‘they’… And, you know, you watch the media coverage afterwards and people should’ve been saying, ‘Do you mean the 1.5 billion people around the world who fit that description? Do you mean the people who are U.S. citizens, who are members of your military, the vast majority of whom are not extremist or violent in any way?’”

Actually he was describing foreigners coming into America, as you well know, Mrs. CAIR mouthpiece, not citizens and not military members, although Nidal Hasan made the point that they should be scrutinized. And most of those 1.5 billion people aren’t coming into the United States; for the small percentage who are, yes – he means them.

She didn’t feel compelled to ask if he meant the terrorists that blew up the airport in Brussels or killed 130 innocent people in Paris or 14 in San Bernardino or the service men in Chattanooga. She didn’t mention the argumentative, non-assimilating and threatening foreigners that we all have the unpleasant occasion to deal with, who demand that we cater to their wishes, including a separate legal and banking system, prayer times during the work day and other accommodations. She should be familiar with the ones who demand special considerations under the threat of legal action.

She also doesn’t bother to ask about the forced importation against our will of uncivilized foreigners and others who might be civilized but whose cultures are incompatible with our Constitution and therefore with the basic most premise for immigration.”

Of course she does not mention any of this. It does not fit the narrative. She and her husband have both claimed, falsely but true to their narrative, that Trump’s comments are “islamophobic” and “xenophobic”.

Interesting, then, that Democrats currently have a bill before Congress to criminalize any negative speech regarding Islam. If passed, Trump could be charged with the same type of crime as the gentleman Amal represented in Armenia. She does not support “free speech”. She supports “controlled speech”.


Not so shocking now that both George and Amal appeared with him to push their falsified talking points and to push their hate for Trump, the first amendment, and, well, democracy. They have been trolling the world with their “control the narrative” talking points (at least Amal and her mother, “journalist” Baria Alamuddin have over in the Middle East).   It was during her Nasheed propaganda press junkets that Amal declared “Democracy is dead”. The Clooneys helped kill it.

Democracy is Dead meme

Then there is the proof that the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders to benefit Hillary, including using his religion against him.  Remember when George alluded support for Bernie? Did he mean it? Maybe.  Perhaps he’d signed his life away to

George Soros long ago in exchange for supporting this woman later as I have long deduced.  Then again, he more than likely knew the system was rigged and she would win. The greatest humanitarian supercouple on the planet cannot support a loser, can they? Of course not. Between Soros funds greasing the palms of Obama appointed judges to have common sense voter ID laws overturned in GOP states, busing in “refugees” illegally throughout the states where Voter ID laws have been overturned, the voter fraud already on the record to confirming its existence, and Hollywood and the media so far in the tank for her as the DNC leaks prove, she really cannot lose. It wouldn’t matter who her opponent is.  Democracy is dead?  Seems that way…and the Clooneys have led the charge.

This is why the relationship between Amal, Assange, Hillary, and Eric Schmidt of Google is so interesting.  She was Assange’s lawyer, now she backs Hillary as Assange attempts to bring Hillary down as Amal is super cozy White House helper Eric Schmidt.  Something must have happened when Clooney entered the picture because Assange’s tone soured quite a bit.  Just shy of one month before the great nuptials, Julian Assange released a book entitled “Google is Not What It Seems”.  In it, he details the “special relationship”

between Google, Hillary Clinton, and the State Department, much of which ties to all that we are finding out now.  In this extract, he focuses mostly on the relationship between Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen.  It ends with his critique of the Schmidt/Cohen book released in April of 2013 titled “The New Digital Age:  Reshaping the Future of People, Nations, and Businesses”.  By the time it came out, Assange:

“had formally sought and received political asylum from the government of Ecuador, and taken refuge in its embassy in London. At that point I had already spent nearly a year in the embassy under police surveillance, blocked from safe passage out of the UK. Online I noticed the press hum excitedly about Schmidt and Cohen’s book, giddily ignoring the explicit digital imperialism of the title and the conspicuous string of pre-publication endorsements from famous warmongers like Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Hayden and Madeleine Albright on the back.   Billed as a visionary forecast of global technological change, the book failed to deliver—failed even to imagine a future, good or bad, substantially different to the present. The book was a simplistic fusion of Fukuyama “end of history” ideology—out of vogue since the 1990s—and faster mobile phones. It was padded out with DC shibboleths, State Department orthodoxies, and fawning grabs from Henry Kissinger. The scholarship was poor—even degenerate. It did not seem to fit the profile of Schmidt, that sharp, quiet man in my living room. But reading on I began to see that the book was not a serious attempt at future history. It was a love song from Google to official Washington. Google, a burgeoning digital superstate, was offering to be Washington’s geopolitical visionary.”


Her husband continued this narrative during the Money Monster press tour, starting on the red carpet in Cannes, especially with the recent election of the first Muslim as mayor of London.  Sadiq Khan is an open borders supporter who refers to himself as the “Muslim George Clooney”. He, too, has already jumped on the “Trump is xenophobic” bandwagon; however, his true colors are showing much more quickly.  Just a few days prior to the election, he referred to moderate Muslims as “Uncle Toms” and the day after getting elected, he threatened Trump to “let in Muslims, or they will attack America”.  Kahn has a long history of association with radical Muslims, but, like Amal, he claims it was only because of his “human rights” job. Khan has also allocated “over two million dollars (£1,730,726) to an “online hate crime hub” enabling police to track and arrest “trolls” who “target…individuals and communities.”  Is there any doubt who these “thought police” will target? Anyone remotely partaking in what Khan deems “islamophobic hate speech”.  The reality of this election is that the “open borders” brought forth by the European Union, George Soros, and Vartan Gregorian has all but erased Britain’s sovereignty. Over 40% of London’s population is now Muslim.

It is worth noting, then, that Soros’s “Enough Project” was holding in London the same time as the Clooneys were in Cannes, a “Global Anti-Corruption Summit Could Be ‘Game-Changing’ for Africa” which, as discussed in “The Clooneys:  Enemies of Democracy”, probably has nothing to do with Africa and everything to do with agenda pushing.

The point of said summit was to address “corruption” but not the Clinton Foundation, Soros’s “dark money” funneled through CAP, nor the money Amal’s Uncle Ziad has hidden offshore as noted in the Panama Papers.  This more than likely means it will focus on which areas need invading via the “Responsibility to Protect” to procure resources for the 1% as a “humanitarian” effort. The pattern already exists.  In doing so, the push for an “open society” moves forward.  Secretary of State John Kerry, who at a commencement speech earlier this week told students to prepare for a “borderless world”, is scheduled to attend as is UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who advocates for Britain to remain in the E.U. and helped procure Nasheed’s “asylum”. The timing is not coincidental. As the Clooneys arrived in Cannes, Amal with her $3,000 purse and George in jeans and a T-shirt advertising his Casamigos Tequila, the pro open border, pro globalist Soros crew of Clooney’s “humanitarian” Enough Project was in Muslim run London figuring out new ways to manipulate language to facilitate the UN takeover of sovereign nations. Smoke and mirrors.

Once in Cannes, George, usually the center of attention at these types of film festival events, kept a really low profile.  The only seemingly staged “spontaneous” pap shots they got were at a restaurant far from the red carpet where he dined not with his friends or his co-stars but with Amal’s relatives and Up in the Air and Money Monster co-producers Daniel Dubiecki and Lara Alameddine with Amal in a $2,000 top and her “ethically mined

Amal Dan Ring Cannes

diamond” on full display.  Then the moment came. Her highness took to the red carpet decked out in a $100K dress, prepared to take the world by storm.  She managed to get herself included in the cast photos wearing bright yellow to stand out as everyone was in black. However, true to form, she proved once again a PR fabrication. She tripped going up the steps, needing her man to help her get up and walk to the top, and once again attempted a crotch shot.

Amal vs Blake Cannes

Classless, tasteless, and certainly detracted from the “UN Hollywood Superpower Couple” the headlines were pre-written to push.  Compared to Blake Lively, who showed up not only in the same dress but in a different color, pregnant, and solo, Amal looks the antithesis once again of the strong, independent, feminist her dossier claims to be.


Whether it be the “training exercise” mistaken as a possible ISIS attack outside the Clooneys 5 star hotel or some other issue, they high tailed it out of France the next day and by all accounts headed back to their newly refurbished $15 million compound in Britain complete with gates and closed circuit television, missing the documentary Risk about


Amal’s (former?) client Assange and, of course, Clinton Cash about which George knows a lot.  If they fled due to a possible ISIS attack to the walls and security of their mega mansion, as members of the 1%, that is not to be interpreted as Islamophobia, especially since Amal likes to pull the Muslim card when it suits her. While in England, George headed off to see his friend Richard Kind

in his final performance on the West End as Amal appeared at a Google Zeitgeist event at the Grove Hotel in London with Eric Schmidt from Google. Knowing that the Clooneys believe in “controlling the narrative” and knowing that Google works intimately with the Obama administration to control it’s “narrative”, it is not surprising that Schmidt gave Amal airtime

to claim she “beat Cherie Blair” and “won” Nasheed’s case.  At one point, Schmidt put her in her place and, great attorney and feminist she claims to be, she capitulated to the patriarchy, sat there and took it.

