Killing Kids: The NRA vs Planned Parenthood

In the aftermath of the horrific Parkland School shooting in Florida, Democrats were screaming for “something” to be done “to protect the children”. They scream “The (fill in the blank…NRA, GOP, POTUS) has blood on their hands!”  and so does “Any politician who takes money from them!”  Democrats project. They are marvelous at it. That … More Killing Kids: The NRA vs Planned Parenthood

Social Justice Kills

Social Justice Kills Enough. I have had enough “social justice” justified hate. It’s now killing our kids. Democrats need to get their justified hate under control or be recognized as the terror group they are. Far too long “regular Americans” have been shamed into silence for supporting the sovereignty of our nation. Pre-Obama most of … More Social Justice Kills

Casamigos Corruption

Trump’s first year brought forth the billion dollar sale of George Clooney, Rande Gerber and Mike Meldman ‘s Casamigos Tequila.  With ties to Hollywood’s assault/rape problem, the “charities” engulfed in fraud and child exploitation investigations, the corrupt democrats, Spygate/Russiagate, and just about every other corrupt political event uncovered during the populist uprisings of the mid … More Casamigos Corruption

Gulen, Flynn, Manfort, Clinton, Trump, Turkey, Ukraine

@chillum on Twitter has put thread after thread together on various paths in which the Podesta brothers, Tony and John, appear to be the ones in the pathway of Mueller’s Special Counsel.  Some of this might seem a little disjointed and/or out of order, but for the most part I tried to follow them as … More Gulen, Flynn, Manfort, Clinton, Trump, Turkey, Ukraine


Here is a quick rundown of what is happening in Michigan as a microcosm of what leftists expect for the country…the Islamic takeover through resettlement, elections, and education.  September 15, 2015 “Massive Crowd Chants ‘God Bless America’ after Michigan Mosque Voted Down”: “After weeks of contentious debate, the planning commission of Sterling Heights voted 9-0 … More Michiganistan

Dear College Students…

Dear College Students, If your college promises “critical thinking” as an outcome but partakes in the intentional misleading use of these terms, you should ask for a refund. Consider: The United States is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy. “Feelings” do not change “facts”. There is no “democratic socialism”. Socialism is socialism. Yes, Hitler was … More Dear College Students…