The Clooneys “Education” Initiatives 

Now that we know of the agenda and personalities behind the Clooneys “humanitarian” money making causes, it should surprise no one that the two “education” projects with which they are involved are nothing more than financial palm greasing, too.  The United World College in Dilijan , Armenia is Vardanyan’s baby.  This is the school where the Amal Clooney Scholarship is applicable towards a “two year international baccalaureate program”. This school opened in 2013, coincidentally the same year Amal supposedly entered George’s life. This 2 year program costs about $70,000.  Why?  If the Clooneys are so concerned about “education” for the “disadvantaged”, why attach their names to a school only the 1% can afford?   Supposedly “The average fee paid by students at UWC Dilijan is less than 10% of the full fee, and many students pay nothing at all. The scholarships come from donations from the college’s supporters who believe in the vision of our Founders and the  UWC mission and wish to create a world-class centre of educational excellence in the region.”  There is no confirmation that Amal’s scholarship covers that whole amount or from where the money comes. The Clooneys never pay for anything out of pocket. They fundraise and/or demand the UN tax “rich” nations to pay for their ‘humanitarian” work as part of a forcible wealth redistribution scheme. So what gives?


Ruben Vardanyan.  Ruben Vardanyan, backer of the Clooney’s open borders pushing “100 Lives” initiative, claimed at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (remember Columbia is where Amal Clooney “guest lecturers”) “revenues generated in the education industry today are bigger than those generated in the oil industry” and these “revenues” are generated by “human capital”.  Forget Trump’s (non existent) ties to Russia. Let’s talk about the Clooney’s.  Mr. Vardanyan is a major tie to Hillary Clinton and John Podesta’s actual pay to play events in Russia.  Start with the timeline of their involvement with Skolkovo, touted as “innovation city,” which was to be the Russian equivalent of America’s Silicon Valley. Despite the FBI and the U.S. Army warning that Skolkovo could be used by Russia to accelerate its military technological capabilities, Hillary Clinton’s State Department and her campaign manager John Podesta, whose PR group helped clean up the Maldives image once Amal destroyed it and who also works with Clooney on his “Enough” project housed in Soros’s “Center for American Progress”, developed alarming relationships with Kremlin-controlled entities.The GAI report includes a timeline, titled “John Podesta and Russia Fund: A Timeline,” which dissects the details surrounding Podesta’s membership on the executive board of an energy company that received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund.:

September 21, 2009 – Graham Allison joins the board of the then “Joule Biotechnologies”

June 3, 2010 – Joule Unlimited granted its first patent: WO2010062707(A1)128 June 3, 2010 – Russian Oligarch Ruben Vardanyan (Troika Dialog and Sberbank) joins the board of Joule Unlimited.

January 18, 2011 – Public announcement made that John Podesta is joining the Joule Unlimited Board of Directors.130

January 27, 2011 – Two more patents granted.

January 28, 2011 – Joule publishes Podesta announcement to its website.

March 11, 2011 – Klein, Ltd. Files corporate registration papers in Bermuda, with two senior Wakefied Quin employees, Nicholas J. Hoskins and Marlies Smith, as officers. Hoskins is associated with Troika Dialog and IPOC entities controlled by Russian oligarchs Ruben Vardanyan and Reiman. Smith is corporate secretary for Vimpelcom, run by Fridman and Pinchuk. The registration documents make clear the company’s sole purpose is to make charitable contributions.

March 14, 2011 – Joule Stichting is founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. March 18, 2011 – Klein, Ltd.’s registration is recorded in Bermuda.

May 18, 2011 – Joule Global Holdings N.V. is established in the Netherlands as a property of Joule Global Foundation.

June 15, 2011 – Podesta joins the board of Joule Stichting but does not disclose this board membership.

July 2011 – Podesta discloses joining the board of Joule Unlimited.

2011 2012: Klein, Ltd. makes $23 million in contributions to the U.S. based charity, the Sea Change Foundation. Sea Change, in its turn, makes $1.75 million in contributions to CAP during this same time. Sea Change had never contributed to the CAP before.

September 23, 2011 – It is announced that Rusnano will make an approximately $35 million investment into Joule Unlimited, which it says is a subsidiary of Joule Global Holdings N.V.

December 13, 2011 – Rusnano’s board authorizes Anatoly Chubais to serve concurrently on the boards of both Joule Global Holdings, and Joule Global Foundation.

February 2, 2012 – Joule Unlimited elects Anatoly Chubais to its Board of Directors.

December, 2013 – Podesta resigns from Joule boards.

February 21, 2014 Podesta financial disclosures signed. Does not list Joule Stichting on his disclosure.

Vardanyan is also listed as “Advisor to the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Sberbank”.  Sberbank, a subsidiary of Russia’s largest bank, found a friend in Podesta’s brother Tony who lobbied on behalf of a bank that is believed to have transferred money to pro-Russian terrorists. Podesta’s job, according to disclosure forms, was to assist the bank in “clarifying the scope of sanctions from Executive Order 13660, which President Obama signed in March 2014 to block ‘property of certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine’.” Podeseta is also tasked with exploring possible avenues for sanctions relief. As we see, Clooney’s primary “humanitarian” financial backers hide behind the term to grease their pockets while pushing war and siding with the Russians in the process.

Behind the scenes with their “education” initiatives, then, we see it is not about the “children” or “human rights” but about using the children as “human capital” to increase their wealth while pushing to erase borders and national sovereignties in lieu of a global governance through a universal “common core” curriculum.  Take this United World College, which has quite the UN sounding title.  Checking the “mission” statement, many of the UN approved terms used are also Common Core aligned:  “Sustainability”, “compassion”, “respect for the environment”, “idealism”, “diversity”, “peace”, “justice”…”social indoctrination”. All of these terms are, of course, keywords to the UN 2020 Agenda. There is nothing in the mission statement or on the “values” page about academics. The site continues, “That baccalaureate program again takes a holistic approach to educate the young mind not only in the curriculum, but tend to their emotional needs as well as inculcate a sense of internationalism in them”.  Emotional needs? “Internationalism”?  There is a difference between identifying as a citizen of a sovereign nation who part takes in a global economy. It is not the same as being a ‘global citizen” ruled by a global governing body.  Pushing this globalist agenda has made George very, very rich as well as his 1% handlers by forcibly redistributing the “wealth” of the 99% in the west to themselves via the UN while doing pretty much close to nothing for the environment or the “human rights” missions they claims to support. This “education” initiative in Armenia is just one more way to indoctrinate the UN agenda into children thousands of miles away from their families…because it takes a (UN) village with the parental role secondary.  In addition, there is the UWC school and then the “movement”.  The “movement’s” mission is to “make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future”.  Hmm..sounds ripe for a GEMS type situation.  Only time will tell as the first class did not start until August of 2014, the month before the wedding.


The other education initiative that the Clooneys, along with Selma Hayek and Richard Gere claim to be involved with is   Scholas Occurrentes, the initiative with Pope Francis that started on  August 14, 2013.  Interesting that anti-open borders Pope Benedict “retired” in 2013, the first pope to step down in 600 years, paving the way for pro-open borders Francis in 2013, the same year George “met’ Amal. The same year the Armenian school opened. Anyway, its mission is listed “To link schools and educative networks around the world by means of different types of pedagogical, sports and artistic proposals aimed at improving education and achieving inclusion of communities with fewer resources through an active commitment of all social stakeholders. The VISION of Scholas Occurrentes is ‘to transform the world into an inclusive and educative society’.”  Sounds a whole lot like the Armenian initiative, no?

Clooneys Pope 2

The website states, “We want to have 30% of the world’s population participating in this new concept of open-sided education, through the technological, sports and artistic revolution proposed by Scholas.”  Open sided education from an open borders pope working with open borders education at facilities with open border entertainment supporters as the face. One might argue that at least the Pope put his “money where his mouth is” when he agreed to take a few Syrian refugee families back to the Vatican from Lesbos.  The reality was shattered, though, when he left a Syrian Christian brother and sister duo behind in lieu of all Syrian Muslims.  “Important values”.

Lorena Bianchetti, one of the organizers of the event, said that “Important values can be transmitted by celebrities”, adding that the actors had agreed to be ambassadors for one of the foundation’s arts projects.  However, it was not clear from initial reports what the celebrities in attendance had actually done to merit the positions but, as the Soros leaks prove that he has tried and continues to attempt to hijack the Catholic Church for his progressive agenda, it is not so shocking that the atheist from a Catholic family and his Israeli hating Muslim bride who do his bidding every other time were chosen for this event. Explains the other “stars” involved, too, as they have

close Clooney ties:   Selma Hayek was George’s co-star in “From Dusk to Dawn” and Richard Gere is the ex-husband of Clooney’s best friend’s wife, Cindy Crawford, who has been married to Casamigos co-owner and Clooney best bud Rande Gerber for almost 20 years. These three attended a meeting at the Vatican to receive the “Olive Medal” for peace at a Vatican event. Peace? Obviously the pope was not aware of Clooney’s long history of warmongering for financial gain. Anyway, they broke bread to, at least for the pope, promote Scholas Occurrentes, an “arts organization founded by Pope Francis that aims to bring together children from different backgrounds, with the hope of achieving peace and understanding”. Children? Since when is George Clooney an advocate for children?

Since when he could use “the children” to command this very public platform to not only attempt to reinforce their fake “humanitarian” profiles but to push the open borders agenda while taking a seemingly veiled swipe at Donald Trump when he praised the “wonderful program” that enables “many different religions to speak of inclusion, because we know that hatred and fundamentalist attitudes are learned and inculcated” even though the Pope left the Syrian Christians behind. Leave it to Clooney to politicize a meeting with the Pope. Time will tell if this falls the way of other “education” initiatives of the elites…promise everything, deliver nothing, and pocket a whole lot of cash much like Bill Clinton and GEMS Education.

Amal, of course, used this time for maximum pap exposure while wearing outrageously expensive outfits.  First was “date night” in Rome. Look at those smiles! All eyes on me!  And, according to her style blog, the defender of the downtrodden who has never visited a refugee camp nor donated any money of her own that we know of to charity, stepped out in a $6,375 Giambattista Valli Draped Shoulder Pleat Dress.  Then there was the Versace dress donated to her that she wore for the papal visit. With it she wore a turban and her makeup so as to once again try her hand at playing Jackie O and, once again, failing miserably.  She looks bored in most of the pictures

except for the “snuggle” pic with George as she sat front and center at the midday matinee to hear THE POPE speak. Sure. Jackie Kennedy would have used a papal event to sell her marriage as the “greatest love story of all time” with a pathetic, childlike photo op.  Further evidence of her famewhoring came later when the Clooneys stepped out for pap shots on their way to dinner again.  This time she wore a dress that she thought would look “edgy” with the buttons left undone in the back and her right arm left out of the sleeve. As a result, not only did we almost get yet another crotch shot as she got into the car, but we almost got a “nip slip”. Oh and

her style blog rushed to tell us that her satin slingback pumps, Giambattista Valli, were $720 and her metallic box clutch by Jimmy Choo was $950.  Tasteless. Classless. Jackie Kennedy she is not, nor will she ever be.

The Clooneys “pro education” smokescreen is already starting to show cracks.  In June of 2016, Amal Clooney, she of an extreme life of privilege who never worked a real job in her life and who uses her current position to force her views on the world, hit up entrepreneurs in Monaco as a KEYNOTE SPEAKER at an Entrepreneur conference to beg the private sector for money for the two “education” initiatives she and her husband are setting up with the UN, of course, for Syrian “refugee” children. But is it really for “Syrian refugee children”? Of course not. What these initiatives specifically entail is not known as of yet because “the educational side of this program has not been initiated because of lack of funds.” The woman got how big of an hourly raise for getting married and her husband is worth how much?  They can’t start it up themselves? In fact, have they put any cash up themselves? Probably not. The Clooneys are socialists. They hate free market capitalism. Only the crony capitalism that benefits the 1% via socialism to keep them rich is acceptable so this is quite a new development…begging capitalists for money.   The woman has never worked in the business world, grew up in the 1% world her husband claims to hate, and, as proven, sucks at her actual job. How did she get this gig? “Entrepreneurs without borders 

that’s how.  Guess who is behind that?  She was begging for “start up cash” for their latest “humanitarian education initiative”. Amal says, “the way the private sector can help is that, for instance, we could be designing a software programme that allows these observers to input information in a more uniform manner, so that we can ultimately compare one trial to another and eventually get something like a justice index, where you can compare one court to another. And [that would mean] governments could no longer
hide behind the courts to the extent that they do at the moment.” A justice index? Who determines the rational for this “justice index”? The UN? Her? What does that have to do with academically educating children? Nothing. It might go to the $70K/year school in Armenia using Amal’s subjective “justice index” to indoctrinate the kids into what is “fair”..what are “important values”….and what are “not” for “global citizens”.  “Justice index”? Could this have anything to do with the “Clooney Foundation for ‘Justice'”? Of course. More on that later…..George was not on hand to shill for their great upcoming UN Superpower Couple education endeavor…but her mommy was, and her blog was quick to inform us that this crusader for the downtrodden who hits up everyone else for money wore a GIAMBATTISTA VALL Floral-Cloqué Dress that cost a mere $2,650. Couldn’t use their own cash but as we see how hip deep in money laundering the Clooneys are with Podesta, Vardanyan, Gregorian, Soros, and Clinton…coincidence again. There was probably way more to it than that. No video or audio, though. Control the narrative.

Chapter 22:  The “Refugee Crisis”


We know that the Clooneys, the Clintons, and the globalists are using the “refugee crisis” to facilitate the downfall of sovereign nations in exchange for a 1% global governance via the UN.  That the masses cannot see how remains a mystery.  “Human rights” and “humanitarianism” have been their siren calls to force their agenda onto the world because only an animal would be against these items, especially where women and children are concerned.  How often do we hear about the “women and children” fleeing the “war torn” Middle East or “the children” arriving at the border?  Then the pictures….always some pathetic looking child or children, much like the media manipulation with Bob Geldof’s “Feed Africa” push in the 1980’s…wealth redistribution. He is incredibly wealthy. Africa is still starving.  Same with this agenda. One look at what the Clooneys and Clintons support where women, children, and gays are concerned, and we see they are the enemy.


Hillary and George claim their huge support for women and gays makes Hillary the “humanitarian” choice for President. Wrong.  Hillary and the Clooneys have deep ties to Muslim extremist groups, most notably the Muslim Brotherhood, where women are treated like objects and gays even worse.  Obama’s vaulted “Arab Spring” which saw the Brotherhood forcibly put into power in many Middle Eastern nations the establishment of which began under Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State with close to $2 billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer dollars, was not a progression to democracy but a regression to repression.  When the Muslim Brotherhood took over from the deposited Mubarak in Egypt, a Sharia Law compliant Constitution was immediatelyenforced.  Under Sharia Law, women have no power and are treated as mostly second class citizens.  According to “Sharia Law:  Islamic Sharia Law”, “A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage at age 9, a girl’s clitoris should be cut, and beat his wife for insubordination”.  Conversely a woman, “must have four male witnesses to prove a rape, cannot testify against her accused rapist, inherits only half of what a male heir inherits, cannot drive a car, and cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband” among other items.  These are the people “pro-women” Hillary and Obama and subsequently “human rights activist” George Clooney put into power.  Furthermore, in 2013, when the U.N. voted to ratify the declaration titled “End Violence Against Women” this same Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt released an official statement saying this declaration would “unravel the very fabric of the civilized world” where control, particularly over women, lies “firmly in the hands of men”.  There were ten points specifically which they did not want women to have as a result of this declaration:

  • Granting girls full sexual freedom, as well as the freedom to decide their own gender and the gender of their partners (i.e., choose to have normal or homo- sexual relationships), while raising the age of marriage.
  • Providing contraceptives for adolescent girls and training them to use those, while legalizing abortion to get rid of unwanted pregnancies, in the name of sexual and reproductive rights.
  • Granting equal rights to adulterous wives and illegitimate sons resulting from adulterous relationships.
  • Granting equal rights to homosexuals, and providing protection and respect for prostitutes.
  • Giving wives full rights to file legal complaints against husbands accusing them of rape or sexual harassment
  • Equal inheritance (between men and women).
  • Replacing guardianship with partnership, and full sharing of roles within the family between men and women such as: spending, child care and home chores
  • Full equality in marriage legislation such as: allowing Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, and abolition of polygamy, dowry, men taking charge of family spending, etc.
  • Removing the authority of divorce from husbands and placing it in the hands of judges, and sharing all property after divorce.
  • Cancelling the need for a husband’s consent in matters like: travel, work, or use of contraception.

This seems quite a contradictory platform to those claiming to be “human rights” activist specifically “for women”.  Then again, check out the Clinton Crime Syndicate to see the history of their personal “war on women”.  In any event, the Egyptian people saw thorough this charade, and in 2013 an Egyptian uprising saw over 20 million citizens march to overthrow the Brotherhood, Sharia Law, and the Obama/Clinton/Clooney agenda.  Jay Kekulow of Foxnews wrote,

“Against this backdrop of Sharia and jihad – and hidden behind the blanket news coverage of the Obama administration’s other scandals – the White House has decided to increase its financial support for the Muslim Brotherhood, quietly clearing the way for the U.S. to give Egypt $1.3 billion in military aid.

On May 10, the very day that Lois Lerner issued her contrived apology for the IRS targeting conservative groups, (remember this first amendment violation from earlier?) Secretary of State John Kerry formally waived – on national security grounds – statutory requirements that he certify that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government was ‘implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association, and religion, and due process of law’ before providing any further American military aid.

Think about this for a moment: The Obama administration threw the Mubarak regime (for all its flaws, a stalwart American ally that kept peace with Israel) under the bus ostensibly because of its human rights violations but is waiving human rights conditions to prop up a more brutal jihadist government”.

In addition, both Hillary Clinton and George Clooney pride themselves on being big supporters of “gay rights”, yet they fundraise for and support the political ideology that treats not only women as second class citizens but gays, too. In 2008, Brotherhood Executive Bureau member Mahmoud Ghozlan emphasized that homosexuality needed to be outlawed. Then Fahad Qureshi, who founded Islam Net and is considered an Islamic leader in Norway, told a large group of Sunni Muslims that, contrary to media claims that it is only “radicals” and “extremists” who support barbaric punishments for those who violate Sharia, regular Muslims support such things, including the “death penalty for homosexuals” and “stoning for adultery.” Yes, these are the politics that the Clintons and the Clooneys support behind the scenes while pushing “human rights” and “equality” to the pop culture masses.


The Clintons and Clooneys have already helped establish Sharia based forms of government here. They already have.  The Obama administration has many Muslim Brotherhood members in high ranking positions.Additionally, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), was her Deputy Chief of Staff.Abedin worked from 1996 to 2003 at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), a journal of Islamic supremacism founded by al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. At the same time Abedin also worked for Hillary Clinton in different capacities.  Naseef hired Abedin’s father, the late Dr. Zyed Abedin, to oversee the JMMA in Saudi Arabia. As Andrew McCarthy notes, “[t]he journal was operated under the management of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, a virulently anti-Semitic and sharia-supremacist organization. When Dr. Abedin died, editorial control of the journal passed to his wife, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin — Huma’s mother.”  Abedin’s mother was also a “sociologist known for her strong advocacy of Sharia. A member of the Muslim Sisterhood (i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood‘s division for women). Saleha is also a board member of the International Islamic Council for  Da’wa and Relief . This pro-Hamas entity is part of the Union of Good, which the U.S. government has formally designated as an international terrorist organization led by the Muslim Brotherhood luminary Yusuf al- Qaradawi.” Remember that rumors abounded at that time that Clooney tried to romance Abedin. He denied it. However, his rep Stan Rosenfield did confirm they had met and Ben Affleck stated that she helped as a “consultant” on “Argo”.


Furthermore, several cities in the U.S. are now governed by Sharia Law. The first city to do so was Dearborn, MI. This has led to states such as Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Tennessee, North Carolina and Alabama to pass legislation “banning sharia”, which “human rights activists” promptly declared “xenophobic” and/or “islamophobic”.The term “islamophobia” was coined in the 1990’s, and became the focus of an active Muslim Brotherhood campaign after 9/11 led by Islamist lobby organizations, including several headed by Clooney co-hort Vartan Gregorian, financial backer of Clooney’s “100 Lives and Aurora Prize” initiative. Gregorian and various Muslim civil rights activists groups have pushed the notion that Americans are deeply prejudice against Muslims. Clooney did, too, the other day when he said, “If you listen to the loudest voices out there today, you’d think we’re a country that hates Mexicans, hates Muslims”. These people do have the megaphone of the U.N. making them the “loudest voices out there” because FBI data on hate crimes show this not to be the case. In fact, “prejudicial crimes” against Muslims have actually shown to decrease since 9/11. The globalists never let facts get in the way to agenda push, though. The faux indignation their “loudest voices” cry currently regarding “xenophobia” overshadows the ideology behind the radical Islam they are thus protecting which has detrimental policies towards the women and gays they claim to support in the U.S. Amazing.

Further proof? Remember the “Beverly Hills Hotel” incident a few years ago when a few of the Hollywood elite, like Jay Leno and Ellen DeGeneres,  “discovered” that the Sultan of Brunei, who owns the hotel, abides by Sharia Law?  It seemed a bit shocking that more celebrity “gay right” and “glass ceiling” activists like George Clooney did not help out.  Clooney will get arrested for protesting “human right violations” in the Sudan but not put his neck out for a cause in his own backyard that supports gays while calling out actual “human right” violations? No. That will not happen. Why? He and his political ilk support it, fund it, and get it set up in countries around the world.


Michelangelo Signorile from the Huffington Post states, “A far more abhorrent connection with the sultan than a few hotels is the trade pact with Brunei (and other Pacific nations), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which President Obama has been doggedly pursuing since 2009. As noted by Curtis Ellis of the American Jobs Alliance, ‘on the very day Brunei was phasing in Sharia law, Obama’s chief trade negotiator Michael Froman was on Capitol Hill selling the TransPacific Partnership, which would bind the U.S. to Brunei and give the Islamic Sultanate special economic privileges.’”   The “war on women” and “homophobia”, are only platforms used to promote faux rage and hate here to win elections in the United States.

As for Hillary’s ovaries, yes, America is ready for a woman President, just not this one so tied to Soros, the Muslim Brotherhood, and radicals around the world who want us eliminated.  Clinton, Clooney and Obama like to tell us whenever they can that “That’s not who we are”. Correct. We are not Sharia compliant U.N. subjects, and Hillary’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law prove she does not represent “who we are”.  In addition to her personal aide Huma Abedin’s deep Brotherhood ties, according to Matthew Vadum, author of “Clinton Muslim Brotherhood Operative Arrested in Egypt” from 2013:

“The arrest of Gehad el-Haddad, a Muslim Brotherhood leader arrested by Egyptian authorities for inciting violence, was a sobering reminder not just of how close Hillary Clinton’s network is to the Brotherhood but also of the extent to which Islamist enemies of the United States has infiltrated the American political establishment. A mere month after Haddad quit his Clinton Foundation job for full-time employment with the Brotherhood, the now-deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi received an invitation to deliver a major address at the Clinton Global Initiative, a high-profile project of the foundation. Those who support the Global War on Terror should bear in mind that Haddad’s experience at the Clinton Foundation gave him the know-how to help build the terror apparatus, police state, and other oppressive institutions that would be required to turn Egypt into a totalitarian theocracy, which is the Brotherhood’s goal.”

Furthermore, one of the biggest human rights violators in the world is Saudi Arabia; however, when given the opportunity to call them out, the Clooneys do not. Amal had the perfect opportunity do so in her UAE speech last week but no. She went on about Tweeting, instead. Why? The Saudis are huge financial contributors to Mrs. Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the democrat party.


A few examples of the human rights violations committed by this nation enabled by the silence and payoffs to those who claim to support the oppressed:

  • In October 2014, three lawyers, Dr.  Abdulrahman al-Subaihi, Bander al-Nogaithan and Abdulrahman al-Rumaih , were sentenced to up to eight years in prison for using Twitter to criticize the Ministry of Justice.
  • In March 2015, Yemen’s Sunni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi was forced into exile after a Shia-led insurgency. A Saudi Arabia-led coalition has responded with air strikes in order to reinstate Mr Hadi. It has since been accused of committing war crimes in the country.
  • Women who supported the Women2Drive campaign, launched in 2011 to challenge the ban on women driving vehicles, faced harassment and intimidation by the authorities. The government warned that women drivers would face arrest.
  • All public gatherings are prohibited under an order issued by the Interior Ministry in 2011. Those defy the ban face arrest, prosecution and imprisonment on charges such as “inciting people against the authorities”.
  • In March 2014, the Interior Ministry stated that authorities had deported over 370,000 foreign migrants and that 18,000 others were in detention. Thousands of workers were returned to Somalia and other states where they were at risk of human rights abuses, with large numbers also returned to Yemen, in order to open more jobs to Saudi Arabians. Many migrants reported that prior to their deportation they had been packed into overcrowded makeshift detention facilities where they received little food and water and were abused by guards.
  • Raif Badawi was sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for using his liberal blog to criticize Saudi Arabia’s clerics. He has already received 50 lashes, which have reportedly left him in poor health.
  • Dawood al-Marhoon was arrested aged 17 for participating in an anti-government protest. After refusing to spy on his fellow protestors, he was tortured and forced to sign a blank document that would later contain his ‘confession’. At Dawood’s trial, the prosecution requested death by crucifixion while refusing him a lawyer.
  • Ali Mohammed al-Nimr was arrested in 2012 aged either 16 or 17 for participating in protests during the Arab spring. His sentence includes beheading and crucifixion. He is the nephew of a prominent government dissident.

Further proof of Hillary’s “human rights” hypocrisy via Saudi Arabia came with her “Email Scandal”.  The emails showed that as Secretary of State, “Hillary Clinton made weapons transfer to the Saudi government a ‘top priority,’ according to her closest military aide. These emails showed that her aides kept her well-informed of the approval process for a $29.4 billion sale in 2011 of up to 84 advanced F-15SA fighters, manufactured by Boeing, along with upgrades to the pre-existing Saudi fleet of 70 F-15 aircraft and munitions, spare parts, training, maintenance, and logistics. The deal was finalized on Christmas Eve 2011. Afterward, Jake Sullivan, then Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and now a senior policy adviser on her presidential campaign, sent her a celebratory email string topped with the chipper message: ‘FYI — good news.’  Said fighters were used in a brutal Saudi air campaign in Yemen which killed at least 2,800 civilians and could amount to war crimes. War crimes? Clooney also said in her statement the other day that the “the loudest voices out there today…. thinks that committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again”.  Seems that ways in voting for Hillary.

Clooneys English Manor Finished.JPG

However, as she, her hubby, and Hillary run around as the “loudest voices” for putting illegals over citizens, none of them have offered to house any of these “refugees” in their mega mansion nor have they offered to fund any of them directly. Hillary has armed secret service protection. George had special privacy laws made for him and Amal in Italy. He has a fence and CCTV at their English estate.  In addition, when George and Amal met with  “refugees” after their staged visit with Angela Merkel,itwas not a refugee camp but in a nicely furnished politician’s office with handpicked “refugees”…conveniently a woman and a child…with Amal dressed in her thousandsof dollars of haute couture, full blow out, and done face.  At least when Angelina Jolie plays the role, she dresses down and  appears in a camp, even if it is raining. Of course, as two of the “loudest voices out there”, the Clooney’s job is to “narrative craft”, which is to scream “xenophobia” if one should question mass influx of unvetted migrants into one’s country instead of protecting the “human rights” of those oppressed by said unvetted migrants such as the Rotherdam  in the UK where it

is estimated that 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men, that was covered up for fear of “giving oxygen” to racism and 2015 New Year’s Eve attacks in  Cologne, Germany where over 500 women reported being raped or sexually assaulted.


Sure….let’s listen to Hillary, the one “adult in the room”, who takes selfies with the Kardashians.


It is no surprise, then, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) , the George Soros backed/Clooney friend Ed Miliband run “humanitarian” organization currently under investigation for fraud, announced a joint partnership with the 100 LIVES to “fund a

Clooneys Milliband Soros IRC

research program that will enable the IRC to provide vital assistance in the form of reliable and accountable cash distribution to those affected by the conflict in Syria”. Perhaps this “Cash First Roadmap” is the reason for the fraud investigation. It is listed as a “yearlong campaign which will propose a methodology to identify the country-level barriers to wider cash transfer programming but also inform the means to address them”. The IRC, which currently “deploys cash assistance to more than 113,000 beneficiaries in 19 countries, will use the Roadmap to further increase its capacity to implement cash programming, and shift focus away from the provision of less-effective, in-kind assistance”. They’re not even trying to hide their charity as a possible money laundering scheme anymore.  Miliband is getting a six figure salary asPresident of this non-profit. Anyway, remember the moderator for Gareth Evans’s panel at the Aurora Dialogues was Gillian Sorensen, board member of the International Rescue Committee and senior advisor at the United Nations FoundationShe made the ridiculous claim that all Americans “were refugees at one point” to advocate for open borders.


These “affected by the Syrian conflict” individuals are not necessarily Syrian and less than 1% Christian.  They are being dropped off by the busloads unvetted in rural areasin the U.S such as Montana and Idaho and, unlike immigrants of the early 20th century, are not  assimilating,thus ignoring our Constitution while supporting Sharia law, and they are nor working as a large majority go on taxpayer funded welfare.  The Clooneys support the IRC for their “refugee resettlement” agenda in the U.S which has imported Muslims to terrorize citizens in Minnesota and to use threats from

Obama appointed judges to keep citizens from speaking out about the rape of a five year old girl in Idaho at the hands of these Iraqi and Sudanese “children migrants” that Amal Clooney is going to claim she supports.  Haven’t heard about either? “Control the narrative”.


All these ties to corruption are surely just coincidental and George in no way condones them…even though he continues to support and advocate for it as “humanitarian” leading to the July 31 “Darfur fundraising” event in Italy.  Darfur. George has made nada a mention about it since the referendum.  Correction…he has, with Soros lackey Prendergast, written to the US government begging for more taxpayer money to be sent to his “charities” to “help with the dire humanitarian crisis” there. No. Sorry.  This story is getting old. Use his own money or show itemized, detail reports as to where all of this taxpayer money has gone.  It’s certainly not to those in South Sudan.  Nespresso has the coffee, Clooney has a fat Nespresso contract, and Technoserve, of which Soros’s brother Paul was a board member, is making bank off their crony contract with Nespresso.  See?  All the “right” people made the money.  As this “Darfur fundraiser” was held on July 31, reports were still coming that for as fast as migrants are being processed out of the Como area, more kept arriving.  They are setting up camp in the 1% region, and Mr. Democracy’s neighbors are NOT pleased.  This was also just after the Democrat Convention, the DNC leaks discuss the “refugee” crisis and to complain about Trump.  Valerie Jarrett is also seen in several of the online shots sipping alcohol from an expensive flute wearing a designer beige suit. You know Valerie Jarrett?  Longtime Clooney friend. Iranian Muslim who promised to bring the United States to its knees during Obama’s second term?  Haven’t heard about any? “Control the narrative”.


The Yazidis & The Sentry

Amal Clooney has signed on to “represent” ISIS survivor Nadia Murad to “prosecute the perpetrators of this genocide”.  How she plans on doing that remains a mystery.  Regardless, in spite of all we know about these two…her family connections to ISIS, their support of radical Islam, their hate for Israel and the democratic west …how are we to believe that Amal is now going to “represent” an ISIS survivor?  We can believe it because (1) she’s a famewhore, (2) she has no soul when it comes to “winning” and (3) it’s the perfect PR case for a restaging of their “humanitarian” facade. Remember, Amal only “represents” as in “brings the press”. She doesn’t actually ever DO anything to legally help her clients. Fear, manipulation, lies, mocking democracy…never is it legit. In any event, timing is always an issue for the Clooneys.  Nadia Mourad and the Yazidis fell into their laps. Let’s follow the timeline and just leave it at that for now, keeping in mind the end game is border disintegration:

August 2014:              Yazidi genocide


September 2014:        Clooney Wedding


December 15th 2015:   Nadia addresses the United Nations Security Council


January 2016 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recognizes ISIS killing of religious minorities as genocide

February 15th 2016 Nadia campaigns in the UK


March 2016:              John Kerry declares US recognizes Yazidi massacre as genocide

April 2016:                 Matthew Barber no longer Executive Director of Yazda; now Ahmed Kudida Burjus.  Matthew served as an advocate for the Yazidi community following the crisis 2014-1015. He is now a “branch director” working on his PhD at the University of Chicago.


14        European Parliament recognizes ISIS killing of religious minorities as  genocide

18        John Jones , Amal Clooney’s co-counsel at DSC, commits “suicide”


21        MPs defy Cameron; vote unanimously to classify the treatment of Yazidis and Christians by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) as genocide

23        Nadia Murad speaks in Yerevan, Armenia


24        George Clooney &  his handlers hit the jackpot for their push open borders as “humanitarian” during the “100 Lives” event in Armenia.  With Nadia as a guest, they put on quite the show.

May 2016:                 

12        Cannes Film Festival


28        Meeting with the Pope


June 2016:                 

9          announcement that Amal Clooney will represent ISIS survivor Nadia Murad and other Yazidi genocide victims

14        all the correct bullying done, Amal can now release her statement:  “The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the U.S. government and the U.K. House of Commons have all recognized that there is a genocide being perpetrated by IS against the Yazidis in Iraq,” said Amal, who is married to Hollywood actor George Clooney in a statement to New York Times. She added that it was difficult for her to understand how such a heinous crime was being committed before everyone’s eyes and the perpetrators were not being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.”  No…she understands.  The reason the U.S. and UK held off on declaring this a genocide is because they do not normally during times of war so that proper war crimes can be prosecuted by the courts. It is not for governments to be the prosecutor, the judge or indeed jury, unless, of course, one is trying to establish a global governance over the laws of sovereign nations.

17           UN Recognises Yazidi Genocide

17        Amal Clooney and Yazda-Deputy Executive Director Ahmed Khudida Burjus Meet with UK Government (or at least the picture posted on Instagram was supposed to have given that impression). Until at least April of this year Matthew Barber was executive director of Yazda  who had conducted research among the Yazidis in Iraqi Kurdistan and was living there when IS attempted their genocide of the minority.


21        Senate hearings with Nadia Murad

“During the testimony, Democratic Sen. Tom Carper (Del.) asked whether or not the U.S. should accept more refugees from the Middle East, something Donald Trump says needs to be halted.

“Every country has the right to protect itself and its borders,” Murad replied, “but the people who are escaping from the religious discrimination and genocide should not face closed doors.”

23        SCOTUS decision—Obama’s executive amnesty unconstitutional

23        Brexit wins in the UK

29        John Jones memorial The Hague

July 2016:                  

6          John Jones memorial London

9          Nadia calls on UK to take more refugees

August 2016 :            

21        Inquest rules John Jones death not a suicide

24        Nadia spoke at The University of Queensland, Australia where the UQ Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect Director Professor Alex Bellamy said the horrific suffering of the Yazidi people at the hands of the so-called Islamic State should be a wakeup call to the world.  “We need to redouble efforts to fulfil the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and shield the world’s most vulnerable people from atrocity crimes,” he said.

And here we are.  The Responsibility to Protect, which gives the UN the authority to erase the borders of any sovereign nation as it sees fit if they can make anything close to a “humanitarian” claim as the reason, has entered the conversation just as Amal and her handlers seem to have gotten a grip on their massive losses in June.  Keep in mind this about the R2P:

“Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the

global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration

to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.

The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state’s borders under certain conditions.  Libya regarded as test of global doctrine

The joint U.S. and international air strikes targeting Libya are widely regarded as a test of Responsibility to Protect ­ which is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility.

According to the principle, any state’s sovereignty can be overrun, including with the use of military force, if the international community decides it must act to halt what it determines to be genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing.

The term “war crimes” has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.

An organization calling itself the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect is the world’s leading champion of the doctrine.

Activist Gareth Evans, who sits on the global group’s advisory board, is widely regarded as the founder of the Responsibility to Protect principle.”

Gareth Evans is President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group and Aurora Prize Selection Committee Member, who gave a keynote speech on his pioneering work with the Responsibility to Protect commitment and his contributions to conflict prevention and resolution at the “Aurora Dialogues” in April titled Saving the World’s Refugees, Syria and Beyond. The distinguished panel then discussed “the root causes of forced migration, assess what can be learnt from history, and discuss the ways in which the humanitarian community can work in collaboration with institutions to address these issues”.  Oh…and he is Australian which might explain Amal’s upcoming speaking gigs there.  Then again, it just came across the wire that those speaking engagements were cancelled.  Reason? Says she has to be in The Hague for court because she didn’t know that before or it’s for Nadia and she needs to be there as the pop culture representative.  As such, expect the “public shaming” option that the globalists push when they have lost the argument to come full force demanding the U.S. and UK open their borders to “protect the women and children” while those who support the rise of the right in the rest of Europe and the U.S. are “xenophobic” and bigoted. Oh…and anti Trump. Lots and lots of Trump hating…..

Remember this is not about ISIS or radical Islam. This is about facilitating the open borders/the destruction of sovereign nations narrative as “humanitarian”. If this girl was not a Nobel Prize UN darling with a high public profile, Amal would probably have nothing to do with her.Please understand, as with Elie Weisel, there is no intent to make light of any of the horrors this girl faced. Actually, it is sickening that the Clooneys are using her for personal gain.  It’s all part of the plan, though.  The Clooneys remain silent on the women and children raped and murdered by the “refugees” who have been allowed passage via the Clooneys politics. Anyone who second guesses this unvetted migrant push after events such as such as Rotherdam, the New Year’s Eve German assaults, the Swedish rapes, or the aforementioned rape of that disabled 5 year old girl in Idaho are deemed “xenophobes”. How else might one guess this is all for show? Murad also said (or a publicist did), that “Amal and George received me at their home and opened for me their hearts. “They listened passionately to my story, and Amal gifted me by representing my case. Amal gave me renewed hope by being my voice.” Gifted with her presence? Angel of Mercy. This is a supposedly a DSC case. If so, why was she at their home and not at the office? What does George have to do with it? Nothing because it is all for show. She is only making noise now because the media and public platform is there to help call for ousting Assad, something she has worked with the UN regarding for a long time…long before ISIS….while pushing open borders for “refugees” as Murad’s case also provides an opportunity for the great “humanitarians” to make their mark. The trifecta.  Amal managed to get the memo that photo ops with those who appear to be actual refugees might work better than staged appearances with the cost of her outfits updated on her fashion blog since she took a camera with her to Greece.

Keep in mind, however, that the same day the elites in D.C. fawned all over this girl as she gave her testimony before the Senate was the same day the drums renewed publicly for military intervention in Syria to stop ISIS. No one from the Obama administration showed up the day before to Ted Cruz’s inquiry regarding the influx of the Muslim Brotherhood into our highest ranking government positions and the threat that is radical Islam. They all went back to the “xenophobe” name calling. It’s all about “controlling the narrative” for the perpetual war that globalists need to thrive.

As for George’s big press conference scheduled for Monday, September 12th in Washington D.C. regarding his project “The Sentry”, which is an initiative of the “Enough” project…remember these are all George Soros backed initiatives.  “Enough” is housed in Soros’s “Center for American ‘Progress’” which was designed to elect Hillary Clinton.  She helped in its creation.  The “Enough” Project’s s co-founders, John Prendergast and Gayle Smith, work for CAP/Soros.  This was established in 2006 to “seek to build leverage for peace and justice in Africa by helping to create real consequences for the perpetrators and facilitators of genocide and other mass atrocities” which it has not.  One could argue it’s all gotten worse.  In any event, everything the Clooneys do is for personal financial and political gain. EVERYTHING.  They do this through media and language manipulation. This is no different and why “The Sentry” was seemingly contrived.


Note the language of “The Sentry” has shifted from genocide in Africa to “Following the money that funds atrocities and crimes against humanity in order to track and analyze how armed conflict and atrocities are financed, sustained, and monetized, The Sentry uses open source data collection, field research, and state-of-the-art network data analysis technology, and works in partnership with local and international civil society organizations, journalists, and governments”.  Really. This is coming from a guy who is funded by a billionaire who purposely dismantles economies of sovereign nations for political control and financial enrichment, lives of the “baskets of deplorables” be damned, and whose wife’s uncle is one of the biggest arms dealers in the world.  Soros and Clinton are also two of the biggest warmongers on the planet…from Bosnia to Libya to Yugoslavia to Syria to the Ukraine + Armenia with Russia…two areas in which the Clooneys are currently involved as “humanitarians” are areas where Soros has positioned himself to agitate Putin into World War III.  If “The Sentry” is so concerned about following the money that funds atrocities and crimes against humanity, it would start with Soros.  However, The Sentry is a SOROS INITIATIVE designed not only to make George Clooney look good and to deflect from Soros but to help agenda push which is why the next question that any sane person should ask is…Australia?  Really?  Of course….


Already noted related to Australia is George’s association with Gareth Evans.  Evans is not only the founder of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, he is also one of Clooney’s handlers. He is also Australian.  This press conference September 12th will cover the last two years. Know what happened in Australia two years ago?  The “boats stopped”.  The Australian version of a “conservative right wing” party took over, led by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and stopped the “boats” of unvetted illegalimmigrants. The argument here is that Clooney and company are working to publicly shame Australia as a result.  Again… public shaming is a part of their doctrine from “climate change” to “refugees” to “open borders” to “xenophobia”.  Then there are the other ties to Australia, most notably Amal’s cousin-in-law, Daniel Dubiecki, co-producer of Clooney’s “Money Monster” released this past summer, is Australian. Amal’s family has a large Australian presence.  Nadia’s visit to Australia in August was co-sponsored by the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.  In any event, expect a lot of chastising of the west, pushing of open borders, and denigration of Trump and his supporters.

The Clooney Foundation of Justice!

The Clooney Foundation of Justice!


This brings us to the Gloablist Supercouple’s appearance at the UN in September.  Amal paraded Nadia around like a war trophy for photo ops at work.  However, when she was out with her on the streets of NYC for her daily $10K/outfit pap walk extravaganza Nadia was either M.I.A. or walking behind her, head down, in an outfit looked to have been purchased at a thrift shop.  In any event, as UN leaders took to the floor to bash Israel, promote globalism, especially “President” Obama, the Clooneys got ready for their great “humanitarian” push. First Amal took her token refugee to the UN floor where she, you guessed it, “shamed” the world:


I am ashamed as a supporter of the UN that States are failing to prevent or even to punish genocide because they find that their own interests get in the way.

I am ashamed as a lawyer that there is no justice being done and mereley a complain being made about it.

I am ashamed as a woman that girls like Nadia can have their bodies sold and used as battlefields.

I am ashamed as a human being that we ignore their cries for help”.

Again…this is the same woman who lobbied to not only save the Lockerbie bomber from execution but petitioned to have him released. His terrorism has killed a lot of innocent women and children. Regardless, she sat and posed like a concerned mommy for poor Nadia.  The media ate up her “strong feminism”,  pushed her great (non

existent) “human rights” record, and, of course, the haute couture.  And, of course, she and Nadia were interviewed on NBC.  See the chapter on the Nasheed case plus the DNC leaks for the reasoning behind that network specifically.

The next day, the self appointed UN Supercouple arrived, press in tow, holding hands only as awkwardly as they can. The elementary school type handholding continued at the conference table for all the world to see how ‘in love’ they were around their


second wedding anniversary.  President Obama, who pledged $500 million in taxpayer money back in 2014, used this “crisis” to again push for open borders while promising the US would take over 350,000 “refugees” next year,  stated that “private business” would put up an additional $650 million to help with not only the “resettlement” of “refugees” but also to build a school for “refugees” in Amal’s native Lebanon.  Almost immediately after, George Soros promised another $500 million.  The Clooneys are going to build a school in Lebanon.  One would think food, water, shelter…basic life necessities would preciptate this…but look back over the “100 Lives” initiative and the other two “education” initiatives to which the Clooneys have attached their names.  That’s $1.65 BILLION DOLLARS, much of it from US taxpayers, to push the open borders agenda because that is the bottom line.


Remember George Clooney has spent decades with the likes of George Soros, Vartan Gregorian, Ruben Vardanyan, the Clintons, the Obamas, and John Podesta. He has learned the art of uses or creating catastrophes for personal, financial, and political gain.  Here is how it works.  Nothing (or very little) ever comes out of their pockets. The money has, therefore, has to come from somewhere.  Where better then the world’s middle class? Redistributing their wealth to the third world while pocketing the rest as a matter of “humanitarian aid” as they work to erase borders for global governance has made the Clooneys very rich and their handlers very powerful.  For instance, Ed Milliband makes $600K/year as President of “Open Borders are the


Problem” George Soros’s International Rescue Committee “non-profit”.  They need to get the money from somewhere.  Amal said in Monacco earlier this year, and it states in their mission, that they have teamed up with “private” corporations to cover costs. Sure they have. This is how that works—Obama and Soros promise ONE BILLION (half taxpayer) dollars to the “CFJ”, they, in turn, funnel it to these “private” corporations as a bribe to employ these “refugees” at the expense of citizens, which they do for much less pay, as well as grease the palms of Senator/Governors to allow them to resettle there (like Patrick Lahey in Vermont, one of Amal’s favorites on the Hill).

That is probably what is going on here. Sounds much like the pay to play corruption of the Clinton Foundation, no? That would explain the timing. If Hilary wins/when she is coronated, the Clinton Foundation will have to relax a bit. Perhaps this “Clooney Foundation for Justice” is where they will funnel the corruption?  Their mission right now reads like an amalgam of the CGI, the “100 Lives”, and the others.  There is nothing new here. All globalist language, “libraries without borders”, etc.  It sounds like they don’t quite know what it is yet.  Obama stated, “Something called the Clooney Foundation for Justice – I don’t know what that is… They’re going to help children get an education,” Obama said, joking as he thanked other companies for helping in job placement, housing, financial services and health care. Obama’s address to the General Assembly earlier emphasized his continued support for globalization. Yes, we know. Sounds like a grand conspiracy? Look at some of the “private corporations” involved and how they tie to this agenda:

American Express    Illegals are big business for them:  “Offering credit to undocumented immigrants is controversial, and some lenders may choose not to do so for that reason. But it’s not illegal. There is no requirement that lenders verify a person’s citizenship or immigration status before issuing them credit, or check their Social Security number… For the banks that do business with undocumented immigrants, issuing them credit is often a matter of market share.” Jamie Dimon’s dad, Theodore, was executive vice president at Amex.  He joined his dad there after graduation.

CITIcheap loans to illegalsCitibank is quietly providing home loans to illegal aliens at better rates than they offer to citizens.”   Jamie Dimon moved here after leaving American Express.

GE Foundation GE is a big example the left likes to use as “the rich don’t pay taxes but illegals do”.  Participation as payoff?

HBO in bed with Soros from “Newsroom” “The episode for Monday, July 9 was a Tea Party bashing extravaganza filled with all sorts of smears of Tea Partiers, of Rep. Michele Bachmann (who correctly pegged the Muslim invasion in 2010) and all things conservative. During this same episode one of the characters favorably mentions Soros-funded Think Progress “to “Meet the Donors:  Does Money Talk?” bashing the Koch Brothers and Citizens United.

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon – Worked at American Express, helped assemble the aforementioned Citigroup Inc, a big participant involved in the 2008 market crisis as one of the banks that was “too big to fail”:

Jamie Dimon, the bank’s CEO and Chairman, has faced a host of scandals in relation to his management of the megabank, including the loss of roughly $6 billion through the London branch of the bank — losses that Dimon was accused of hiding. A 300-page report by the U.S. Senate, investigating the “creative accounting” of JPMorgan, noted that the bank “hid losses, did not share information with its regulators, and misled the public” in what one banking regulator referred to as “make believe voodoo magic.” Stated bluntly in The New York Times, JPMorgan Chase, the largest derivatives dealer in the world, “is too big to regulate.”…

In the midst of the financial crisis in 2008, JPMorgan Chase became not only a major criminal, but also a prime beneficiary. ..JPMorgan Chase was using bailout money from the government to purchase other banks and companies. As one executive at the bank commented in regards to a $25 billion bailout from the government, “I think there are going to be some great opportunities for us to grow in this environment.” The banks repaid the bailout loans from other bailout funds they got from government, siphoning off taxpayer money back and forth and rewarding them for their risky behavior. One university study noted that banks with political access – whether through lobbying efforts or board membership on the Fed – were more likely to get bailout funds, and in bigger numbers, than other banks. Notably among the most politically connected banks were Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley.

According to a 2012 study by the International Monetary Fund and Bloomberg magazine, JPMorgan Chase continues to receive government support far beyond the bailouts, as it is a major recipient of corporate welfare and state subsidies. In fact, according to the study, the biggest bank in the world gets roughly $14 billion per year in state subsidies and welfare, largely helping “the bank pay big salaries and bonuses.”

Procter & Gamble Chief Human Resources Officer Mark F. Biegger signed the letter (pushing amnesty) announced plans to cut 5,700 jobs in 2012. (cheap labor)

Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) (cheap labor):

“However, a cursory inspection of the situation reveals that immigration reform is not a humanitarian cause for Zuckerberg, but one that stands to greatly benefit him personally by making his company more profitable at the expense of American workers.

Zuckerberg awarded himself a record $2.3 billion in compensation in 2012, while his company not only did not pay any taxes on over $1 billion in revenue, Facebook received major tax refunds from the state and federal governments. Many Republicans who oppose increased spending on welfare benefits for individuals have no problem supporting corporate welfare payouts to billionaire CEOs.  They do so with the understanding that some of this largesse will flow back into campaign coffers, and will grease the skids of corporate lobbying in D.C.

According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks such issues as lobbying and campaign spending, Facebook has spent over $6.4 million lobbying the federal government in 2013 (spending $3.9 million in 2012), and its contribution to political candidates have increased eightfold between 2008 and 2012. Facebook has actively lobbied in support of S.744, which would raise the annual cap on H-1B nonimmigrant (temporary) guest workers from 65,000 to 180,000 and would eliminate the ceiling on green cards for foreign STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workers.

Facebook also lobbied in favor of House bill H.R. 2131, which would increase the available STEM visa pool so that companies such as Facebook could import more workers, thus displacing native workers and driving down overall wages. The obstacle to  passing a stand-alone STEM bill is that the Democratic Party will only agree to vote for it if it is combined with blanket amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens. This is the real motivation guiding Mark Zuckerberg’s “selfless” pursuit of comprehensive immigration reform…

It should come as no surprise that Zuckerberg would get something in return for pumping millions of dollars into D.C., and what he got was a key provision in S.744 that is commonly referred to as the “Facebook Loophole.”

Tech companies routinely use the H-1B visa program to employ foreign workers at a discount compared to U.S. workers. Under the current law, employers whose workforce includes 15 percent or more of H-1B workers (known as H-1B-dependent employers) must pay higher fees and wages. In order to hire more foreign tech workers without exceeding the 15 percent threshold, Facebook was able to persuade the authors of S.744 to exempt so-called “intending immigrants” (a newly created term for H-1B workers that an employer sponsors for a green card) when determining whether an employer is an H-1B-dependent employer. The green card application filed on behalf of an H-1B worker does not have to be meritorious or even approved by the government; it only has to be “pending.”

This so-called “Facebook loophole” guarantees Zuckerberg a nearly endless supply of cheaper high-tech labor and introduces additional hurdles for experienced U.S. tech workers to find employment. But S.744 also allows Facebook to legally bypass qualified American workers. In the original bill there was a provision that required employers to “attest” that they could not find a qualified domestic worker before hiring an H-1B. This restriction was very weak and easy to circumvent, but it at least allowed employers to be penalized for knowingly discriminating against American workers.Facebook was instrumental in securing the passage of an amendment that stripped out even these minimal protections.”

Twitter is now under Saudi control

“Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, who in 2011 invested $300 million in the social network, now owns 34.9 million shares of Twitter’s common stock, according to a new regulatory filing (pdf).  At nearly 5.2%, his stake in the company is now larger than that of Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s co-founder and newly re-minted CEO, whose 21.86 million shares give him 3.2% of the company, according to FactSet. (The prince previously had a stake of roughly 3%.)”

Uber primary investor is Iranian Muslim Shervin Pishevar host of the George Clooney fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in San Francisco.


“American company Chobani has decided to give 30% of jobs in Idaho to Middle Eastern refugees. Chobani, which is owned by a Turkish Muslim immigrant, has already given 30 percent of its 600 jobs in Twin Falls, Idaho to Middle Eastern refugees who recently resettled in the country, according to an exclusive report by World Net Daily.

Many people first heard about the Twin Falls refugee resettlement program when a five-year-old girl was raped at the hands of three refugee boys. More recently, a Muslim refugee molested a mentally retarded woman. Those stories led to a look at the wider conditions that led to refugee resettlement in the state of Idaho, a situation connected to the drive for cheap labor by the local food processing industry that Chobani is a major part of.

Although he’s hailed as an entrepreneur, in the era of globalism, big government and big business are intermeshed and the rise of Chobani is a prime example of this new reality. Hamdi Ulukaya has used local, state and federal resources of the United States government at every stage of his business growth.

Even since the $800,000 Small Business Administration loan that Ulukaya took out to open his first factory, Ulukaya’s love affair with oligarchy has only grown.

Ulukaya has made a number of appearances at CGI, including a one-on-one with Bill Clinton in 2015 where Al-Monitor reported that Ulukaya spoke about advancing refugee migration into the U.S. and around the world, saying that “writing checks is not enough.”

The head of the Clooney Foundation for “Justice” is none other than “human rights” lawyer David Pressman who the Los Angeles Times in 2008 referred to as “George Clooney’s consigliere” as he co-founded the first “humanitarian” Clooney initiative “Not On Our Watch”, which led to the “Enough” Project which led to the Satellite Sentinel Project which led to The Sentry.  He clerked at the Southern Poverty Law Center, currently a radical leftist hate group which uses it’s $200 million slush fund as a “weapon to advance a far-left agenda and a device to raise money from gullible liberals”.  Also, not surprisingly, the SPLC is a source of “authoritative” information for the George Soros-funded Media Matters group, which specializes in smearing media organizations opposed to the Obama Administration agenda. Media Matters house Participant Media, which distributed most of Clooney’s propaganda films. A well laid out explanation of the Marxist smear campaign against patriotic Americans put forth by this Clooney “justice” exists here.

The UN Frankenbabies

With the triggering of Article 50 to facilitate Brexit looming, the unfathomable victory of Donald Trump, and Dutch and French elections to come which promise more populist uprisings, the Clooney dream of a one world governance of which they would assume their pay to play positions has died.  What to do to stay relevant? Pro create, of course.  Yes, Amal Clooney is supposedly pregnant with George Clooney’s twins. Actually if she is pregnant, which is highly doubtful, these kids belong to their globalist handlers of the UN. Vartan Gregorian, George Soros and the others who financially support George Clooney through his “humanitarian” projects as well as provide many of Amal Clooney’s “clients” probably mandated these “designer twins” as part of the marriage by the UN as the symbolic merger of radical Islam and the radical leftist ideology designed to destroy the west. The Clooneys have hidden behind their “humanitarian” platform to enrich themselves financially and politically pushing their nation building while spreading radical Islam as they sell out those for whom they claim to fight for a long time. Now, as their “UN SuperPower Couple” title eludes them, their “humanitarian” fraud has been exposed, and the millions spent by their handlers to ensure their global rule has been for naught, they’re providing custom made babies to the UN to perpetrate their future hate and elitism.

Hillary’s impending coronation was where the globalists would stop the populist uprisings and re-establish their dominance. Clooney had been selling out the economies, souls, and sovereignties of all the “little people” for whom he claimed to fight behind the scenes for almost two decades. It was his time, dammit, to get that ambassadorship or cabinet position he didn’t work to earn but paid to play.  He even went so far as to attempt to normalize radical Islam through pop culture by marrying the Muslim Brotherhood defending Amal thinking his PR could pull it off as “happily ever after” for a political position. A half-assed actor, he did not do well in selling this marriage on his press tours because anyone who has followed his career knows he has no interest in being married. Then her parents were adamant since day one that children would follow.  Many doubted that. He couldn’t sell the marriage. How was he going to sell a kid?  A year into the marriage, George was still not feeling it.  When asked about having kids almost a year into the marriage, he replied, “It hasn’t been high on my list.”  Rumblings of divorce were imminent.  Most of Clooney’s “relationships” last for two years. The timing was right on schedule. Perhaps his “guys trip” to Jackson Hole, WY which just happened to coincide with the Economic Policy Symposium had something to do with him hanging in there? The

babies had not been created yet. He still had time to get out.  Rande tried to re-establish themselves as “everyday American guys” on his Instagram account. They even stayed at a hotel with a gun shop!  As this trip played out, members of the Carnegie Foundation and World Bank happened to be in this same random location. He returned, the fetuses were implanted, and took.  Now, instead of adopting a bunch of unvetted Syrian refugee children that he is pushing on the rest of the world, he is selling out the lives of two innocent children all to hold onto his 1% lifestyle behind the gates of his mansions.

EXCLUSIVE: **STRICTLY NO WEB UNTIL 5:15PM GMT 12 JAN 2017**PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY** George and Amal Clooney take a late afternoon walk near their house in Sonning with Amal's brother Samer Alamuddin.

Did his Soros and Gregorian tell him he was going through with it? The election had not yet happened.  If they wanted to use this “marriage” as PR platform to push “Islam and the Leftism” as “Islam and the west’, a human created from George and Amal’s DNA symbolizes that perfectly. Not even Angelina Jolie has a kid with DNA from a guy with radical Islam ties.  The Clooneys have already copped to IVF, confirmed by Julie Chen of CBS.  That is very odd for George. Usually his rep Stan Rosenfield releases a statement one way or the other. Clooney is always in control of his public persona through his people. Not this time.  Leaks started with “family members in Lebanon”. Nothing from the Clooney camp.  Then a staged  “bump” pap walk at their place in England followed.  Next they went to Davos and the World Economic Forum where they held a symposium for the “Clooney Foundation for Justice” whose mission is to “advance justice in courtrooms, communities and classrooms around the world”. If that does not summarize the Soros/Gregorian agenda as described above, what does?  This symposium, by the way, had no press there.  Narrative control.  The pictures that were released showed George looking non-plussed.  Post-election was supposed to be so different.  Amal and George were to have arrived with plans to save humanity from itself with proud “grandpa” Soros in the room looking on as Amal claimed to be 5 months pregnant with twins in this picture.  Thelast day of the Davos conference was January 20th, Inauguration Day. The elites could have flown back to D.C. to watch Hillary’s swearing in and their agendas re-established, the Clooneys UN SuperPower Copule status solidified with the UN Frankentwins on their way to solidify their legacy…instead Julie Chen makes the announcement on CBS while Soros rails against Trump from Davos.  Why Julie Chen? She’s married to Les Moonves of CBS who has David Rhodes as President of CBS News.  David is brother to Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor to Obama, who sold the Iran Deal with a “marketing strategy (that) took advantage of the ‘absence of rational discourse’ and utilized outside groups, including Ploughshares”.   Ploughshares is in turn financed by Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Buffett Foundation, Gergorian’s Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation. Rhodes also tends to vacation in Lake Como with George Clooney.  This does not serve to quell the notion that the “marriage” and the “children” are political arrangements.


Just before the “official” announcement by Chen, a two day “family outing” occurred in Barcelona where Nick Clooney interviewed Amal. Remember when Nick and Nina Clooney were proud Americans and God fearing Catholics? Good times. Remember, they are from a family of actors.  “Fake” pays the bills.  Although, Nick is looking non-plussed in these pictures, not his usual jovial-with-the-press self.  After this, George was seen in Kentucky hawking his Casamigos tequila. No Amal.  His mother then reportedly gave a statement where she “gushed” that she and Nick were “told together” and that it would be “one of each”.  More “narrative crafting” at Chez Clooney? George must have missed the memo because in the interviews the week before he was due to receive some award at a French film festival that was led by child rapist Roman Polanski until a bunch of women protested, he declared, “I don’t know where this rumor comes from that we’re going to have a boy and a girl. We ourselves don’t know yet and don’t want to know,” he told the French outlet Paris Match (via People) in a new interview. He does realize he just threw his mother under the bus? It’s not like George to get his talking points wrong even the points themselves are inaccurate.  George never wanted kids. Still doesn’t.  No one expects George to have anything to do with these kids.  Many suspect they’re not even his. Was it his trade off for post election power which is now diminished? Who knows? We might not ever know. We do know that he is now free to go out with Rande solo whenever he wants now.

Three days before the awards ceremony, Amal stepped out in London supposedly almost 6 months pregnant with twins in an outfit that revealed not even the hint of a bump. Award night? TA DA! There’s a bump. Six months with twins? Uh…probably not. But we’ll get to hear all about her “radiance” and “glow”, I’m sure, as George gets up on the stage and pontificates the talking points provided to him at Davos which, at this rate, seem to be “demagogue”, “elitist”, “fascism”, and “fakenews” which is rich considering he is the post child for ALL OF THESE.  Let’s wait for him to remind us of who “we” are….right…

Poor George…the world has rejected everything for which he stands and his cover has been blown. He will be remembered as a guy who sold his soul and the souls of two innocent children to pad his 1% life while destroying the lives of millions and the sovereignty of nations.  He should be tried with war crimes and crimes against humanity.

As Gregorian and Soros’s “Purple Revolution” hissy fit continues against Trump (it would have against whoever beat Hillary), as 56 groups with Soros ties appeared at the “Women’s March”, as their incessant non-grassroots protests with preprinted signs, prearranged chants, and schedules of events continue, the Clooneys attempt to divert with baby news as they contribute to the hissy fit behind the scenes whether it be at “refugee parties”

during Oscar week with the IRC, George lashing out at Trump and his “haters” during a acceptance speech for an award in migrant infested Paris, or sending their buddies, like

“The Fabulous Mr. Fox” co-star Meryl Streep, to bitch whine to the 99% about how ignorant they are. Berkeley burns, buildings are destroyed, people are attacked all because they’re candidate lost.  Amal Clooney made a return to her “look at me” ways in NYC on “International Women’s Day”, a communist day of “celebration” much like “Earth Day” and “May Day”, organized by a Palestinian terrorist and a Sharia Law supporting Muslim

and financed to the tune of over $200 million by Soros.  Reports focused on her “human rights” PR dossier, her “bump”, her $800 shoes, but no one seemed to know why she was at the UN on Wednesday and no one seems to know what “charity” event she attended last night dress like a Pepto Bismol bottle. Last time she was in New York at the UN, she secured $500 million on taxpayer money for “refugees” from Obama and the time before that she was on a “Restrain the Veto”mission to advocate for war in Syria. Today she appeared as a giant banana screeching for “JUSTICE! JUSTICE! JUSTICE!” against ISIS. She wants to know why nothing has been done to stop ISIS. Where, Amal? In the camps set up in each of the 50 states due to your open border push? In Europe where the same has occurred because of your politics? Should they start with your arms dealing uncle? How about Hillary and Obama since Wikileaks has proven they not only  enabled ISIS but armed them?  Doubtful. Syria? I’m guessing.  That’s why her token refugee made an appearance with her in the city.  Whatever it takes to invade Syria. Speaking of Wikileaks, amazing how Julian Assange has slipped off her resume as he unveils the depths of corruption the politicians with whom she affiliates?  Meanwhile, with her out of town, George and Rande were able to hang out in Los Angeles.

Amal Clooney’s PR dossier and biography are, upon further review, mostly false and completely misleading.  While the masses are now distracted by her “feminism”, “humanitarianism” and “haute couture”, really all she is doing is “assisting” on cases that benefit from her public forum to use pressure to do the “right” thing amid public outcries of support and logical fallacies, not winning in a courtroom with facts and reason.  Disagree with her false logic or call out her political beliefs and prepare be hit with the latest microagression to silence free speech-“islamophobia” or “xenophobia”. The antithesis of “American values”, she and her husband use their positions in pop culture to turn “free speech” into “controlled speech” in order propagate the globalist narrative, looking to destroy our sovereignty along the way. Goebbels and Hitler would be very proud.

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